12th Biology important MCQ questions chapterwise for JAC and CBSE exam
■ 12th Biology multiple choice questions
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12th Biology important MCQ questions chapterwise for JAC and CBSE exam
*In this post :- we provide you MCQs model test sample paper chapterwise with answer from all unit of biology class 12th so you should visits once biologysir.com 12th Biology important MCQ questions chapterwise for JAC and CBSE exam
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12th Biology important MCQ questions chapterwise for JAC and CBSE exam
◆ lesson 1 reproduction in organism multiple choice questions
1) the external fertilization found in which of following
A) mammals
B) amphibians
C) birds
D) reptiles
Ans. B
2) which one of the following plant is propagated through air layering
A) apple
B) cherry
C) Litchi
D) grapewine
Ans. C
3) which one of the following fertilization is found in amphibian
A) internal
B) external
C) both
D) none
Ans. B
4) which one of the following is hermaphrodite organism
A) snake
B) hen
C) both
D) earthworm
Ans. D
5) the development of fruit without fertilization is called as which one of the following
A) parthenogenesis
B) parthenocarpy
C) apomixis
D) apogamy
Ans. B
6) human beings have how many chromosomes
A) 26 chromosomes
B) 46 chromosomes
C) 23 chromosomes
D) 48 chromosomes
Ans. B
7) transverse binary fission found in which of organism
A) Paramecium
B) euglena
C) amoeba
D) hydra
Ans. A
8) the of asexual reproduction found in Plasmodium in which of the following
A) binary fission
B) Multiple Fission
C) budding
D) fragmentation
Ans. B
9) date Palm is which one of the following
A) monoecious
B) dioecious
C) bi sexual
D) none of these
Ans. B
10) oestrous cycle found in which of one of the following
A) human beings
B) monkey
C) cow
D) ape
Ans. C
11) sponge, earthworm and tapeworm are one which of the following
A) unisexual animal
B) bisexual organism
C) both of these
D) none
Ans. B
12) which one of the following is unisexual animal
A) cockroach
B) leech
C) earthworm
D) tapeworm
Ans. A
13) what is the main reason grafting is not possible in monocot plant as they are
A) have parallel venation
B) lack cambium
C) have scattered vascular bundle
D) none of these
Ans. B
14) an asexual reproducing a structure conidia is present in which of following organism
A) algae
B) bryophytes
C) fungi
D) protozoa
Ans. C
15) which one of the following is diploid structure
A) egg cell
B) synergids cell
C) antipodal cell
D) secondary nuclei
Ans. D
16) how many chromosomes are present in endosperm
A) 2n
B) n
C) 3n
D) 4n
Ans. C
17) which one of the following is unisexual Plant
A) China rose
B) mustard
C) papaya
D) maize
Ans. C
18) in which of the following plant cleistogamy is found
A) dhatura
B) petunia
C) commelina
D) none
Ans. C
19) semens are store in
A) liquid nitrogen
B) refrigerator
C) ice
D) all of these
Ans. A
20) reproduction by budding occurs in which one of the following
A) Paramecium
B) yeast
C) penicillium
D) amoeba
Ans. B
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12th Biology important MCQ questions chapterwise for JAC and CBSE exam
■ Lesson 2 sexual reproduction in flowering plants
1) in a embryo sac how many cells and nuclei in are found in
A) 6 cells and 8 nuclei
B) 8 cells and 8 nuclei
C) 7 cells and 8 nuclei
D) 8 cells and 7 nuclei
Ans. C
2) which one of the following is false fruit
A) mango
B) Apple
C) coconut
D) ladys finger
Ans. B
3) the edible part of mango fruit is
A) endocarp
B) epicarp
C) mesocarp
D) cotyledon
Ans. C
4) embryo sac is developed from which structure
A) Pollen tube
B) microsporangia
C) microspore
D) Megaspore
Ans. D
5) the process of formation of female gametes is known as which one of following
A) spermatogenesis
B) oogenesis
C) oogonia
D) spermatocytes
Ans. B
6) which part of the flower is the source of saffron/ Kesar/Zafran
A) stigma
B) petals
C) pedicel
D) style
Ans. A
7) vivipary is found in which one of the following
A) rhizophora
B) calotropis
C) water chestnut
D) begonia
Ans. A
8) Aril is found in which one of the fruits
A) custard apple
B) mango
C) guava
D) Apple
Ans. A
9) in which of the following Aril is not found
A) Litchi
B) custard apple
C) mango
D) none
Ans. C
10) type of pollination in which bisexual flower never open
A) herkogamy
B) homogamy
C) dicliny
D) cleistogamy
Ans. D
11) germination of seed inside the fruit itself is known as which of the following
A) oviparous germination
B) viviparous germination
C) epigeal germination
D) hypogeal germination
Ans. B
12) the pollen tube with male gametes inter through the embryo sac through micropylar region is known as
A) mesogamy
B) porogamy
C) dicliny
D) dichogamy
Ans. B
13) which one of the following is edible part in Apple
A) mesocarp
B) epicarp
C) endocarp
D) thalamus
Ans. D
14) insect pollinated flowers are known as
A) ornithophily
B) entomophily
C) anemophily
D) hydrophily
Ans. B
15) the edible part of coconut is
A) mesocarp
B) endosperm
C) endocarp
D) thalamus
Ans. B
16) pollination by Snail and Slug is known as which of following
A) ornithophily
B) entomophily
C) anemophily
D) malacophily
Ans. D
17) male gametes in angiosperms are formed by the division of which of the following
A) generative cell
B) microspore mother cell
C) vegetative cell
D) microspore
Ans. A
18) anemophilous flower having
A) sessile stigma
B) coloured flower
C) small smooth stigma
D) large feathery stigma
Ans. D
19) entomophily is the pollination by
A) birds
B) bats
C) wind
D) insects
Ans. D
20) the formation of an extra embryo from the nuccellar or integument
A) polyspermy
B) apomixis
C) parthenocarpy
D) polyembryony
Ans. D
12th Biology important MCQ questions chapterwise for JAC and CBSE exam
■ lesson 3 human reproduction
1) primary Male reproductive organ in human beings is
A) testis
B) ovary
C) sperm
D) ovum
Ans. A
2) primary female reproductive organ in human being is
A) testis
B) ova
C) sperm
D) ovary
Ans. D
3) during pregnancy one of the following is excreted
A) progesterone
Ans. D
4) sertoli cells are present in
A) testis
B) kidney
C) ovary
D) liver
Ans. A
5) the gap between two menstrual period is how many days
A) 29 days
B) 30 days
C) 28 days
D) 27 days
Ans . C
6) the embryo at 16 cell stage is known as which of following
A) morula
B) blastula
C) gastrula
D) blstomere
Ans. B
7) what is the main function of sertoli cells
A) excretion
B) respiration
C) nutrition
D) all of these
Ans. C
8) the empty graffian follicles develop into
A) Corpus albicans
B) Corpus luteum
C) Corpus callosum
D) placenta
Ans. B
9) the middle piece of a sperm rich in
A) mitochondria
B) ribosome
C) nucleus
D) Centrosome
Ans. A
10) FSH hormone is released by which of gland
A) posterior pituitary glands
B) anterior pituitary glands
C) adrenal glands
D) thyroid glands
Ans. B
11) Corpus luteum secretes which hormone
A) testosterone
B) oestrogen
C) Oxytocin
D) progesterone
Ans. D
12) which hormone is secreted by layding cells
A) testosterone
B) oestrogen
C) Oxytocin
D) progesterone
Ans. A
13) LH hormone is released by which glands
A) posterior pituitary glands
B) anterior pituitary glands
C) adrenal glands
D) thyroid glands
Ans. B
14) oxytocin hormone is released by which glands
A) posterior pituitary glands
B) anterior pituitary glands
C) adrenal glands
D) thyroid glands
Ans. A
15) which hormone is released by placenta
A) testosterone
C) Oxytocin
D) relaxin
Ans. D
16) what is the main role of placenta
A) provide nutrition to developing embryo
B) protect embryo from shock
C) act as storage organ
D) convey nurve impulse
Ans. A
17) which one of the following is milk hormone
A) testosterone
C) Oxytocin
D) prolectin
Ans. D
18) which one of the following is birth hormone
A) testosterone
C) Oxytocin
D) relaxin
Ans. C
19) which structure is yellow in colour
A) Corpus albicans
B) Corpus luteum
C) Corpus callosum
D) placenta
Ans. B
20) how many eggs are produced from complete of 1 -oogenesis
A) 1 ovum and 3 polar bodies
B) 1 ovum and 2 polar bodies
C) 2 ovum and 3 polar bodies
D) 2 ovum and 2 polar bodies
Ans. A
■ lesson 4 reproductive health
1) Cu ions release from copper releasing intrauterine device IUDs
A) suppress sperm motility
B) increase phagocytosis of sperm
C) prevent ovulation
D) make uterus unsuitable for implantation
Ans. A
2) medical termination of pregnancy is considered as safe up to how many weeks of pregnancy
A) 18 weeks
B) 12 weeks
C) 8 weeks
D) 6 weeks
Ans. B
3) which one of the following is sexually transmitted disease
A) measles
C) typhoid
D) Gonorrhoea
Ans. D
4) the process in which fallopian tubes are tied and cut is known as which of following
A) tubectomy
B) vasectomy
Ans. A
5) birth control pills contains which hormone
A) oestrogen only
B) progesterone only
C) combination of both oestrogen and progesterone
D) oxytocin
Ans. C
6) cutting of the vas deferens of male for the birth control is
A) tubectomy
B) vasectomy
Ans. B
7) oral contraceptive pills help in birth control by
A) killing sperm
B) killing ova
C) preventing ovulation
D) forming barrier between sperm and ova
Ans. C
8) the interferons are
A) antibacterial proteins
B) immunosuppressive drugs
C) antiviral protein
D) antibiotics
Ans. C
9) the test that are used for diagnosis of AIDS disease is
A) ELISA and immunoblot
B) ELISA and northen blot
C) ELISA and southern blot
D) ELISA and western blot
Ans. D
10) amniocentesis is a process to
A) determine any disease of heart
B) determine any disease of the embryo
C) know about the disease of brain
D) grow cells on culture medium
Ans. B
■ lesson 5 principles of inheritance and variations
1) in monohybrid cross the term back cross means
A) a cross of F1 hybrid with either of the parents
B) a cross of F1 hybrid with hybrid of F2
C) cross of F1 hybrid with another F1 hybrid
D) none of these
Ans. A
2) in hybridization the term test cross means
A) a cross of F1 hybrid with either of the parents
B) a cross of F1 hybrid with a recessive parents
C) a cross of F1 hybrid with another F1 hybrid
D) none of these
Ans. B
3) how many pairs of contrasting characters were studied by Mendel
A) 5 pairs
B) 6 pairs
C) 7 pairs
D) 8 pairs
Ans. C
4) the chromosomal type of sex determination in human being is
Ans. C
5) which law of Mendel is discarded by incomplete dominance
A) law of dominance
B) the law of segregation
C) the law of independent assortment
D) all of these
Ans. A
6) crossing over occurs between
A) centrioles
B) centromeres
C) sister chromatids
D) non sister chromatids
Ans. D
7) which scientist experiment on fruit fly drosophila melanogaster
A) Mendel
B) Morgan
C) sutton
D) hugo de varies
Ans. B
8) which one is phenotypic ratio of dihybrid cross
A) 1 :2 : 1
B) 9 : 3 : 3 : 1
C) 3 : 1
D) none of these
Ans. B
9) which one is phenotypic ratio of monohybrid cross
A) 1 :2 : 1
B) 9 : 3 : 3 : 1
C) 3 : 1
D) none of these
Ans. C
10) which one is genotype ratio of monohybrid cross
A) 1 :2 : 1
B) 9 : 3 : 3 : 1
C) 3 : 1
D) none of these
Ans. A
11) which one is phenotype ratio of monohybrid cross in incomplete dominance
A) 1 :2 : 1
B) 9 : 3 : 3 : 1
C) 3 : 1
D) none of these
Ans. A
12) which one is genotypic ratio of monohybrid cross in incomplete dominance
A) 1 :2 : 1
B) 9 : 3 : 3 : 1
C) 3 : 1
D) 1 : 1
Ans. A
13) in which law genotype and phenotype ratio is same
A) law of dominance
B) the law of segregation
C) the law of independent assortment
D) the law of incomplete dominance
Ans. D
14) incomplete dominance is found in which plant
A) mustard plant
B) pea plant
C) Mirabilis jalapa
D) maize
Ans. C
15) ABO blood group in human being is example of
A) dominance
B) codominance
C) independent assortment
D) linkage
Ans. B
16) in Sickle Cell anaemia death occurs when Lethal genes are present in
A) homozygous dominant state
B) homozygous recessive state
C) codominant condition
D) none
Ans. B
17) a colorblind person cannot distinguish
A) all colours
B) green
C) red
D) red and green
18) exception of mendel’s law is
A) dominance
B) codominance
C) independent assortment
D) linkage
Ans. D
19) Inheritance of skin colour in human being is an example of
A) mendelian inheritance
B) polygenetic inheritance
C) monogenetic inheritance
D) complementary genes
Ans. B
20) a cross between hybrid and reccessive parent is known as
A) Back cross
B) test cross
C) monohybrid cross
D) dihybrid cross
Ans. B
21) klinefelter syndrome is found is in
A) male only
B) female only
C) both
D) none
Ans. A
22) main cause of klinefelter syndrome is
A) monosomic condition
B) trisomic condition
C) tetrasomic condition
D) nulliosomic condition
Ans. B
23) chromosome representation in klinfelter syndrome is
A) 44+XXY
B) 23+XXY
C) 44+XXXY
D) 44+XO
Ans. A
24) chromosome representation in turner’s syndrome is
A) 44+XXY
B) 23+XXY
C) 44+XXXY
D) 44+XO
Ans. D
25) Turner syndrome found in
A) male only
B) female only
C) both
D) none
Ans. B
26) main cause of Turner syndrome is
A) monosomic condition
B) trisomic condition
C) tetrasomic condition
D) nulliosomic condition
Ans. A
27) bar body found in
A) male only
B) female only
C) both
D) none
Ans. B
28) number of bar body in XXY
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
29) which one is universal Donor blood group
A) O blood group
B) AB blood group
C) B blood group
D) A blood group
Ans. A
30) which one is universal receiver blood group
A) O blood group
B) AB blood group
C) B blood group
D) A blood group
Ans. B
■ lesson 6 molecular basis of inheritance
1) initiation codon of protein synthesis is
Ans. D
2) nucleoside differ from nucleotide is not having
A) sugar
B) nitrogen base
C) glucose
D) phosphate group
Ans. D
3) bacterial nucleoid has
A) one single stranded DNA
B) one double stranded DNA
C) two single stranded DNA
D) many double stranded DNA
Ans. B
4) the term genome denotes
A) haploid sets of chromosomes
B) bivalent
C) monovalent
D) diploid chromosomal sets
Ans. D
5) the term Central dogma was proposed by
A) Beadle and Tatum
B) Temin and baltimore
C) Klung
D) Crick
Ans. D
6) nucleic acid are polymer of which of the following
A) nucleotides
B) nucleosides
C) amino acid
D) nucleoprotein
Ans. A
7) pyrimidine present in RNA are which of the following
A) cytosine and thymine
B) adenine and guanine
C) cytosine and uracil
D) thymine and uracil
Ans. C
8) Triplet codons refers to sequence of three bases on
D) all of these
Ans. B
9) translation is the formation of which of the following
A) proteins
B) hormons
C) m RNA
Ans. A
10) DNA nucleotide contains-
A) ribose sugar
B) glucose
C) fruictose
D) deoxy ribose sugar
Ans. D
11) which enzyme cuts DNA at specific sites
A) DNA polymerase
B) Taq-polymerase
C) topoisomerase
D) restriction endonuclease
Ans. D
12) which enzyme is used to join the cut in DNA
A) Ligase
B) pectinase
C) helicase
D) topoisomerase
Ans. A
13) the process of synthesis of messenger RNA is known as
A) translation
B) transcription
C) replication
D) reverse transcription
Ans. B
14) what is the distance between two strands of DNA
A) 34 angstrom
B) 3.4 angstrom
C) 20 angstrom
D) 10 angstrom
Ans. C
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