mcq test series in biology for class 11th CBSE-JAC exams
Hi guys in this article we know about mcq test series in biology for class 11th from lesson animal nutrition
■subtopics:- animal nutrition and Carbohydrates with example and mcq test series in biology for class 11th
■introduction :- 11th biology MCQs test-2 ,students might be busy in your preparation for coming CBSE ,11th board Jharkhand academic Council exams and other state board exam will provide many type of education material like fill in the blanks, true or false matching type questions ,multiple choice questions, very short questions answers type, short questions answer type and long questions type of 11th class Biology from each topic that help you in your preparation. Class 11th biology MCQs test-2 in for CBSE-JAC exams

Class 11th biology MCQs test-2 for CBSE-JAC exams
*In this post :- we provide you ,Class 11th biology MCQs test-2 for CBSE-JAC exams, MCQs test sample with answer from the lesson animal nutrition
Multiple choice question for neet biology
1) which one of the following is micronutrient
A) carbohydrates
B) fats
C) proteins
D) amino acid
Ans. D
B) which one of the following is macronutrient
A) carbohydrates
B) fatty acid
C) glucose
D) amino acid
Ans. A
3) water Minerals and vitamins have small molecules and absorbed without any change these are called as
A) macronutrient
B) micronutrient
C) protective food
D) both B and C
Ans. D
4) which one of the following is known as energy giving food
A) carbohydrates
B) fats
C) proteins
D) amino acid
Ans. A
5) general formula of carbohydrate is
A) (CH2O)n
B) (CH2O2)n
C) (C2H2O)n
D) (C2H2O2)n
Ans. A
6) carbohydrate is carry the functional group
A) poly hydroxy aldehyde
B) polyhydroxy ketone
C) both A and B
D) poly hydroxy carboxylic acid
Ans. C
7) which one is example of monosaccharide
A) glucose
B) starch
C) glycogen
D) chitine
Ans. A
8) which one is example of disaccharide
A) sucrose
B) starch
C) glycogen
D) chitine
Ans. A
9) which one is example of homo polysaccharide
A) glucose
B) maltose
C) glycogen
D) chitine
Ans. C
10) which one is example of hetero polysaccharide
A) glucose
B) starch
C) glycogen
D) chitine
Ans. D
11) glucose ,Fructose and galactose is which types of carbohydrate
A) monosaccharide
B) disaccharide
C) hetero polysaccharides
D) homo polysaccharide
Ans. A
12) sucrose maltose and lactose is which type of carbohydrate
A) monosaccharide
B) disaccharide
C) hetero polysaccharides
D) homo polysaccharide
Ans. B
13) starch and glycogen is which type of carbohydrate
A) monosaccharide
B) disaccharide
C) hetero polysaccharides
D) homo polysaccharide
Ans. D
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14) chitine is which type of carbohydrate
A) monosaccharide
B) disaccharide
C) hetero polysaccharides
D) homo polysaccharide
Ans. C
15) glucose and galactose is which type of monosaccharide
A) aldose
B) ketose
C) both A and B
D) none
Ans. A
16) Fructose is which type of monosaccharide
A) aldose
B) ketose
C) both A and B
D) none
Ans. B
17) calorific value of carbohydrate in bomb caloriemetre is
A) 4.1 kilocalories
B) 4.2 kilocalories
C) 4.0 kilocalories
D) 4.3 kilocalories
Ans. A
18) what is physiological fuel value of carbohydrate in cell
A) 4.1 kilocalories
B) 4.2 kilocalories
C) 4.0 kilocalories
D) 4.3 kilocalories
Ans. C
19) conversion of extra glucose into glycogen and store in the liver and the muscles this process is called as
A) glycogenesis
B) lipogenesis
C) glycogenolysis
D) gluconeogenesis
Ans. A
20) extra glucose change into fats and store in liver and adipose tissue is known as
A) glycogenesis
B) lipogenesis
C) glycogenolysis
D) gluconeogenesis
Ans. B
21) reserve glycogen is converted into glucose for use in energy production is known as
A) glycogenesis
B) lipogenesis
C) glycogenolysis
D) gluconeogenesis
Ans. C
22) non- carbohydrate material like proteins change into glucose for production of energy this process is known as
A) glycogenesis
B) lipogenesis
C) glycogenolysis
D) gluconeogenesis
Ans. D
23) which one of the following is known as canesugar
A) maltose
B) sucrose
C) lactose
D) glucose
Ans. B
24) which one of the following is known as milk Sugar
A) maltose
B) sucrose
C) lactose
D) glucose
Ans. C
25) who is one of the following is known as malt sugar
A) maltose
B) sucrose
C) lactose
D) glucose
Ans. A
26) which monosaccharide is present in sucrose
A) maltose + glucose
B) glucose+ galactose
C) glucose + glucose
D) glucose +fructose
Ans. D
27) which monosaccharide is present in maltose
A) maltose + glucose
B) glucose+ galactose
C) glucose + glucose
D) glucose +fructose
Ans. C
28) who is monosaccharide is present in lactose
A) maltose + glucose
B) glucose+ galactose
C) glucose + glucose
D) glucose +fructose
Ans. B
29) the carbohydrate which have free aldehyde and Ketone group is known as which of the following
A) reducing sugar
B) non-reducing sugar
C) both A and B
D) none
Ans. A
30) the carbohydrate which have no free aldehyde and Ketone group is known as which of the following
A) reducing sugar
B) non-reducing sugar
C) both A and B
D) none
Ans. B
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31) which is example of non- reducing sugar
A) maltose
B) sucrose
C) lactose
D) glucose
Ans. B
32) an adult man of average weight and doing moderate work needs how many grams of Carbohydrates daily
A) 500 grams
B) 600 grams
C) 700 grams
D) 400 grams
Ans. A
33) what percent of carbohydrate is present of our Total weight of body
A) 1%
B) 2%
C) 3%
D) 4%
Ans. A
34) which one of the following is an anticoagulant material
A) suberin
B) cuticle
C) heparin
D) lipid
Ans. C
35) general formula of glucose is
A) C6H12O6
B) C6H12O5
C) C6H11O5
D) C5H12O5
Ans. B
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