MCQ ON MODERN TECHNIQUES IN DISEASE DIAGNOSIS class 12 for NEET | MODERN TECHNIQUES IN DISEASE DIAGNOSIS class 12 | MCQ MODERN TECHNIQUES IN DISEASE DIAGNOSIS with Answer | Check the below NCERT MCQ question for class 12 Biology based on the with Answers.
MCQ on MODERN TECHNIQUES IN DISEASE DIAGNOSIS class 12 Biology with answers were prepared based on the latest pattern.We have provided class 12 Biology MCQs question with Answers to help students understand the concept very well.
Blood essentially of fluid issue in closed within vessels which provides nourishment , affects exchange of gases and eats up the invading bacteria and viruses.
Present shop hemoglobin ine d blood sample is estimated with the help of sahli’s is dilution and color matching method.
Total Leucocytes count:- the number of white blood cells is specific in a particular species. It very considerablely In response to variety of factors. For example number of WBC in the blood increase after exercise during fever and infectious disease. The total WBC count is determined by complete medical examination.
Erthyrocytes Sedimentation Rate (ESR) :
It is a non specific test which has a great utility in follow up progress of the disease.
ELISA:- Elisa is very sensitive immunological and serological test employed to determine as unknown antigen with the help of known antibody.
Blood urea estimation:-
Area is the main nitrogenous excretory product excreted in the urine of ureotelic animals.
It is produced by liver cells from deaminated excess amino acid via area cycle.
Widal test:-widal test is a type of serological examination involving anti glutination. It is specific for surgical diagnosis of infectious disease typhoid.
Is an instrument which sense records the electrical forces produced by the heart muscle during cardiac cycle of contraction relaxation.
EEG records spontaneous electrical activity of the brain when the electrodes are placed on the scalp. The graphic recording is called electroencephalogram.
Animals that have had their DNA manipulated to exposes and express foreign genes are known as transgenic animals.
Transgenic mice, rabbits, pigs,sheep ,cows and fish have been produced, although over 95 % of all existing transgenic animals are mice.
Why are these animals being produced ? How can man benefit from such modifications .
Normal physiology and development: transgenic animals can be specifically designed to allowed study of how geans are regulated and how they affect the normal functions of the body and it’s developments for example study of complex factors involved in growth such age insulin like growth factor.
By introducing gene from the other species that elder the functions of this factor and studying the biological effects that result information is obtained about the biological role of the factor in the body.
Study of disease:-many transgenic animals are designed to increase our understanding of how genes contribute to the development of disease.
Dzire specially made to serve as models for human disease so that investigation of new treatment for disease is made possible.
Today transgenic models exist for many human diseases such age cancer cystic fibrosis rheumatoid arthritis and Alzheimer’s.
Biological products:- medicines required to treat certain human disease can contain products but such products are often expensive to make.
Transgenic animals that produce each full biological products can be created by introduction of the portion of DNA or genes which codes for a particular products such as human protein Alpha One antitrypsin used is to treat emphysema.
Similar attempts are being made for treatment of phenylketonaria (PKU) and cystic fibrosis.
In 1997, the first transgenic cow roji produce human protein in rich milk 2.4 grams per litre. Tamil content the human Alpha electrolyte and watch nutritionally more balance products for human babies than natural cow milk.
Vaccine safety:-transgenic mice are being developed for each in testing of vaccines before they are used on humans.
Transgenic mice are being used to taste the safety of the polio vaccine.
If successful and found to be reliable they could replace the use of monkeys to taste the safely of batches of the vaccine.
Chemical safety testing:-this is known as toxicity or safety testing.
The procedure is the same as that is for testing toxicity of drugs. Transgenic animals are made that carry jeans which make them more sensitive talks to toxic substances then non transgenic animals. They are then exposed to their toxic substances and effects studied.
Molecular diagnosis:
You know that for effective treatment of a disease , early diagnosis and understanding it’s pathophysiology is very important.Using conventions methods of a diagnosis serum and urine analysis is not possible.
Recombinant DNA technology , Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and Enzyme linked Immuno sorbent Assay (ELISA) are some of the technique that serve the purpose of early diagnosis.
Presence of a pathogen bacteria , virus etc is normally suspected only when the pathogen has produced a disease symptoms.By this time the concentration of pathogen is already very high in the body.
However , very low concentration of a bacteria or viruses at a time when the symptoms of the disease are not visible can be detected by the amplification of their nucleic acid by PCR.
PCR is being used to detect mutations in genes in suspected cancer patients too.It is a powerful technique to identify many other genetic disorders.
gene therapy
The improved techniques for gene manipulation and deeper understanding of gene function in the body,may someday enable the medical biotechnology to correct gene disorders in humans. Treatment of a genetic disorder by manipulating gene is called gene therapy.
Gene therapy has not so far given any province relief to patients, contrary to some claims in the media.
Genetic disorder caused by a a single defective allele can be theoretically set write by replacing or supplementary the defective allele with a normal functional allele the recombinant DNA technology.
The new allele could be inserted into the bone marrow cells this cells keep multiplying through out the patients life and this would enable the transpilanted allele to be replicated and continually expressed.
Bone marrow cells give rise to all the cells of the blood and immune system.
The immune system may then counter the disease.
The genetic disease that are being investigated for gene therapy range from sickle cell anaemia to savere combined Immuno deficiency (SCID).
The SCID patient has a defective gene for enzyme adenosine deaminase (ADA). He or she lacks functional T – lymphocytes and their fails to fight the infecting pathogens.
Lymphocytes are extracted from the patients bone marrow and normal function copy of human gene coding for ADA is introduced into this lymphocytes with the help of retrovirus.
The cells so created are re introduce into the patient’s bone marrow.
The lymphocytes produced by this cells contain functional ADA gene and reactivate the victims immune system for life.
1. Widal test is commonly used for detection of
(a) AIDS
(b) Tuberculosis
(c) Sexually transmitted diseases
(d) Typhoid
Ans (d) Typhoid
2.Balloon pump is used in disease concerned with
(a) Brain
(b) lungs
(c) liver
(d) heart
Ans. (d) heart
3. Blood dialyser is also called
(a) artificial heart
(b) artificial kidney
(c) artificial lung
(d) artificial liver
Ans. (b) official kidney
4. Artificial arteries are made of
(a) rubber
(b) silver
(c) glass
(d) daclon or teflon
Ans.(d) dacron or taflon
5. the technique involving the as of positron emitting radio isotopes is
(a) CT scanning
(b) PET scanning
(c) NMR imaging
(d) SQUID .
Ans.(b) PET scanning
6. Grafting between two members of the same species is
(a) autograft
(b) allograft
(c) xenograft
(d) none of these
Ans.(b) Allograft
7. Scientist pipointed the location of colour processing centres in human visual cortex by means of
(a) PET scanning
(b) NMR imaging
(c) CT scanning
(d) Ultra sound imaging
Ans.(a) PET Scanning
8. Relative biological effectiveness is related to
(a) soil
(b) water
(c) radiation
(d) pollution
Ans.(c) radiation
9. The pacemaker of heart is
(a) Bundle of His
(b) SA node
(c) AV node
(d) Purkinje fibres
Ans. (b) SA node
10. Intra aortic balloon is filled with
(a) hydrogen
(b) Helium
(c) nitrogen
(d) oxygen
Ans. (b) helium
11. Blood dialysis is also called
(a) artificial heart
(b) artificial lungs
(c) artificial liver
(d) artificial kidney
Ans.(d) artificial kidney
12. Southern blot technique is related to
a) DNA profiling
b) Widal test
c) Blood test
(d) Sonography
Ans . (a) DNA profiling
13. Father of electrocardiography
(a) Einthoven
(b) Hook
(c) Odum
(d) Roseline
Ans.(a) Einthoven
14. A fully pacemaker was introduced in 1960 by
(a) Bloch and Purcell
(b) Chardack
(c) Sir Godfrey Hounsfield
(d) Hans Berger
Ans. (b) Chardack
15. Blood dialyser works on the physical laws of ?
(a) Imbibition and osmosis
(b) plasmolysis
(c) Imbibition and diffusion
(d) Diffusion and Osmosis
Ans.(d) Diffusion and Osmosis
16. Diagnostic test of the body fluids help the physician to
(a) screen for a disease yet to show its symptoms.
(b) Confirm an earlier diagnosis
(c) Monitor the course of the disease
(d) all the above
Ans.(d) all the above
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