Class 11th biology MCQs test-7 for Neet-CBSE-JAC exams
■lesson animal nutrition and human digestive glands and physiology of digestion Class 11th biology MCQs test-7 for Neet- CBSE-JAC exams
■subtopics:- animal nutrition and human digestive glands and physiology of digestion with example and Class 11th biology MCQs test-7 in for Neet-CBSE-JAC exams
■introduction :- 11th biology MCQs test-7 ,students might be busy in your preparation for coming CBSE ,11th board Jharkhand academic Council exams and other state board exam will provide many type of education material like fill in the blanks, true or false matching type questions ,multiple choice questions, very short questions answers type, short questions answer type and long questions type of 11th class Biology from each topic that help you in your preparation. Class 11th biology MCQs test-7 in for CBSE-JAC exams

Class 11th biology MCQs test-7 for Neet-CBSE-JAC exams
*In this post :- we provide you ,Class 11th biology MCQs test-7 for Neet-CBSE-JAC exams, MCQs test sample with answer from the lesson animal nutrition and human digestive glands and physiology of digestion
Class 11th biology MCQs test-7 for Neet -CBSE-JAC exams human digestive glands and physiology of digestion
Important MCQ in biology
1) which enzyme responsible for digestion of carbohydrates
A) salivary amylase
B) pepsin
C) trypsin
D) lipase
Ans. A
2) in presence of salivary amylase starch and glycogen convert into which of the following
A) maltose isomaltose and Dextrin
B) maltose sucrose lactose
C) glucose fructose galactose
D) sucrose glucose fructose
Ans. A
3) pancreatic amylase is secreted by which glands
A) gastric glands
B) liver
C) pancrease
D) intestinal glands
Ans. C
4) which glands does not secrets carbohydrate digestive enzyme
A) salivary glands
B) intestinal glands
C) pancreas
D) gastric glands
Ans. D
5) pancreatic amylase is responsible for digestion of which food component
A) starch and glycogen
B) maltose and isomaltose
C) dextrin
D) lactose
Ans. A
6) which enzyme converts maltose into glucose
A) salivary amylase
B) lactase
C) maltase
D) sucrase
Ans. C
7) which enzyme converts sucrose into glucose and fructose
A) salivary amylase
B) lactase
C) maltase
D) sucrase
Ans. D
8) which enzyme break the double sugar isomaltose to single sugar glucose
A) isomaltase
B) lactase
C) maltase
D) sucrase
Ans. A
9) which enzyme converts Dextrin molecules into single sugar glucose
A) isomaltase
B) dextrinase
C) maltase
D) sucrase
Ans. B
10) which enzyme hydrolyzes the double sugar lactose into single sugar glucose and galactose
A) isomaltase
B) lactase
C) maltase
D) sucrase
Ans. B
11) which is the digesting enzyme of cellulose
A) isomaltase
B) lactase
C) maltase
D) cellulase
Ans. D
12) which enzyme is not present in human body
A) isomaltase
B) lactase
C) maltase
D) cellulase
Ans. D
13) coprophagy condition is found in
A) cow
B) human beings
Ans. C
14) which one of the symbiotic organism present in termites for the digestion
A) zoocholera
B) cyanobacteria
C) Trichonympha
D) none
Ans. C
15) protein digesting enzyme is which of the following
A) protease
B) lipase
C) amylase
D) none
Ans. A
16) which kills the bacteria in stomach
A) HCl
B) lipase
C) protease
D) none
Ans. A
17) proenzyme pepsinogen is changed into active enzyme pepsin for the digestion of protein by the presence of
A) HCl
B) lipase
C) protease
D) none
Ans. A
18) the active enzyme pepsin breaks the proteins molecule into which smaller molecules
A) proteoses and peptones
B) amino acid
C) glucose
D) glycerol and fatty acid
Ans. A
19) which protein is present in milk
A) rennin
B) pepsin
C) Casein
D) none
Ans. D
20) which is milk protein digesting enzyme
A) rennin
B) pepsin
C) Casein
D) none
Ans. A
21) non-digestive enzyme present in intestine juice is
A) HCl
B) rennin
C) pepsin
D) enterokinase
Ans. D
22) the proenzyme trypsinogen change into active enzyme trypsin by presence of
A) HCl
B) rennin
C) pepsin
D) enterokinase
Ans. D
23) the proenzyme chymotrypsinogen change into active enzyme chymotrypsin by presence of
A) HCl
B) rennin
C) Trypsin
D) enterokinase
Ans. C
24) the proenzyme procarboxypeptidase change into active enzyme carboxypeptidase by presence of
A) HCl
B) rennin
C) Trypsin
D) enterokinase
Ans. C
25) intestine juices contain which type of proteases enzyme
A.) Enteropeptidase
B) aminopeptidase
C) dipeptidase
D) all
Ans. D
26) the process of fats molecules breaks down into droplets of molecules by bile salt is known as
A) emulsification
B) fractional distillation
C) distillation
D) none
Ans. A
27) digestion of 1 fats molecules produce
A) 1 glycerol + 3 molecules of fatty acid
B) 2 glycerol + 2 molecules of fatty acid
C) 3 glycerol + 2 molecules of fatty acid
D) 1 glycerol + 2 molecules of fatty acid
Ans. A
28) fats molecule is
A) diaglyceride
B) mono glyceride
C) triglyceride
D) poly glyceride
Ans. C
29) which of following is nuclic acid digestive enzyme
A) nucleases
B) nucleotidase
C) nucleosidase
D) all
Ans. D
30) which enzyme digest the DNA molecules and change into deoxyribonucleotide
A) DNAse
B) RNAse
C) nucleotidase
D) nucleosidase
Ans. A
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