Class 11th biology MCQs test-5 for Neet-CBSE-JAC exams
■lesson animal nutrition and human digestive system tongue and teeth and Class 11th biology MCQs test-5 for Neet- CBSE-JAC exams
■subtopics:- animal nutrition and human digestive system tongue and teeth with example and Class 11th biology MCQs test-5 in for Neet-CBSE-JAC exams
■introduction :- 11th biology MCQs test-5 ,students might be busy in your preparation for coming CBSE ,11th board Jharkhand academic Council exams and other state board exam will provide many type of education material like fill in the blanks, true or false matching type questions ,multiple choice questions, very short questions answers type, short questions answer type and long questions type of 11th class Biology from each topic that help you in your preparation. Class 11th biology MCQs test-5 in for CBSE-JAC exams
*In this post :- we provide you ,Class 11th biology MCQs test-5 for Neet-CBSE-JAC exams, MCQs test sample with answer from the lesson animal nutrition and human digestive system tongue and teeth

Class 11th biology MCQs test-5 for Neet-CBSE-JAC exams
■ Class 11th biology MCQs test-5 for Neet -CBSE-JAC exams
Multiple choice questions in Biology digestive system
1) outer layer of alimentary Canal covering is known as
A) serosa
B) muscula coat
C) sub-mucosa
D) mucosa
Ans. A
2) inner layer of alimentary Canal covering is known as
A) serosa
B) muscula coat
C) sub-mucosa
D) mucosa
Ans. D
3) An inverted V-shaped furrow in tongue named is
A) papillae
B) sulcus terminalis
C) frenulum linguae
D) lingual tonsil
Ans. B
4) the middle of the undersurface of tongue is attached to the floor of the oral cavity by mucous membrane is called as
A) papillae
B) sulcus terminalis
C) frenulum linguae
D) lingual tonsil
Ans. C
5) upper surface of the tongue bear numerous test buds is known as which of following
A) papillae
B) sulcus terminalis
C) frenulum linguae
D) lingual tonsil
Ans. A
6) the pharyngeal part of the tongue which lack papillae but show lymphoid tissue is known as which of the following
A) papillae
B) sulcus terminalis
C) frenulum linguae
D) lingual tonsil
Ans. D
7) the large size papillae present on outer surface of tongue is known as
A) fungiform papillae
B) filiform papillae
C) Vallate papillae
D) foliate papillae
Ans. C
8) deep red papillae present on outer surface of tongue is known as
A) fungiform papillae
B) filiform papillae
C) Vallate papillae
D) foliate papillae
Ans. A
9) smallest papillae present on outer surface of tongue is known as
A) fungiform papillae
B) filiform papillae
C) Vallate papillae
D) foliate papillae
Ans. B
10) human teeth are
A) acrodont
B) thecodont
C) homodont
D) none
Ans. B
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11) the teeth that appears in two sets one is milk teeth and second one is permanent teeth is known as
A) diphyodont
B) thecodont
C) monophyodont
D) acrodont
Ans. A
12) tusks of elephant is
A) canine
B) incissor
C) premolar
D) molar
Ans. B
13) Canines is absent in
A) tiger
B) lion
C) rabbit
D) none
Ans. C
14) what is diastema of teeth
A) A gap between incissor and premolars
B) A gap between incissor and molars
C) A gap between incissor and canines
D) A gap between canines and premolars
Ans. A
15) the last molar teeth are called as which of the following
A) acrodont teeth
B) homodont teeth
C) heterodont teeth
D) wisdom teeth
16) monophyodont teeth are present in human beings is
A) 8 premolar+4 molars
B) 6 premolar+4 molars
C) 8 premolar+2 molars
D) 8 premolar+6 molars
Ans. A
17) dental formula in human beings is which of the following
A) 2123/2123
B) 2122/2120
C) 2122/2122
D) 2120/2120
Ans. A
18) dental formula of temporary set in human beings is which of the following
A) 2123/2123
B) 2122/2120
C) 2122/2122
D) 2120/2120
Ans. D
19) exposed part of teeth is known as
A) crown
B) neck
C) root
D) none
Ans. A
20) the incisors and canines have how many roots
A) single rooted
B) double rooted
C) three root
D) none
Ans. A
21) how many roots are present in upper premolar teeth
A) single rooted
B) double rooted
C) three root
D) none
Ans. B
22) how many roots are present in lower premolar teeth
A) single rooted
B) double rooted
C) three root
D) none
Ans. A
23) how many roots are present in upper molar teeth
A) single rooted
B) double rooted
C) three root
D) none
Ans. C
24) how many roots are present in lower molar teeth
A) single rooted
B) double rooted
C) three root
D) none
Ans. B
25) hard bone like substance present in teeth is called as
A) enamel
B) dentine
C) gum
D) root
Ans. B
26) dentin is formed from which cell
A) enamel
B) dentine
C) gum
D) odontoblasts
Ans. D
27) The crown is covered by shining material in known as
A) enamel
B) dentine
C) gum
D) odontoblasts
Ans. A
28) which is the hardest material in human body
A) enamel
B) dentine
C) gum
D) odontoblasts
Ans. A
29) the root is fixed in the alveolus of jaw bone by which structure
A) enamel
B) cementum
C) gum
D) odontoblasts
Ans. B
30) the muscular connective tissue cavity found in teeth is known as
A) enamel
B) pulp cavity
C) gum
D) odontoblasts
Ans. B
31) The teeth found in frogs are which type
A) acrodont
B) thecodont
C) homodont
D) none
Ans. A
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32) teeth are made of which chemical rich compound
A) calcium phosphate
B) calcium silicate
C) calcium sulphate
D) calcium Hyposulphate
Ans. A
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