Class 11th biology MCQs test-6 for Neet-CBSE-JAC exams
■lesson animal nutrition and human digestive glands and Class 11th biology MCQs test-6 for Neet- CBSE-JAC exams
■subtopics:- animal nutrition and human digestive glands with example and Class 11th biology MCQs test-6 in for Neet-CBSE-JAC examsClass 11th biology MCQs test-6 for Neet-CBSE-JAC exams

Class 11th biology MCQs test-6 for Neet-CBSE-JAC exams
■introduction :- 11th biology MCQs test-6 ,students might be busy in your preparation for coming CBSE ,11th board Jharkhand academic Council exams and other state board exam will provide many type of education material like fill in the blanks, true or false matching type questions ,multiple choice questions, very short questions answers type, short questions answer type and long questions type of 11th class Biology from each topic that help you in your preparation. Class 11th biology MCQs test-6 in for CBSE-JAC exams
*In this post :- we provide you ,Class 11th biology MCQs test-6 for Neet-CBSE-JAC exams, MCQs test sample with answer from the lesson animal nutrition and human digestive glands
■ Class 11th biology MCQs test-6 for Neet -CBSE-JAC exams human digestive glands
Multiple choice questions in biology
1) how many pairs of salivary glands in our body
A) 2 pairs
B) 3 pairs
C) 1 pairs
D) none
Ans. B
2) what is the name of salivary glands in our body
A) parotid glands ,sublingual glands and submaxillary glands
B) hypothalamus, pituitary glands and thymus glands
C) thyroid gland parathyroid glands and pineal glands
D) adrenal glands parotid glands gastric glands
Ans. A
3) which are the largest salivary glands in our body
A) sublingual glands
B) submaxillary glands
C) parotid glands
D) none
Ans. C
4) what is the name of ducts of parotid glands
A) stensen’s ducts
B) ducts of rivinus
C) wharton’s ducts
D) none
Ans. A
5) what is the name of ducts of sublingual glands
A) stensen’s ducts
B) ducts of rivinus
C) wharton’s ducts
D) none
Ans. B
6) what is the name of ducts of submaxillary glands
A) stensen’s ducts
B) ducts of rivinus
C) wharton’s ducts
D) none
Ans. C
7) salivary gland secretes viscous fluid is known as
A) saliva
B) ptylin
C) mucous
D) salts
Ans. A
8) secretion of salivary gland saliva contain which enzyme
A) salivary amylase
B) pepsin
C) trypsin
D) lipase
Ans. A
9) which one of the following is a carbohydrate digesting enzyme
A) salivary amylase
B) pepsin
C) trypsin
D) lipase
Ans. A
10) pH of ptyalin enzyme is
A) 6.8
B) 6.7
C) 6.9
D) 7.0
Ans. B
11) composition of saliva is
A) water, salts, mucin and ptylin
B) water, salts, mucin
C) water, mucin and ptylin
D) salts, mucin and ptylin
Ans. A
12) evaporation of saliva from tongue of dog in summer season what is main function
A) it cools the body regulating body temperature in hot environment
B) for foods
C) for female partner
D) rabbies
Ans. A
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13) which glands is found in wall of stomach
A) salivary glands
B) gastric glands
C) both
D) none
Ans. B
14) pepsinogen enzyme is secreted by which glands
A) peptic cells of gastric glands
B) oxyntic cell of gastric glands
C) mucous cell of gastric glands
D) parietal cell of gastric glands
Ans. A
15) peptic cells of gastric glands produce which enzyme
A) propepsin, prorennin and gastric lipase
B) propepsin and gastric lipase
C) propepsin and prorennin
D) prorennin and gastric lipase
Ans. A
16) HCl secreted by which cells of gastric gland
A) peptic cells of gastric glands
B) oxyntic cell of gastric glands
C) mucous cell of gastric glands
D) parietal cell of gastric glands
Ans. B
17) mucous material is secreted by which cells of gastric glands
A) peptic cells of gastric glands
B) oxyntic cell of gastric glands
C) mucous cell of gastric glands
D) parietal cell of gastric glands
Ans. C
18) serotonin is secreted by which cells of gastric glands
A) peptic cells of gastric glands
B) oxyntic cell of gastric glands
C) argentaffin cell of gastric glands
D) parietal cell of gastric glands
Ans. C
19) gastrin hormones is secreted by which cells of gastric glands
A) peptic cells of gastric glands
B) oxyntic cell of gastric glands
C) mucous cell of gastric glands
D) endocrine cells of gastric glands
Ans. D
20) which hormones stimulate the secretion of pepsinogen enzyme and HCL
A) gastrin
B) adrenaline
C) insulin
D) glucagon
Ans. A
21) pH of gastric juices is about
A) 2
B) 3
C) 4
D) 5
Ans. A
22) which one is vasoconstrictor
A) pepsin
B) rennin
C) lipase
D) serotonin
Ans. D
23) which one is milk protein digesting enzyme
A) pepsin
B) rennin
C) lipase
D) serotonin
Ans. B
24) which one is fats digesting enzyme
A) pepsin
B) rennin
C) lipase
D) serotonin
Ans. C
25) which component of food is not digested in stomach
A) carbohydrates
B) proteins
C) fats
D) vitamins
Ans. A
26) which one is largest glands in our body
A) pituitary glands
B) gastric glands
C) liver
D) hypothalamus
Ans. C
27) what is main secretion of gallbladder
A) bile salt
B) lipase
C) pepsin
D) rennin
Ans. A
28) bile salts help in the digestion of which food component
A) carbohydrates
B) proteins
C) fats
D) vitamins
Ans. C
29) which one have no enzymes
A) bile salt
B) lipase
C) pepsin
D) rennin
Ans. A
30) which one have no gallbladder in body
A) cows
B) human beings
C) goat
D) rabbit and horse
Ans. D
31) Kupffer cells are found in
A) stomach
B) kidney
C) testes
D) liver
Ans. D
32) acni cells of pancrease are
A) exocrine
B) endocrine
C) heterocrine
D) none
Ans. A
33) pancreas are which one of the following function
A) exocrine
B) endocrine
C) heterocrine
D) none
Ans. C
34) islets of langerhans of pancrease are function
A) exocrine
B) endocrine
C) heterocrine
D) none
Ans. B
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35) which produce enzymes
A) acni cells of pancrease
B) islets of langerhans
C) both
D) none
Ans. A
36) which produce hormones
A) acni cells of pancrease
B) islets of langerhans
C) both
D) none
Ans. B
37) enzyme trypsinogen, chymotrypsinogen and procarboxypeptidase are secreted by which glands
A) liver
B) gastric glands
C) pancrease
D) intestine
Ans. C
38) the enzyme pancreatic amylase pancreatic lipase and nuclease is secreted by which glands
A) liver
B) gastric glands
C) pancrease
D) intestine
Ans. C
39) the digestive food present in stomach is known as
A) chyle
B) chyme
C) both
D) none
Ans. B
40) the digestive food present in intestine is known as
A) chyle
B) chyme
C) both
D) none
Ans. A
41) Brunners glands are found in
A) liver
B) gastric glands
C) pancrease
D) intestine
Ans. D
42) crypts of Lieberkuhn are found in
A) liver
B) gastric glands
C) pancrease
D) intestine
Ans. D
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