What are differences between Zoospore and Zygote | zoospores vs zygote | how does zoospore differ from zygote | How do you distinguish/ compare/ differentiate between zoospore and zygote.
As we know that zoospores are product of Asexual mode of reproduction and zygote is product of sexual mode of reproduction, zoospore directly develop into new individual after development but zygote developed into embryo during development and after this developed into newborn child.
Main difference between zoospore and zygote are following: zoospores are flagellated, motile, naked protoplasmic bodies and special Asexual reproductive structure found in member of kingdom some fungi and algae which help in reproduction on other hand Zygote is unicellular diploid membrane bound complex reproductive structure formed from fusion of male and female haploid gamete through sexual mode of reproduction.
What is the zoospore?
What is the definition of zoospore:- zoospores define as asexual reproductive spore that is capable of movement and developed directly into new individual without fusion of gametes, usually it is motile and bearing flagella for their movement. Members of kingdom fungi and algae reproduce through special Asexual reproductive structure called as Zoospores. These are flagellated, motile naked protoplasmic bodies. Zoospores are produce in a special structure Zoosporangium.
Examples of zoospores
Examples of zoospores:- Biflagellate zoospore are found in Ectocarpus, quadriflagellate in Ulothrix and multiflagellate in Oedogonium. Zoospore may be uninucleate in Ulothrix or multinucleate called synzoospores.
What is zygote?
What is zygote definition:- Zygote is define as diploid unicellular complex membrane bound reproductive structure produce from sexual mode of reproduction by permanent fusion of male and female haploid gamete. In case animals, Gamete which are involved in fusion are two types sperm and ovum, sperm also called microgamete is minute microscopic and motile gametes formed by a spermatogenesis in reproductive organ, called testis and ovum ( pl. Ova) is also called macrogamete, is large, spherical and non-motile and is formed by oogenesis in reproductive organ called as ovary.
How do you distinguish zoospores from zygote?, you can distinguish zoospore from zygote in following points- 1) zoospore is formed endogenously by mitosis process in zoosporangium in some algae and fungi on other hand zygote is formed as a result of fusion of two haploid male and female gamete from sexual mode of reproduction, 2) zoospore is usually haploid while zygote is diploid in nature, and 3) zoospore is usually flagellated and motile in nature while zygote is non-flagellated and non motile structure.
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How do you compare zoospore from zygote?, you can compare zoospore from zygote are in following- zoospore is the result of asexual reproduction, formed endogenously by mitosis process in zoosporangium of some algae and fungi, usualy motile and flagellated and developed directly into new individual after germination on other hand zygote is result of sexual reproduction by fusion of two haploid male and female gamete, usually non- motile and non flagellated and developed into embryo after development.
How does zoospore differ from zygote? or zoospore vs zygote, zoospore differ from zygote in following- 1) zoospore is the result of asexual reproduction formed a spore while zygote is a result of sexual reproduction, 2) zoospores are formed by mitosis while zygote is formed by fusion of two haploid gametes, and 3) zoospore is usually found in some algae and fungi and lower organism while zygote is formed in higher organism.
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What is the difference between Zoospore and zygote
Differentiate between zoospore and zygote is the most important questions for class 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th students those who are preparing for their annual board and other competitive examinations.
Regarding this, “what is the difference between zoospore and zygote?”, zoospores are haploid, flagellated, motile, naked protoplasmic bodies, spore and special asexual reproductive structure found in member of kingdom some fungi and algae which help in reproduction on other hand zygote is unicellular, diploid, non motile, non flagellated, membrane bound complex reproductive structure formed from fusion of male and female haploid gamete through sexual mode of reproduction.
List 5 main differences/ zoospore vs zygote/ comparision/ distinguish/ differentiate/ differences between zoospore and zygote are following:-
1) zoospores is the special Asexual reproductive structure formed by mitosis in zoosporangium of lower organism some fungi and algae while zygote is result of sexual mode of reproduction by fusion of two gametes in higher organism.
2) usually zoospore is haploid in nature while zygote is diploid in nature
3) usually zoospore is flagellated and motile structure while zygote is non motile and non flagellated
4) zoospore directly developed into new individual after germination while zygote developed into embryo during the development and next developed into newborn offspring
5) zoospores are result of mitosis without fusion while zygote is result of fusion of gametes
Important features and characteristics of Zoospores
1. Zoospore is formed inside the special Asexual reproductive structure known as zoosporangium.
2. It is usually flagellated and motile. Biflagellate zoospore are found in Ectocarpus, quadriflagellate in Ulothrix and multiflagellate in Oedogonium.
3. Zoospore is the result of asexual mode of reproduction in members of kingdom fungi and Algae
4. It is haploid or diploid.
5. Zoospore takes part in dispersal.
6. Zoospore may be uninucleate in Ulothrix or multinucleate called synzoospores.
7. These are flagellated, motile naked protoplasmic bodies
Important features and characteristics of zygote
1. It is formed by fusion of two haploid male and female gametes.
2. It is usually non-flagellated and non-motile unicellular reproductive structure formed from sexual mode of reproduction.
3. It is the net result of sexual reproduction.
4. It is always diploid.
5. It has little role in dispersal.
6. Zygote is unicellular uninucleate reproductive structure.
7. Zygote is unicellular uninucleate membrane-bound reproductive structure.
Zoospres form during asexual mode of reproduction in lower plants like algae and fungi, it is usualy haploid and motile due to presence of flagella on other hand zygote formed due to fusion of male and female gametes in sexual reproduction, it is usualy and non- motile due to absence of flagella.
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