MCQs test sample in biology for class 12th-CBSE-JAC Exams
Hi guys in this article we know about MCQs test sample in biology for class 12th and neet exam from esson-2 sexual reproduction in flowering plants and their sub-topics is part of flower
* introduction :- students might be busy in your preparation for coming 12th board Jharkhand academic Council will provide many type of education material like fill in the blanks, true or false matching type questions ,multiple choice questions,MCQs test sample -3 in biology ,very short questions answers type, short questions answer type and long questions type of 12th class Biology from each topic that help you in your preparation. It provides MCQ test sample -3 in Biology for class 12th- CBSE -JAC exam
*In this post :- we provide you MCQs test sample in biology with answer from the lesson 2 sexual reproduction in flowering plant
■MCQs test sample in biology for class 12th-CBSE-JAC Exams
■ lesson-2 sexual reproduction in flowering plants
■ sub-topics:- part of flower

MCQs test sample in biology for class 12th-CBSE-JAC Exams
mcq in biology from flower
Parts of a typical flower
Q1) stalk of flower is known as
A) peduncle
B) petiole
C) pedicel
D) bract
Ans. C
Q2) male part of flower
A) stamens
B) sepal
C) petal
D) carpel
Ans. A
Q3) female part of flower
A) stamens
B) sepal
C) petal
D) carpel
Ans. D
Q4) non essential part of flower
A) stamens
B) sepal
C) sepal and petals both
D) carpel
Ans. C
Q5) essential part of flower
A) stamens
B) sepal
C) stamen and carpel both
D) carpel
Ans. C
Q6) the flower which bearing all 4 whorls
A) incomplete flower
B) complete flower
C) bisexual flower
D) unisexual flower
Ans. B
Q7) single unit of androecium is known as
A) stamens
B) sepal
C) petal
D) carpel
Ans. A
Q8) single unit of gynoecium is known as
A) stamens
B) sepal
C) petal
D) carpel
Ans. D
Q9) single unit of corolla is known as
A) stamens
B) sepal
C) petal
D) carpel
Ans. C
Q10) single unit of calyx is known as
A) stamens
B) sepal
C) petal
D) carpel
Ans. B
Q11) both essential whorls are absent in the flower is known as
A) incomplete flower
B) complete flower
C) bisexual flower
D) neuter flower
Ans. D
Q12) presence of 4 free petals arrange in the form of cross
A) cruciform
B) caryophyllaceous
C) Rosaceous
D) papilionaceous
Ans. A
Q13) the petals are five or more than five having very reduce claw or sessile
A) cruciform
B) caryophyllaceous
C) Rosaceous
D) papilionaceous
Ans. C
Q14) presents of five petals and their limb of petals spread outward
A) cruciform
B) caryophyllaceous
C) Rosaceous
D) papilionaceous
Ans. B
Q15) butterfly shape irregular Petals
A) cruciform
B) caryophyllaceous
C) Rosaceous
D) papilionaceous
Ans. D
■MCQs test sample-3 in biology for class 12th-CBSE-JAC Exams
■ lesson-2 sexual reproduction in flowering plants
■ sub-topics:- part of flower
■provides MCQ test sample -3 in Biology for class 12th- CBSE -JAC exam
Q16) the largest posterior petals in papilionaceous
A) standard or vexillum
B) wings
C) keel
D) none
Ans. A
Q17) the two lateral small petals in papilionaceous
A) standard or vexillum
B) wings
C) keel
D) none
Ans. B
Q17) the two anterior petals in papilionaceous
A) standard or vexillum
B) wings
C) keel
D) none
Ans. C
Q18) all the stamens are free in the androecium is known as
A) polyandrous
B) epipetalous
C) epiphylous
D) gyndrous
Ans. A
Q19) filaments of stamens join with Petals
A) polyandrous
B) epipetalous
C) epiphylous
D) gyndrous
Ans. B
Q20) stamens arising from tepals
A) polyandrous
B) epipetalous
C) epiphylous
D) gyndrous
Ans. C
Q21) stamens join with sepal
A) polyandrous
B) epipetalous
C) epiphylous
D) episepalous
Ans. D
Q22) when the anthers of stamen United with stigma of carpel is known as
A) polyandrous
B) epipetalous
C) epiphylous
D) gyndrous
Ans. D
Q23) stamens are shorter than Corolla
A) exerted
B) inserted
C) didynamous
D) tetradynamous
Ans. B
Q24) stamens longer than Corolla
A) exerted
B) inserted
C) didynamous
D) tetradynamous
Ans. A
Q25) presence of 6 stamens in which four stamens are large and two stamens are short is known as
A) exerted
B) inserted
C) didynamous
D) tetradynamous
Ans. D
Q26) the condition in which presence of four stamens having two larger and two small
A) exerted
B) inserted
C) didynamous
D) tetradynamous
Ans. C
Q27) when both filaments and anther of stamens are fused completely
A) polydelphous
B) syncarpous
C) apocarpous
D) synandrous
Ans. D
Q28) presence of carpel which are free from each other
A) polydelphous
B) syncarpous
C) apocarpous
D) synandrous
Ans. C
■MCQs test sample-3 in biology for class 12th-CBSE-JAC Exams
■ lesson-2 sexual reproduction in flowering plants
■ sub-topics:- part of flower
Q29) presence of carpel which are fused to each other
A) polydelphous
B) syncarpous
C) apocarpous
D) synandrous
Ans. B
Q30) stalk of stamen is known as
A) anther
B) filament
C) both A and B
D) none
Ans. B
matching type question sample -1
2) biology class 11th and 12th all full forms
3) MCQs test sample-1 in biology for class 12th-JAC Exams
Q31) upper broader knob like bilobed structure is known as
A) anther
B) filament
C) both A and B
D) none
Ans. A
Q32) normal structure of anther is
A) bithecous
B) monothecous
C) trithecous
D) tetrathecous
Ans. A
Q33) number of microsporangium in 1 and anther of stamen
A) 2
B) 3
C) 4
D) 1
Ans. C
Q34) outer layer of microsporangium is known as
A) epidermis
B) endothecium
C) middle layer
D) tapetum
Ans. A
Q35) innermost layer of microsporangium is known as
A) epidermis
B) endothecium
C) middle layer
D) tapetum
Ans. D
Q36) innermost layer of microsporangium which nourishing the developing microspore
A) epidermis
B) endothecium
C) middle layer
D) tapetum
Ans. D
Q37) the term monocarpellary is
A) single carpel
B) two carpel
C) three carpel
D) none
Ans. A
Q38) term unitegmic means
A) 1 integument
B) 2 integument
C) 3 integument
D) none
Ans. A
Q39) the ovule contains thin wall parenchymatous cell
A) integument
B) nucellus
C) micropyle
D) hilum
Ans. B
Q40) nucellus is protected by which structure
A) chalaza
B) micropyle
C) integument
D) none
Ans. C
Q41) small opening in integument is
A) chalaza
B) micropyle
C) integument
D) none
Ans. B
Q42) the basal portion of nucellus
A) chalaza
B) micropyle
C) integument
D) none
Ans. A
■MCQs test sample-3 in biology for class 12th-CBSE-JAC Exams
■ lesson-2 sexual reproduction in flowering plants
■ sub-topics:- part of flower
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