Study of what vitamin in apple and their nutritional value. hi guys in this article we know about what vitamin in apple and their nutritional value. All you have heared old slogan that “eating one Apple a day keeps the doctor away”. Apple is a sweet edible fruit produced by apple tree . Apple tree are cultivated worldwide and most of widely grown species in the genus melus and the tree originated in Central Asia.
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What vitamin in apple
People want to know and have curosity what kind of nutrient present in Apple that keeping healthy and “which vitamin in apple”.
Apple are good source of vitamin C ,vitamin B- complex like riboflavin ,thiamine and pyridoxine and Vitamin K and small amount of Vitamin E.
Vitamin K helps in blood clotting and Vitamin E make immune system strong and Vitamin C act as antioxidant which keeps our body free from infection, fever ,swelling and prevent from damage of cells
and Vitamin B complex increase your appetite increasing rate of Carbohydrate and lipid metabolism make your skin healthy.

What vitamin in apple and their nutritional value
Nutritional value and nutrient present in apple
Apples are very popular fruit among the people and spread worldwide and popularly known as healthy fruits that keeps away from doctor.
Nutritional content of Apples have high content of fibre high content and Vitamin C and Viamin A and Vitamin B complex and Vitamin K and have also less amount of Vitamin E.
And apple have also various types of antioxidant and also very low calorie count study shows that eating apples can have multiple benefit for your health.
Important minerals like calcium phosphorus and potassium are also present in apples like calcium helps in bone of bone formation and potassium helps in muscles formation and phosphorus act as filters of wastage material
Apple nutritional facts
Here the nutritional fact for one raw unpeeled medium size hundred grams of apple.
● calories — 52
● total fats — 0.2 grams
● carbohydrates — 14 grams
● sugar —— 10 grams
● dietary fiber — 2.4 grams
● protien — 0.3 grams
● sodium — 1mili grams
● potassium — 107 miligram
● vitamin — Vitamin C, vitamin A ,Vitamin B complex ,vitamin K and a small amount of vitamin E. Apple are a rich source of vitamin C.
What vitamin in Apple
People want to know what vitamin in apple. As we know that Apple is good fruit having multiple vitamin. Apple is rich source of vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin K, Vitamin B complex like riboflavin thiamine and pyridoxine and small amount of Vitamin E is also present in Apple.
Vitamin of Apple Play an important role and vital function for the normal health growth and maintenance of body. Vitamins act as antioxidant in our body which fight against infection, fever and several harmful microorganism and prevent from damaging of cells.
So vitamin of Apple boost our immune system and make it strong and healthy. Antioxidant substance that is obtained from nutrient value of eating Apple are antibacterial ,anticancer, antiviral and anti-inflammatory in nature.
Apple is rich source of vitamin C which prevent from Scurvy disease. Due to deficiency of Vitamin C symptoms may not occurs for few months after a person dietary intake Vitamin C drops too low. bleeding gums ,weakness, may experience pain in muscles, fever ,loss of appetite ,bleeding gums and tooth loss.
Dietary fibre of Apple
Apple are very rich in dietary fibre a single medium size apple hundred gram content about 4 gram of dietary fibre nutrient a person of fibre comes from insoluble and soluble fibre called pectin.
soluble fibre is associated with numerous health benefits because it feeds the friendly bacteria in your gut, prevent from constipation and increasing digestion rate in your stomach and intestine.

What vitamin in apple and their nutritional value
Carbohydrate and sugar content in Apple
Apples are mainly composed of carbohydrates water and they are rich in sugar. Water content of Apple is about 86% and sugar content in Apple is about 10 gram per 100 gram of apple and carbohydrate content in Apple is about 14 gram per 100 gram of apple.
Apple should be eaten regularly by person who are suffering from diabetes. Despite their high carbohydrate and sugar content their glycemic index is low. glycemic index is a measure of how food affects the rise in blood sugar level after eating.
low value of glycemic index is associated with health benefits. due to their high fibre content and polyphenols carbohydrate apple fruit have low glycemic index. Important fruits for person who are suffering from diabetes.
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Mineral content of Apple
Apple fruit have good amount of potassium calcium and phosphorus. Mineral calcium and phosphorus deposition helps in formation and growth of healthy bone and teeth and Calcium is also required for motility of sperm.
Potassium helps in conduction of nerve impulses muscles formation and contraction and increase health of heart. The person who are eating apple daily in regular diet they have no risk of heart attack. And phosphorus is also help in filtering of wastage product which are build in our body.
Apple also provide better neurological health and prevent from Alzheimer’s disease. So if you want to sound mind regular eating apple in your diet. And also apple and weight loss are friendly to each other due to high fibre content and low calorie present in Apple nutrient helps in weight loss friendly food.
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