MCQ test sample for neet biology exam and for class 12th -CBSC -JAC exams
Hi guys in this article we know about MCQ test sample for neet biology exam

MCQs test sample-10 in biology
■lesson-3 human reproduction and MCQs test sample-10 in biology
■subtopics:- ovum and its development
■introduction :- MCQ test sample for neet biology ,students might be busy in your preparation for coming CBSE ,12th board Jharkhand academic Council exams and other state board exam will provide many type of education material like fill in the blanks, true or false matching type questions ,multiple choice questions, very short questions answers type, short questions answer type and long questions type of 12th class Biology from each topic that help you in your preparation.MCQ test sample for neet biology
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*In this post :- we provide you MCQs test sample-10 in biology, MCQs test sample with answer from the lesson 3 human reproduction
Important mcq for neet exam
1) which of following is maternal applied gamete
A) sperm
B) ovum
C) ovary
D) testes
Ans. B
2) which of following is non -motile gametes
A) sperm
B) ovum
C) ovary
D) zoospore
Ans. B
3) which of following have reserve food material and is genetically programmed
A) scrotum
B) ovum
C) ovary
D) testes
Ans. B
4) largest size of egg which animals
A) pigeon
B) peacock
C) ostrich
D) penguin
Ans. C
5) microlecithal egg find in
A) birds
B) reptiles
C) mammals
D) none
Ans. C
6) macro lecithal eggs found in which of the following
A) birds
B) reptiles
C) mammals
D) birds and reptiles
Ans. D
7) human ovum is which of the following
A) macrolecithal
B) microlecithal
C) both
D) none
Ans. B
8) outer cytoplasmic part of ovum is called as
A) ooplasm
B) endoplasm
C) exoplasm
D) none
Ans. C
9) inner cytoplasmic part of ovum is called as
A) ooplasm
B) mesoplasm
C) exoplasm
D) none
Ans. A
10) the side of ovum with nucleus and polar body is known as which of the following
A) animal pole
B) vegetal pole
C) both
D) none
Ans. A
11) opposite side of ovum is known as which structure
A) animal pole
B) vegetal pole
C) both
D) none
Ans. B
12) outermost layer of ovum is which of the following
A) vittelline membrane
B) zona pellucida
C) corona radiata
D) none
Ans. C
13) innermost layer of ovum is which of the following
A) vittelline membrane
B) zona pellucida
C) corona radiata
D) none
Ans. A
14) middle thick transparent and non cellular layer of egg envelope is known as which of following
A) vittelline membrane
B) zona pellucida
C) corona radiata
D) none
Ans. B
15) the space between vitelline membrane and zona pellucida of ovum is known as
A) vittelline membrane
B) zona pellucida
C) vittelline space
D) perivittelline space
Ans. D
16) which of the following have centriole is absent
A) sperm
B) ovum
C) testes
D) none
Ans. B
17) excentric nucleus is found in
A) sperm
B) ovum
C) testes
D) none
Ans. B
18) when ovulation and menstrual cycle stop in human female is known as
A) menopause
B) oestrous cycle
C) menstrual cycle
D) none
Ans. A
19) currently average period of Menopause in human female is
A) 50 years
B) 52 years
C) 55 years
D) none
Ans. B
20) hot flushes sensation of warmth spreading from trunk to the face in which condition
A) menopause
B) oestrous cycle
C) menstrual cycle
D) none
Ans. A
21) level of estrogen is maximum on which day of menstrual cycle
A) 10 days
B) 12 days
C) 13 days
D) 11 days
Ans. B
22) level of LH hormone is maximum on which day of menstrual cycle
A) 10 days
B) 12 days
C) 13 days
D) 11 days
Ans. C
23) Corpus luteum is fully formed on which day of menstrual cycle
A) 20 days
B) 21 days
C) 18 days
D) 19 days
Ans. D
24) level of progesterone hormone is maximum on which day of menstrual cycle
A) 13 days
B) 18 days
C) 20 days
D) 21 days
Ans. D
25) which hormone stimulates the change of primary follicle of the ovary into Graafian follicle
C) estrogen
D) none
Ans. B
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