Genetics disorders MCQs with answers for neet-CBSE-JAC exams
■lesson-5 principles of inheritance and variation and genetics disorders MCQs with answers for neet-CBSE-JAC exams
■subtopics:- principles of inheritance and variation and genetics disorders MCQs with answers for neet-CBSE-JAC exams
■introduction :- principles of inheritance and variation and genetics disorders MCQs with answers for neet-CBSE-JAC exams,students might be busy in your preparation for coming CBSE ,12th board Jharkhand academic Council exams and other state board exam will provide many type of education material like fill in the blanks, true or false matching type questions ,multiple choice questions, very short questions answers type, short questions answer type and long questions type of 12th class Biology from each topic that help you in your preparation and principles of inheritance and variation and genetics disorders MCQs with answers for neet-CBSE-JAC exams
*In this post :- we provide you genetics disorders MCQs with answers for neet-CBSE-JAC exams and MCQs test sample with answer from the lesson 5 principles of inheritance and variation and genetics disorders
mcq in biology Mendelian disorder
1) who discovered barr body
A) Murry Barr
B) Mendel
C) Morgan
D) Bateson
Ans. A
2) Barr body found in
A) male only
B) female only
C) male and female
D) none
Ans. B
3) Barr body found in
A) germ cell
B) somatic cell
C) both
D) none
Ans. B
4) the genetic disorder due to gene mutation mainly due to mutation of single gene is known as which of following
A) Mendelian disorders
B) chromosomal disorders
C) both
D) none
Ans. A
5) which of following is mendelian disorder
A) haemophilia
B) Sickle Cell anaemia
C) red green colour blindness
D) all of these
Ans. D
6) Mendelian disorder in which blood lacks the capacity to coagulate is
A) haemophilia
B) Sickle Cell anaemia
C) red green colour blindness
D) phenylketonuria
Ans. A
7) haemophilia disease is inherited through which types of chromosome
A) X linked dominant gene
B) X linked reccessive gene
C) Y linked dominant gene
D) Y linked reccessive gene
Ans. B
8) haemophilia disease is produced in male by number of gene is
A) two gene
B) three gene
C) single gene
D) four gene
Ans . C
9) haemophilia disease is produced in female by number of gene is
A) two gene
B) three gene
C) single gene
D) four gene
Ans. A
10) haemophilia disease is found in
A) male
B) female
C) both
D) none
Ans. A
11) haemophilia disease in transmitted in male by
A) normal male
B) normal female
C) carriers female
D) carriers female
Ans. C
12) which one is carrier female
C) XXh
D) XhY
Ans. C

Genetics disorders MCQs with answers for neet-CBSE-JAC exams
13) career haemophillic female transmit the gene to her child
A) daughter only
B) son only
C) both
D) none
Ans. B
14) colour blindness is also known as which of following
A) klinefelter syndrome
B) Turner syndrome
C) daltonism
D) Sickle Cell anaemia
Ans. C
15) who discover the red green colour blindness
A) Murry Barr
B) Wilson
C) Morgan
D) Bateson
Ans. B
16) daltonism is found in
A) male only
B) female only
C) only in male and rarely in female
D) none
Ans. C
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17) female represent in daltonism is
A) normal female
B) carrier female
C) colour blind female
D) none
Ans. B
18) in colour blind disease human beings suffering from
A) man cannot distinguish red colour from green colour
B) man cannot distinguish green colour from red colour
C) both
D) unable to recognise colour
Ans. A
19) Sickle Cell anaemia is disease caused by which gene
A) Hbs
B) Hb
C) Hbss
D) none
Ans. A
20) Sickle Cell anaemia is caused due to
A) glutamic acid in place of valline
B) valline in place of glutamic acid
C) both
D) none
Ans. B
21) in Sickle Cell anaemia shape of red blood cell is
A) sickle shape
B) disc shape
C) cuboidal shape
D) none
Ans. A
22) phenylketonuria is caused due to
A) increase in the level of phenylalanine in the blood due to absence of enzyme phenyl alanine hydroxylase
B) decrease in level of phenylalanine
C) presence of enzyme phenyl alanine hydroxylase
D) none
Ans. A
23) mental backwardness in child is caused due to
A) haemophilia
B) colour blindness
C) Sickle Cell anaemia
D) phenylketonuria
Ans. D
24) cystic fibrosis is caused due to
A) single autosome recessive gene
B) double autosome recessive gene
C) single allosome recessive gene
D) double allosome recessive gene
Ans. A
25) which mandelian disorder is responsible for bronchitis
A) cystic fibrosis
B) colour blindness
C) Sickle Cell anaemia
D) phenylketonuria
Ans. A
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