adrenal gland MCQs with answers for neet-CBSE-JAC exams and lesson- endocrine glands and their function adrenal gland MCQs with answers for neet-CBSE-JAC exams
■subtopics:- adrenal gland MCQs with answers for neet-CBSE-JAC exams adrenal gland MCQs with answers for neet-CBSE-JAC exams,students might be busy in your preparation for coming CBSE ,12th board Jharkhand academic Council exams
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*In this post :- we provide you adrenal gland MCQs with answers for neet-CBSE-JAC exams and MCQs test sample with answer from the endocrine glands and endocrine system
MCQ from adrenal glands
1) adrenal glands is originated from which part of embryo
A) mesoderm and ectoderm
B) endoderm and mesoderm
C) endoderm
D) ectoderm
Ans. A
2) which glands have dual origin in nature
A) thyroid glands
B) parathyroid glands
C) thymus gland
D) adrenal glands
Ans. D
3) adrenal glands are which of the following characteristic
A) unpaired
B) paired
C) 2 paired
D) none
Ans. B
4) the location of adrenal glands are
A) in brain
B) in neck
C) in gonads
D) top of kidneys
Ans. D
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5) adrenal gland is which colour
A) redish colour
B) black in colour
C) yellowish in colour
D) none
Ans. C
6) adrenal cortex is originated from
A) ectoderm
B) mesoderm
C) endoderm
D) meso-ectoderm
Ans. B
7) external parts of adrenal gland is
A) adrenal cortex
B) adrenal medulla
C) adrenal sheath
D) isthemus
Ans. A
8) inner parts of adrenal gland is
A) adrenal cortex
B) adrenal medulla
C) adrenal sheath
D) isthemus
Ans. B
9) mineralocorticoids hormones is release from which parts of adrenal cortex
A) outer region of adrenal cortex
B) middle region of adrenal cortex
C) inner of adrenal cortex
D) none
Ans. A
10) what is meant function of mineralocorticoids hormone
A) it controls the Sodium and potassium ratio in the extracellular and intracellular fluids
B) balance the calcium and phosphate ratio in blood
C) balance the Glucose level in blood
D) balance the quantity of iron in hemoglobin
Ans. A
11) mineralocorticoids hormone secretion is stimulated by which of following
A) low concentration of sodium ion and plasma
B) higher concentration of potassium ion in plasma
C) high concentration of sodium ion in plasma
D) both A and B
Ans. D
12) major mineralocorticoid hormone is which of the following
A) adrenaline
B) noradrenaline
C) aldosterone
D) thyroxine
Ans. C
13) which one is known as salt retaining hormone
A) adrenaline
B) noradrenaline
C) aldosterone
D) thyroxine
Ans. C
14) glucocorticoid is secreted from which part of adrenal cortex
A) outer region of adrenal cortex
B) middle region of adrenal cortex
C) inner of adrenal cortex
D) none
Ans. B
15) which hormone regulate the metabolism of Carbohydrates proteins and fats
A) mineralocorticoids
B) glucocorticoids
C) sexcorticoids
D) none
Ans. B
16) which hormones converts fats and protein into carbohydrates during exccessive bleeding
A) adrenaline
B) noradrenaline
C) aldosterone
D) cortisol
Ans. D
17) a group of forming glucocorticoid is known as
A) adrenaline
B) noradrenaline
C) aldosterone
D) cortisol
Ans. D
18) sexcorticoids is secreted from which parts of adrenal cortex
A) outer region of adrenal cortex
B) middle region of adrenal cortex
C) inner of adrenal cortex
D) middle and inner regions of adrenal cortex
Ans. D
19) major function of sexcorticoids is
A) to release small amount of both male and female sex hormone testosterone and oestrogen
B) balance the Sodium and potassium ratio in blood
C) balance the metabolism of carbohydrate fats and proteins
D) balance the calcium and phosphate in blood plasma
Ans. A
20) addison’s disease is caused by
A) deficiency of mineralocorticoids
B) deficiency of glucocorticoid
C) deficiency of sexcorticoids
D) none
Ans. A
21) cushing syndrome is caused due to
A) excess of cortisol hormones
B) decrease in cortisol hormones
C) deficiency of mineralocorticoid
D) none
Ans. A
22) what is main characteristics of cushing syndrome
A) high blood sugar
B) obesity
C) wasting of limb muscles
D) all of these
Ans. D

adrenal gland MCQs with answers for neet-CBSE-JAC exams
23) aldosteronism is caused due to
A) excess of cortisol hormones
B) decrease in cortisol hormones
C) deficiency of mineralocorticoid
D) excess of aldosterone hormone
Ans. D
24) adrenal virilism is caused due to
A) excess of cortisol hormones
B) decrease in cortisol hormones
C) excess of sexcorticoids
D) excess of aldosterone hormone
Ans. C
25) adrenal medulla of adrenal gland is originated from
A) mesoderm and ectoderm
B) endoderm and mesoderm
C) endoderm
D) ectoderm
Ans. D
26) which part of removal of adrenal glands leads to death of any individual
A) adrenal cortex inner part
B) middle part of adrenal cortex
C) outer part of adrenal cortex
D) adrenal medulla of adrenal glands
Ans. D
27) which glands enables the animal to face physical and emotional stress
A) pituitary glands
B) thyroid glands
C) hypothalamus
D) adrenal gland
Ans. D
28) which two hormones are released from adrenal medulla
A) adrenaline and noradrenaline
B) thyroxine and parathormone
C) thyroxine and calcitonin
D) calcitonine and parathormone
Ans. A
29) which glands is known as glands of emergency
A) pituitary glands
B) thyroid glands
C) hypothalamus
D) adrenal gland
Ans. D
30) which hormone leads to fight or flight reaction
A) adrenaline and noradrenaline
B) thyroxine and parathormone
C) thyroxine and calcitonin
D) calcitonine and parathormone
Ans. A
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