Ecology important mcq questions and answers for JAC,CBSE and neet exams
◆ multiple choice questions
◆ introduction :– in this topic we will learn about ecology important mcq questions and answers for JAC,CBSE and neet exams chapter wise for class 12th
Ecology important mcq questions and answers for JAC,CBSE and neet exams
◆ unit V Ecology have lesson
1) organisms and populations
2) ecosystem
3) biodiversity and conservation
4) environmental issues
■ multiple choice questions
1) Equation dN/dt = rN application to Logistic population growth is –
A) exponential
B) logistic
C) both a and b
D) none
Ans. B
2) the Logistic population growth is expressed by the equation is-
A) dt/dN = Nr ( K-N )/K
B) dN/dt = rN ( K-N )/K
C) dN/dt = rN
D) dN/dt = rN ( N-K)/N
Ans. C
3) The animal which feeds on dead animals is known as which of following
A) predator
B) Scavanger
C) Cannibal
D) parasite
Ans. B
4) Lichens are close association of which one of following species
A) fungi and bacteria
B) fungus and virus
C) fungi and algae
D) algae and bacteria
Ans. C
5) the term ecology is coined by which one of the following
A) Odum
B) E. Munch
C) Tansley
D) E. Haeckel
Ans. D
6) geometric representation of age structure is characteristics of which one following
A) population
B) landscape
C) ecosystem
D) biotic community
Ans. A
7) the sum total of the population of same kinds of organism constituted which one of following
A) community
B) genus
C) colony
D) species
Ans. B
8) which one is best example of Symbiosis
A) Lichen
B) Anabaena and azolla
C) mycorrhiza
D) all of these
Ans. D
9) keystone species deserve protection because these-
A) play an important role in supporting other species
B) had become a rare due to overexploitation
C) are capable of surviving in harse environmental condition
D) indicate presence of certain minerals in the soil
Ans. A
Ecology important mcq questions and answers for JAC,CBSE and neet exams
10) the population of all species that occupy Habitat constitute which one of the following
A) population
B) community
C) biosphere
D) ecosystem
Ans. B
11) about 70% of total Global carbon is found from
A) oceans
B) forests
C) grassland
D) agro ecosystem
Ans. A
12) maximum productivity is found in which one of the following
A) oceans
B) forests
C) grassland
D) agro ecosystem
Ans. A
13) Pond is which one of the following
A) biome
B) natural ecosystem
C) artificial ecosystem
D) community of plants and animals only
Ans. B
14) which one is main source of energy in ecosystem
A) fermentation of sugar
B) photosynthesis by plants
C) decomposition of plants and animal by bacteria
D) sunlight
Ans. D
15) the pyramid of energy is which one of following
A) always inverted
B) always upright
C) sometime inverted and sometime upright
D) spindle shape
Ans. B

Ecology important mcq questions and answers for JAC,CBSE and neet exams
16) the largest reservoir of sulphur is which one of the following
A) atmosphere
B) Rocks
C) ocean
D) Lake
Ans. B
17) the term Ecosystem was coined by
A) Odum
B) E. Munch
C) Tansley
D) E. Haeckel
Ans. C
18) the flow of energy in an ecosystem is which one of following
A) unidirectional
B) bidirectional
C) multidirectional
D) no direction
Ans. A
19) what represent Niche of species
A) place of Living
B) specific functions
C) Habitat and specific functions
D) none
Ans. C
20) which of the following is a free living nitrogen fixing bacteria present in soil
A) azotobactor
B) nitrosomonas
C) Rhizobium
D) Pseudomonas
Ans. A
Ecology important mcq questions and answers for JAC,CBSE and neet exams
21) the amount of energy transferred from one trophic Level to next trophic level is
A) 1.5%
B) 10%
C) 20%
D) 15 %
Ans. B
22) main cause of extinction of species from tropical area is which one of the following
A) pollution
B) soil erosion
C) deforestation
D) forest fire
Ans. C
23) who one is secondary consumer in a food chain
A) herbivorous
B) carnivorous
C) omnivores
D) producer
Ans. B
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24) who one is primary consumer in a food chain
A) herbivorous
B) carnivorous
C) omnivores
D) producer
Ans. A
25) grazing food chain cannot begin in the absence of –
A) primary consumer
B) secondary consumer
C) decomposer
D) producer
Ans. D
26) which of the following represent most stable ecosystem
A) mountains
B) forest
C) ocean
D) forest
Ans. C
27) 10% law of energy transfer in a food chain is given by which one of following scientist
A) Haeckel
B) Schimper
C) Elton
D) Lindemann
Ans. D
28) MABP stands for which one of the following
A) man and Biology program
B) man and biosphere programme
C) mammals and biosphere programme
D) mammals and Biology program
Ans. B
29) IUCN stand for which one of the following
A) Indian Union for conservation of nature
B) International Union for conservation of nature and natural resources
C) Indian Union for chemical nomenclature
D) International Union for conservation of nutrients
Ans. B
30) which of the following is not an air pollutant
A) SO2
B) CO2
D) Aerosol
Ans. D
Ecology important mcq questions and answers for JAC,CBSE and neet exams
31) biodiversity of a geographical region represent which one of the following
A) endangered species found in region
B) the diversity in the organisms living in the region
C) Genetic diversity in the dominant species of the region
D) species endemic to the region
Ans. B
32) which is known as Lungs of the planet
A) silent valley
B) western ghat
C) Amazon rain forest
D) Eastern ghat
Ans. C
33) which of the following natural resources is in an non Renewable Sources
A) wildlife
B) water
C) forest
D) coal
Ans. D
34) which one of the following is Greenhouse gas
A) CH4
B) H2
C) O2
D) NH3
Ans. A
35) which algae is used in single cell protein
A) diatom
B) gelidium
C) nostoc
D) spirulina
Ans. D
36) Kaziranga National Park is famous for which animal
A) tiger
B) Rhinoceros
C) elephant
D) musk deer
Ans. B
37) threatened plants and animals are conserved at special place than their habitat which is known as –
A) in-situ conservation
B) ex-situ conservation
C) cryopreservation
D) none
Ans. B
38) betla National Park is situated in which district of Jharkhand
A) Latehar
B) palamu
C) Gumla
D) Lohardaga
Ans. A
39) Chipko movement is concerned with which one of the following
A) forest conservation
B) plant breeding
C) conservation of natural resources
D) Project Tiger
Ans. A
40) photochemical smog formed in metro politan cities mainly composed of –
A) smoke, peroxyacetyl nitrate and SO2
B) hydrocarbon Ozone and SO2
C) hydrocarbon SO2 and CO2
D) Ozone peroxyacetyl nitrate and and NO2
Ans. A
41) the world environmental day is celebrated on
A) 6th june
B) 5th june
C) 6th august
D) 5th may
Ans. B
42) which one of the following is biogas
A) CO2
B) CH4
C) N2
D) N2O
Ans. B
43) which one is secondary pollutant
B) SO2
D) aerosol
Ans. A
44) lichens are described as indicators of which one of the following
A) air pollution
B) water pollution
C) soil pollution
D) agriculture productivity
Ans. A
45) acid rain is caused by which one of following
A) NO2
B) SO2
C) both a and b
D) none
Ans. C
46) which is the most populated river of Jharkhand
A) Damodar
B) Swarna Rekha
C) Koyal
D) karo
Ans. A
47) fluoride pollution mainly affects which organs
A) brain
B) teeth
C) heart
D) kidney
Ans. A
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