What is the difference between hypocotyl and radicle | what is the hypocotyl and radicle | difference/ differentiate/ distinguish/ comparison/ verses/ between hypocotyl and radicle.
You all are familiar with the two words hypocotyl and radicle which are related to each other, appears during seed germination but there is a some difference between hypocotyl and radicle we will discuss here.

What is the difference between hypocotyl and radicle
Table of Contents
What is the hypocotyl and radicle?
The hypocotyl is the stem of a germinating seedling found below the cotyledons that make connection with radicle root whereas radicle is a first part of Seedling growing plant embryo to emerge from the seed during the process of germination, the radicle is the embryonic root of the plant grow downward in the soil.
What is function of hypocotyl?
1. Action of hypocotyl is important for emergence of the radicle.
2. The hypocotyl emerges and lift the growing tip above the ground during the embryonic leave cotyledons and plumule that give rises to the first true leaves.
Important features and characteristics of high hypocotyl
1. Hypocotyl starts from the radicle
2. It terminates cotyledonary node
3. Hydrocotyle developed into the first part of stem from which root will develop.
4. Hypocotyl is an embryonal axis which lies below the cotyledon in dicot embryo
What is function of radicle?
1. Radicle help in the grow to form future root system the plant
2. Radicle grows downward into the soil anchoring the Seedling.
3. Radicle form embryonic root inside the seed, it is the first thing emerge from a seed.
4. The radicle emerges from a seed through micropyle.
Important features and characteristics of radicle
1. The radicle emerge from seed through micropyle.
2. Radicle forms the embryonic root of the plant.
3. It grows downward into the soil.
4. Radicle is the first part of the seedling.
5. Radicle observes water and different mineral sources from the soil.
What is the difference between hypocotyl and radicle?
This question is very important for class 12 students who are preparing for CBSE board/ state board and other competitive medical, neet examinations.
Key difference between hypocotyl and radicle are following:- 1) Hypocotyl start from the radicle while Radicle is a embryonic root of the plant, 2) Hypocotyl terminates at the cotyledonary node while radicle develops into the root, 3) Hypocotyl is positive phototropic while Radicle is negatively phototropic and 4) Hypocotyl is the negatively geotropic while radicle is positively geotropic.
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Hypocotyl verses radicle
List 3 difference/ how do you compare/hypocotyl versus radicle /distinguish/differentiate between hypocotyl and radicle/ hypocotyl differ from radicle are the following ways:-
1) hypocotyl is the part of an embryo plant beneath the stalks of the seed leaves or cotyledons and directly above the root while radicle is the embryonic root.
2) hypocotyl develops into the first part of the stem from which the root will develop while radicle grow downward in the soil to form root.
3) hypocotyl starts from the radicle while radicle comes out from the seed.
4) hypocotyl is the negatively geotropic while radicle is the positive geotropic.
Conclusions:-hypocotyl is the important for emergence of the radicle while radicle gives rise to the formation of root.
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