Biotechnology important MCQs questions for JAC,CBSE and neet exam

Biotechnology important MCQs questions for JAC,CBSE and neet exam

■ multiple choice questions

◆ introduction :- in this topic you will learn about biotechnology important MCQs questions for JAC, CBSE and Neet exams. Students are might be busy in preparation for coming various exams of their boards Medical Entrance Exam like neet. I will try to to enhance your preparation by giving biotechnology important MCQs questions for your coming exams. These questions with answer might be help you in easy preparation and practice .

By practice this questions with answer you will be achieve yours targets of entrance of medical exams and obtain good marks in various States boards exams JAC exams and CBSE Board Exams and neet exams.

Biotechnology important MCQs questions for JAC,CBSE and neet exam

◆ multiple choice questions

1) Gene gun is used to which one of the following

A) cut the plasmid
B) bind the cut DNA
C) introduce foreign DNA into host cell
D) purified DNA molecules

Ans. C

2) which one of the following is a plasmid

B) viral DNA
C) circular extrachromosomal DNA in bacteria
D) mitochondrial DNA

Ans. C

3) genetic engineering is also known as which one of the following

A) downstream processing
B) Recombinant DNA technology
C) tissue culture
D) cloning vectors

Ans. B

Biotechnology important MCQs questions for JAC,CBSE and neet exam

Biotechnology important MCQs questions for JAC,CBSE and neet exam

4) Human Genome Project was discovered by which scientist

A) Francis Collins and Roderick
B) Watson and Crick
C) Beadle and Tatum
D) Paul Berg and Wollman

Ans. A

5) the phenomenon in which a single gene control two or more characters in traits is known as which one of following

A) atavism
B) polymorphism
C) Pleietropism
D) Pseudoallelism

Ans. C

6) which vector is used commonly in genetic engineering

A) plastic DNA
B) cosmid DNA
C) chromatid DNA
D) plasmid DNA

Ans. D

7) circular DNA is found in which one of the following

A) ribosome
B) virus
C) amoeba
D) lysosome

Ans. B

8) which of the following microorganisms manufactures genetically engineered to produce insulin

A) Penicillium
B) Rhizopus
C) E. coli
D) pseudomonas

Ans. C

9) polymerase Chain Reaction cycles complete into

A) denaturation
B) extension
C) annealing
D) all of these

Ans. D

10) DNA molecules that constructed by joining outside the cells and natural or synthetic segments of DNA molecule is capable of replication in living cells is known as

A) reciprocal DNA
B) Recombinant DNA
C) regenerated DNA

Ans. B

Biotechnology important MCQs questions for JAC,CBSE and neet exam

11) during gene cloning process which one is called as gene taxi

A) vaccine
B) plasmid
C) bacteria
D) protozoa

Ans. B

12) DNA fragments can be separated by the technique known as which one of the following

A) gel electrophoresis
B) gel digestion
C) transformation
D) micro injection

Ans. A

13) the term Humulin is used for

A) A form of chitin
B) digestive enzymes
C) powerful antibiotics
D) human insulin

Ans. D

14) protein produced by bacillus thureingesis bacteria kills

A) Lepidopterus
B) dipterous
C) Coleopterus
D) all of these

Ans. D

15) Ti plasmid is found in which one of the following

A) Agrobacteria
B) E. coli
C) B. coli
D) all of these

Ans. A

16) which of the following techniques is used to insert the foreign DNA into host cell

A) microinjection
B) gene gun
C) unharmful pathogens
D) all of these

Ans. D

Biotechnology important MCQs questions for JAC,CBSE and neet exam

Biotechnology important MCQs questions for JAC,CBSE and neet exam

17) which one of the following used as cloning vector

A) bacteriophage
B) Ti plamid
C) plasmid BR322
D) all of this

Ans. D

18) the enzyme used to break the cells to release DNA molecules

A) lysozyme
B) chitinase
C) cellulase
D) all of this

Ans. A

19) somaclonal variations are which one of the following

A) caused by mutagenes
B) caused by Gamma Rays
C) produce in tissue culture
D) produce during sexual reproduction

Ans. C

20) Marijuana drugs used obtained from which plants

A) papever somniferum
B) Cannabis sativa
C) Erthroxylum
D) Datura stramonium

Ans. B

Biotechnology important MCQs questions for JAC,CBSE and neet exam

21) name the toxic protein produced by bacillus thuringiensis

A) auxin
B) cry protein
C) cytokinin
D) leg haemoglobin

Ans. B

22) RNA interference works on which principle

A) RNA interfere
B) silencing of specific in RNA
C) prevent translations of protein
D) RNA destruction

Ans. B

23) Hybridomas are-

A) antibodies
B) hybrid serum
C) hybrid culture
D) hybrid zone

Ans. A

24) the main techniques involved in agricultural biotechnology is known as which one of the following

A) plant breeding
B) transformation
C) DNA replication
D) tissue culture

Ans. D

25) which bacteria is responsible to produce BT toxin

A) bacillus thuringiensis
B) lactobacillus
C) bacillus tuberculosis
D) none

Ans. A

26) which one of the following is the first transgenic cow

A) Cozy
B) Rosie
C) Dazy
D) none

Ans. B

27) source of Agarose is which of the following

A) Sea weeds
B) Maize
C) Cycas
D) none

Ans. A

28) Cry gene ptevents which crop from ballworm

A) tea
B) wheat
D) cotton

Ans. D

29) which of the following are used in gene cloning process

A) Nucleoids
B) Lomasomes
C) mesosomes
D) plasmid

Ans. D

30) the technique of DNA fingerprinting was initiated by which scientist

A) Ian wilmut
B) Francois jacob
C) Alec jeffreys
D) Hargobind khurana

Ans. C

31) the vector for T DNA is

A) Thermus aquaticus
B) Salmonella typhi
C) agrobacterium
D) E. coli

Ans. A

32) enzyme that cleaves nucleic acids within the polynucleotide chain is known as

A) exonuclease
B) endonuclease
C) ligase
D) helicase

Ans. B

33) function of restriction enzyme are-

A) restrict elongation of DNA
B) cut DNA at specific location
C) link together two piece of DNA
D) restrict DNA replication

Ans. B

34) the main source of Taq polymerase enzyme used in PCR

A) thermophilic fungus
B) mesophilic fungus
C) thermophilic bacteria
D) halophilic bacteria

Ans. C

35) first genetically modified plant commercially released in India is

A) golden rice
B) slow ripening potato
C) Bt bringle
D) Bt cotton

Ans. D

About the author

Balram Saw

My name is Balram Saw and by profession, I am a lecturer. I did my masters in Zoology. On this blog, I share all the information related to biology.

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