What is different types of soil and their uses

What is different types of soil and their uses

in this article we know about what is different types of soil and their uses and also know about definition of soil. soil is the mixture of organic and inorganic material consists of gases, nutrients, liquid and living organisms which supports life. Soil is used for agriculture need for drainage system ,construction work Foundation.

What is different types of soil and their uses

What is different types of soil and their uses

Different types of soil and their uses

Generally soil is categorised into four categories

1) sandy soil

2) silt soil

3) clay soil

4) loamy soil

What is different types of soil and their uses

Sandy soil

1) Sandy soil :- when the percentage of sand is high in specific soil then it is called sandy soil. it has largest particle among different soil particles and sandy soil is also known as light soil.

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Composition of sandy soil

generally sandy soil is composed of 35% of sand and less than 15% of silt and clay primarily sand is the smallest piece of eroded rocks with gritty in texture. in sandy soil most of the soil particulars are bigger than 2 mm size in diameter.

Uses of sandy soil :- sandy soil is used in agriculture need, easy drainage system construction work, building foundation work ,for beauty at the beaches and frictional properties changing PH and other properties.

Sandy soil is poorest type of soil for growing plant and have low nutrients and poor in water holding capacity which make it hard for the plant to grow and absorb water and it is very good for drainage system. and sandy soil is usually formed by The breakdown of granite limestone and weathering of rocks.

What is different types of soil and their uses

Silt soil

silt soil composition

silt soil have smaller particles as compared to sandy soil and it is made of Rock and other minerals particles which are smaller than sand and larger than clay. and it is the smooth and quite fine quality of soil that holds water better than sandy soil. and silt is usually transported and mainly found near river lake and other water bodies. so therefore it is also used in agriculture practices to improve soil fertility.

What is different types of soil and their uses

Clay soil

Clay soil composition

clay soil particle is smaller then sand and silt soil and it is tightly packed together with each other. With little or no air space. This type of soil has very good water storage quality and making hard for moisture and air to penetrate it.

it is sticking to the touch in wet condition but a smooth when dried. and clay is densed and heaviest type of soil we do not drain well and provide space for plant grow to flourish.

What is different types of soil and their uses

Loamy soil

loamy soil composition

loamy soil is combination of sand silt and clay and it has ability to retain moisture and nutrient content and hence more suitable for farming so that’s why it is also known as agriculture soil having good water holding capacity.

About the author

Balram Saw

My name is Balram Saw and by profession, I am a lecturer. I did my masters in M.sc Zoology. On this blog, I share all the information related to biology.

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