MCQ ON CANCER class 12 for NEET | CANCER class 12 | MCQ CANCER with Answer | Check the below NCERT MCQ question for class 12 Biology based on the with Answers.

MCQ ON CANCER class 12 for NEET
MCQ on CANCER class 12 Biology with answers were prepared based on the latest pattern.We have provided class 12 Biology MCQs questions on CANCER with Answers to help students understand the concept very well.
Cancer is one of the most dreaded disease of human beings and is a major cause of death all over the globe
. More than a million Indians suffer from cancer and a large number of them die from it annually. The mechanism that underlie development of cancer or onogenic transformation of cells its treatment and control have been some of the most intense area of research in biology and medicine. In our body cell growth and differentiation is highly controlled and regulated. In cancer cells there is a breakdown of these regulatory mechanisms. Normal cells shows a property called contact inhibition by virtue of which contact with other cells inhibits their uncontrolled growth. Cancer cells appears to have lost this property.
MCQ ON CANCER class 12 for NEET
1. The group of disease characterised by uncontrol proliferation of cells and ability of proliferated cells to invade other parts of body is called
(a) AIDS
(b) Cancer
(c) Typhoid
(d) Tetanus
Ans (b) Cancer
2. The new abnormal tissue that is capable of continued growth formation of tumor crowding and disrupting of normal cell is
(a) neoplasms
(b) platelets
(c) RBC
(d) auxotroph
Ans. (a) neoplasms
3. The large localised mass of abnormal tissue which presses other tissue and cause pain but does not infiltrate adjacent issue because it is encapsulated in connective tissue is called
(a) Benign tumor
(b) Non Benign tumor
(c) neoplasm
(d) carcinoma
Ans. (a) benign tumor
4. The the trimmer which is large mass of abnormal tissue which is not in capsulated which capable of invading adjacent issues in distance site
(a) Benign tumor
(b) malignant tumor
(c) metastasis
(d) carcinoma
Ans.(b) Malignant tumor
5. The spread of concerous cellss from one part of body to other parts through blood lymph
(a) benign tumor
(b) malignant tumor
(c) metastasis
(d) all the above
Ans.(c) metastasis
6. The cancer of epithelial tissues and dear derivatives like skin mucus membrane lungs breast pancreas stomach contain
(a) carcinoma
(b) sarcoma
(c) leukemia
(d) lymphoma
Ans.(a) Carcinoma
7. The cancer of primitive measure normal tissue like connective tissue bone muscle, lymph node is
(a) carcinoma
(b) sarcoma
(c) metastasis
(d) benign tumor
Ans.(b) sarcoma
8. Blood cancer is called
(a) Carcinoma
(b) Leukemia
(c) sarcoma
(d) metastasis
Ans.(b) Leukemia
9. The cancer of lymphoid tissue is
(a) adenoma
(b) metastasis
(c) carcinoma
(d) lymphoma
Ans. (d) lymphoma
10. It is a cancer caused by excessive growth of glandular epithelium is
(a) lymphoma
(b) adenoma
(c) carcinoma
(d) sarcoma
Ans. (b) adenoma
11 . The uncontrol increase in number of white blood cells cause
(a) leukemia
(b) metastasis
(c) carcinoma
(d) sarcoma
Ans.(a) leukemia
12. They are chemicals of factors which function is cancer or tumor promoters
(a) Cocarcinogens
(b) sarcoma
(c) leukemia
(d) adenoma
Ans . (a) Cocarcinogens
13. Normal cell do not divide because of
(a) contact inhibition
(b) metastasis
(c) neoplasm
(d) tumor cell
Ans.(a) contact inhibition
14. tumor cell loses
(a) metastasis
(b) contact inhibition
(c) neo plasma
(d) carcinogens
Ans. (b) contact inhibition
15. The characteristics of Cancer cell are
(a) do not undergo differentiation
(b) loose contact inhibition
(c) increase number of lysosomes
(d) all the above
Ans.(d) all the above
16. Symptoms of cancer
(a) change in digestive habits
(b) loss of blood through natural orifice
(c) change in colour of mole
(d) all the above
Ans.(d) all the above
17. The methods of treatment of cancer
(a) surgery
(b) radio therapy
(c) chemotherapy
(d) all the above
And.(d) all the above
18. Taxolys anti cancer drug obtained from
(a) Texus buccata
(b) vinca rosea
(c) pisum sativum
(d) all the above
Ans. (a) Texus buccata
19. Monu colonial antibodies are produced from hybrid cells called hybridoma. The cell used to form hybridoma cells are
(a) T- ymphocytes and myeloma cells
(b) B- lmphocytes and carcinoma cells
(c) B- lmphocytes and myeloma cells
(d) Lymphoma cell and bone marrow cells
Ans.(c) B- lmphocytes and myeloma cells
20. Cancer is
(a) air borne
(b) viral disease
(c) environmental disorders
(d) cellular disease
Ans.(d) cellular disease
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