What is the difference between kwashiokar and marasmus l definition of kwashiokar and marasmus with symptoms l kwashiokar vs marasmus l how does kwashiokar differ from marasmus l how do you compare kwashiokar and marasmus l how do you distinguish kwashiokar from marasmus.
As you know that if the diet containing an indequate amount of nutrient is taken for a long time, deficiency disease occurs, these are caused by indequate proteins, calories, vitamins and minerals in diet, two important deficiency diseases are : Kwashiokar and Marasmus

What is the difference between kwashiokar and marasmus
What is definition and symptoms of kwashiokar
Definition of kwashiokar:- Kwashiokar is a protein deficiency disease, it is most widely spread kind of malnutrition, it commonly affects infants and children below 1 to 3 years of age. Symtoms of kwashiokar:- 1) underweight, stunted growth, poor brain development, and 2) loss of appetite and anaemia.
What is definition and symptoms of Marasmus
Definition of Marasmus:- Marasmus is the form of prolonged protein energy malnutrition which affects the infants under one year of age, it ia caused by deficiency of protein and total food calorie value. Symptoms of Marasmus:- 1) Impairs physical growth and regards mental development, and 2) subcutaneous fat disappears, ribs become very prominent.
What are causes and cure of kwashiokar?
Causes of kwashiokar:- the basic causes of kwashiokar are Protein deficient diet due to poverty and infectious diseases such as diarrhoea, measles etc. Cure of kwashiokar:- the adequate amount of protein like cereals, pulses, meat, fish, milk, cheese, leaf vegetable, groundnut, peas and beans should be taken proper amount.
What are causes and cure of marasmus?
Causes of Marasmus:- It is caused by simultaneous deficiency of proteins and total food caloric value. Cure of Marasmus:- Diet with adequate protein and proper caloric value should be given to the infants.
How do you compare between kwashiokar and marasmus ? when you compare between kwashiokar and marasmus, 1). Kwashiokar is a protein deficiency disease while marasmus is caused of form of protein energy malnutrition, 2). Kwashiokar affects babies between 1-3 years of age while marasmus affects infants under one year of age, and 3) In kwashiokar subcutaneous fat persists while in marasmus fat is used up, making ribs very prominent.
Hi guys in this article we know about definition of kwashiorkor and marasmus with causes,symptoms and cure compare/differences/ distinguish between kwashiokar and marasmus/ Kwashiokar vs Marasmus and comparison between kwashiokar and marasmus
How do you distinguish kwashiokar from marasmus? you can distinguish kwashiokar from marasmus are in the following points:- 1). Kwashiorkar is caused by deficiency of protein in the diet while marasmus is caused by prolong deficiency of protein and calorie in the diet, 2) in kwashiorkor skin and hair change colour while no change in skin and hair colour in marasmus, and 3) In kwashiokar oedema affects leg and face while in marasmus no oedema occurs.
How does kwashiokar differ from marasmus?, kwashiokar differ from marasmus in the following points:- 1) In Kwashiokar body becomes underweight while in marasmus body becomes very underweight, 2) In kwashiokar patients needs protein to recoup while in marasmus patients needs proteins as well as carbohydrates and fats to recover, and 3) In Kwashiokar subcutaneous fat persists while in marasmus subcutaneous fats is used up,making ribs very prominent.
What is the difference between Kwashiokar and Marasmus
This question is very important for class 8th,9th,10th, 11th and 12th students who are preparing for competitive and annual board examination.
Regarding this,” what is difference between Kwashiokar and Marasmus?, the main difference between Kwashiokar and Marasmus are the following:-1) kwashiokar is the deficiency of protein in the diet while marasmus is the caused by deficiency of protein and calories in the diet, 2) Kwashiokar commonly affects babies between 1-3 years of age while marasmus affects infants under one year of age, and 3)Appetite is reduced in kwashiorkor and no appetite is reduced in marasmus.
List the 5 main difference between Kwashiokar and Marasmus /comparison between kwashiokar and marasmus/distinguish between kwashiokar and marasmus / kwashiokar vs marasmus/ Differentiate between kwashiokar and marasmus are as follows:-
1. Kwashiokar is caused by deficiency of protein in diet while marasmus is caused by prolonged deficiency of proteins and calories in the diet
2. Kwashiokar commonly affects babies between 1-3 years of age while marasmus affects under one year of age.
3. In kwashiokar subcutaneous fat persists while marasmus affects infants under one year of age.
4. In kwashiokar oedema affects legs and face while no oedema occurs in marasmus.
5. In kwashiokar skin and hair change colour while no change in skin and hair colour.
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Important features and characteristics of kwashiokar
1. Kwashiokar is a protein deficiency disease.
2. It is the most widely spread kind of protein malnutrition.
3. It is characterized by edema and enlarged liver
4. kwashiorkar occur primarily in famine or poor food supply.
5. Due to kwashiokar , it can have a long -term impact on a child’s physical and mental development.
Important features and characteristics of Marasmus
1. Marasmus is disease form of severe malnutrition characterized by energy deficiency.
2). It occurs increases prior to age 1.
3. Marasmus is commonly represented by a shrunken, wasted appearance, loss of muscle mass.
4. It also makes children short-tempered and irritable.
5. children with marasmus should take proper protein and calories , antibiotics.
we have to take proper balanced diet containing carbohydrate fats calories value and proteins nutrients to avoid kwashiokar and marasmus.
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