chromosomal disorders MCQs with answers for neet-CBSE-JAC exams and lesson-5 principles of inheritance and variation and chromosomal disorders MCQs with answers for neet-CBSE-JAC exams
■subtopics:- principles of inheritance and variation and chromosomal disorders MCQs with answers for neet-CBSE-JAC exams
■introduction :- principles of inheritance and variation and chromosomal disorders MCQs with answers for neet-CBSE-JAC exams,students might be busy in your preparation for coming CBSE ,12th board Jharkhand academic Council exams
and other state board exam will provide many type of education material like fill in the blanks, true or false matching type questions ,multiple choice questions, very short questions answers type, short questions answer type and long questions type of 12th class Biology from each topic that help you in your preparation and principles of inheritance and variation and chromosomal disorders MCQs with answers for neet-CBSE-JAC exams
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*In this post :- we provide you chromosomal disorders MCQs with answers for neet-CBSE-JAC exams and MCQs test sample with answer from the lesson 5 principles of inheritance and variation and genetics disorders
mcq in biology chromosomal disorders
1) the chromosome disorder is arises due to change in number is which of the following
A) structural disorder
B) material disorder
C) numerical disorder
D) substantive disorder
Ans. C
2) the chromosome disorder is arises due to change in structure of chromosome is known as which of following
A) structural disorder
B) material disorder
C) numerical disorder
D) substantive disorder
Ans. A
MCQ in aneuploidy
3) aneuploidy represents
A) increase or decrease number of chromosome
B) increase in multiple sets of chromosome
C) deletion of some parts of chromosome
D) addition of some parts of chromosome
Ans. A
4) euploidy represents
A) increase or decrease number of chromosome
B) increase in multiple sets of chromosome
C) deletion of some parts of chromosome
D) addition of some parts of chromosome
Ans. B
5) missing of one chromosome is known as
A) monosomy
B) nulliosomy
C) trisomy
D) tetrasomy
Ans. A
6) missing of two chromosome is known as
A) monosomy
B) nulliosomy
C) trisomy
D) tetrasomy
Ans. B
7) increase of one chromosome is known as
A) monosomy
B) nulliosomy
C) trisomy
D) tetrasomy
Ans. C
8) increase of two chromosome is known as
A) monosomy
B) nulliosomy
C) trisomy
D) tetrasomy
Ans. D
9) representation of monosomic condition is
A) (2n + 1)
B) (2n + 2)
C) (2n – 1)
D) (2n – 2)
Ans. C
10) representation of nulliosomic condition is
A) (2n + 1)
B) (2n + 2)
C) (2n – 1)
D) (2n – 2)
Ans. D
11) representation of trisomic condition is
A) (2n + 1)
B) (2n + 2)
C) (2n – 1)
D) (2n – 2)
Ans. A
12) representation of tetrasomic condition is
A) (2n + 1)
B) (2n + 2)
C) (2n – 1)
D) (2n – 2)
Ans. B
13) Mongolism or down syndrome was discovered by
A) Benda
B) Morgan
C) Mendel
D) Langdon Down
Ans. D
14) main cause of down syndrome is which of the following
A) trisomy of 21nd chromosome
B) tetrasomy of 21nd chromosome
C) trisomy of 22nd chromosome
D) tetrasomy of 22nd chromosome
Ans. A

chromosomal disorders MCQs with answers for neet-CBSE-JAC exams
15) formation of n+1 gametes take place due to the phenomenon of which of following
A) disjunction
B) non- disjunction
C) crossing over
D) linkage
Ans. B
16) mental retardation in child is main characteristics of which syndrome
A) down syndrome
B) klinefelter syndrome
C) Turner syndrome
D) cri-du-chat syndrome
Ans. A
17) mangolian child arises from which parents
A) normal women giving birth to child
B) higher age women giving birth to child
C) both
D) none
Ans. B
18) Patau’s syndrome is caused due to which of the following
A) trisomy of 13th chromosome
B) tetrasomy of 13th chromosome
C) tetrasomy of 14th chromosome
D) trisomy of 14th chromosome
Ans. A
19) the abnormality consists of prominence of the posterior part of heel, cleft lip, deafness is
A) down syndrome
B) klinefelter syndrome
C) Patau’s syndrome
D) cri-du-chat syndrome
Ans. C
20) Cri-du-chat syndrome is caused due to
A) deletion of one arm of 5th autosome
B) deletion of one arm of 6th autosome
C) deletion of one arm of 7th autosome
D) deletion of one arm of 8th autosome
Ans. A
21) in which syndrome child can produce a sound resembling the mewing of cat
A) down syndrome
B) klinefelter syndrome
C) Patau’s syndrome
D) cri-du-chat syndrome
Ans. D
22) ( 44 + XXY ) number of barr body is
A) 1 barr body
B) 2 barr body
C) 3 barr body
D) 4 barr body
Ans. A
23) ( 44 + XXX ) number of barr body is
A) 1 barr body
B) 2 barr body
C) 3 barr body
D) 4 barr body
Ans. B
24) gynecomastia is caused due to which of following syndrome
A) down syndrome
B) klinefelter syndrome
C) Patau’s syndrome
D) cri-du-chat syndrome
Ans. B
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25) Klinefelter’s syndrome is found in
A) man only
B) female only
C) both male and female
D) none
Ans. A
26) main cause of klinefelter syndrome is
A) trisomy of male allosome
B) trisomy of male autosome
C) tetrasomy of male allosome
D) tetra of male autosome
Ans. A
27) chromosome representation in Klinfelter syndrome is
A) ( 44 + XXX )
B) ( 44 + XX )
C) ( 44 + XXXX )
D) ( 44 + XXY )
Ans. D
28) Turner’s syndrome is found in
A) man only
B) female only
C) both male and female
D) none
Ans. B
29) main cause of Turner syndrome is
A) monosomy in allosome of female
B) nulliosomy in allosome of female
C) trisomy in allosome of female
D) tetrasomy in allosome of female
Ans. A
30) hypogonadism is caused due to which syndrome
A) down syndrome
B) klinefelter syndrome
C) Turner’s syndrome
D) cri-du-chat syndrome
Ans. C
31) chromosome representation in Turner syndrome is
A) ( 44 + XO )
B) ( 44 + XX )
C) ( 44 + XXX )
D) ( 44 + XXY)
Ans. A
■ euploidy
32) the presence of chromosome number which is multiple of the basic chromosome set is
A) anneuploidy
B) euploidy
C) monosomy
D) trisomy
Ans. B
33) more than two sets of chromosome
A) anneuploidy
B) euploidy
C) monosomy
D) polyploidy
Ans. D
34) more than two sets of chromosome which are coming from same parents
A) anneuploidy
B) euploidy
C) autopolyploidy
D) polyploidy
Ans. C
35) more than two sets of chromosome which are coming from different parents
A) anneuploidy
B) euploidy
C) autopolyploidy
D) allopolyploidy
Ans. D
■ structural chromosomal disorders
36) portion of chromosome is missing or deleted is which type of chromosome disorder
A) deletion
B) duplication
C) translocation
D) reciprocal translocation
Ans. A
37) portion of chromosome is duplicated that’s resulting extra genetic material is which of the following
A) deletion
B) duplication
C) translocation
D) reciprocal translocation
Ans. B
38) a portion of chromosome is transferred to another chromosome
A) deletion
B) duplication
C) translocation
D) reciprocal translocation
Ans. C
39) the type of chromosome disorder in which segment from two different chromosome has been exchanged is
A) deletion
B) duplication
C) translocation
D) reciprocal translocation
Ans. D
40) a portion of chromosome broken off and turn upside down and reattach so this is genetic material is inverted
A) inversion
B) duplication
C) translocation
D) reciprocal translocation
Ans. A
41) portion of one chromosome has been deleted from its normal place and inserted into another chromosome
A) insertion
B) inversion
C) translocation
D) reciprocal translocation
Ans. A
2) biology class 11th and 12th all full forms
3) MCQs test sample-1 in biology for class 12th-JAC Exams
42) a person of chromosome have broken off and form circle or ring
A) deletion
B) rings
C) translocation
D) reciprocal translocation
Ans. B
43) in wheat which type of euploidy is found
A) hexaploidy
B) triploidy
C) tetraploidy
D) pentaploidy
Ans. A
44) triploidy is represented by
Ans. A
4 5) main cause of Turner syndrome is
A) monosomy
B) nulliosomy
C) trisomy
D) tetrasomy
Ans. A
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