Difference between primary and secondary sex organs | primary and secondary reproductive organs of female | primary and secondary reproductive organs of male | what are the primary reproductive organs | what are the secondary reproductive organs.
Sexual character of both male and female human beings generally represented by their reproductive organs and their sex cell or gamete. Human being is a unisexual in nature means their is they have only one sex cell either male or female.
Table of Contents
What is reproductive organs?
Regarding this, what is reproductive organs?, in general reproductive organs define as those organs of the body take part in sexual reproduction, which is responsible for development, formation and maturation of male and female gametes and secretions of male and female hormones is called reproductive organs.
Reproductive organs in male and female categories into two types primary sex organs and secondary sex organs.
What are the primary reproductive or sex organs?
Regarding this, what are the primary reproductive organs?, primary reproductive organs is define as those organs which are responsible for production of male and female gamete and secretions of hormones are known as primary reproductive or sex organs.
Regarding this, what are the examples of primary reproductive organ?, testes in male and ovaries in female are examples of primary reproductive or sex organ.
Testis is male gonad which is responsible for formation of male haploid gamete known as a sperm which formed by spermatocyte by the process of spermatogenesis whereas ovaries are female gonad that form haploid female gamete known as ovum, it is formed from oocytes by the process of oogenesis.
What are the secondary reproductive or sex organs?
Regarding this, what are the secondary reproductive or sex organs?, secondary sex organs define as those organs which are responsible for maturation and conduction of gametes, conduction of sperm in male and ovum in female are known as secondary reproductive or sex organs.
Secondary reproductive organs or sex cell is also responsible for development of physical characteristics in male and female body and change the human behaviour and attraction towards opposite sex.
What are the examples of secondary reproductive or sex organs?
Regarding this, what are the examples of secondary reproductive organ?, reproductive duct like scrotum, epididymis, vas deferens, reproductive glands like seminal vesicle, prostate glands, cowpers glands and penis are examples of secondary reproductive or sex organs in male, and fallopian tube uterus, vagina etc are examples of secondary reproductive or sex organs in female
Differentiate primary and secondary sex organ
Key difference between primary and secondary reproductive or sex organs is that, primary reproductive or sex organs or gonads, consist of the ovaries in female produces gamete called ova and testes in male produces sperm and help in secretion of hormones whereas secondary reproductive or sex organs help in conduction, storage and maturation of male gamete (sperm) and female gamete (ova) and it do not secrets hormones.
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Primary and secondary reproductive or sex organs in male
Male reproductive system consists of two type of organs:- 1) primary reproductive or sex organ and 2) secondary reproductive or sex organs, testis is primary reproductive or sex organ in male reproductive system which are responsible for formation of male gamete (sperm) by the process of spermatogenesis and also it secretes hormone testosterone that guide, help, control, function and development of secondary sexual characters and organs in male.

Differentiate primary and secondary sex organs
Secondary reproductive or sex organs in male reproductive system are reproductive duct like scrotum, epididymis, vas deferens, reproductive glands like seminal vesicle, prostate glands, cowpers glands and penis. Secondary sex organs in male responsible for conduction, storage and maturation of sperm.
Primary and secondary reproductive or sex organs in female
Female reproductive system, ovary is primary sex organ which is responsible for formation of ovum and secretion of hormone. Examples of secondary sex organs in female are fallopian tube ( oviduct), uterus, vagina, cervix and external genitalia (vulva), it help in conduction of ova at the fertilization site, copulation to receive sperm from male.
What are the difference between primary and secondary reproductive or sex organs?
Primary sex organ differ from secondary sex organ in following points:- 1) primary reproductive organ produces gametes whereas secondary sex organ do not produce gamete, 2) primary sex organ produces hormones whereas secondary sex organ do not produce hormones, and 3) testes in male and ovaries in female are examples of primary sex organs where as epididymis, vasa deferentia, penis, etc are examples of secondary sex organ in male and oviduct, uterus, etc secondary sex organ in female.
Comparision/ distinguish/ list 3 difference/ verses/ differentiate primary and secondary sex organs which are given in following table
1) primary reproductive organ produces gametes whereas secondary sex organ do not produce gamete
2) primary sex organ produces hormones whereas secondary sex organ do not produce hormones
3) testes in male and ovaries in female are examples of primary sex organs where as epididymis, vasa deferentia, penis, etc are examples of secondary sex organ in male and oviduct, uterus, etc secondary sex organ in female.
4) primary reproductive organ are not responsible for conduction of gamete at fertilization site whereas secondary reproductive organ responsible for conduction of gamete.
5) development of primary sex organ in male and female are under the control of anterior pituitary gland whereas function and development of secondary reproductive organs are under the control of male and female hormone which are secreted from testis and ovary.
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Important features and characteristics of primary reproductive or sex organs
1) The primary sex organs, or gonads, consist of the ovaries and testes. Testis in male and ovary in female are primary sex organs, these organs are responsible for producing the egg and sperm cells (gametes), and secretion of hormones
2) male primary sex organ is testis producing testosteron hormone which help in development and function of secondary sexual character and organ in male, female primary sex organ is ovary producing oestrogen and progesterone hormone which help in development and function of secondary sexual characters and organ in female.
3) development of primary sex organ in male and female are under the control of anterior pituitary gland secretion of hormone
4) It secretes male and female sex hormone testosteron and oestrogen respectively.
Important features and characteristics of secondary reproductive or sex organs
1) secondary sex organs in male female are responsible for conduction of sperm and ova
2) scrotum, epididymis, vas difference, seminal vesicle, prostate glands, cowpers glans and penis are secondary sex organ in male and oviduct, uterus, cervix, vagina and external genitalia vulva is secondary sex organ in female.
3) secondary sex organ do not secrets hormones.
4) their function and development are under the control of male and female hormone which are secreted from testis and ovary.
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