Vaginal yeast infection causes, symptoms, discharge and home remedies
hi guys in this article you know about vaginal yeast infection causes, symptoms, discharge and home remedies.
Yeast is unicellular microorganism live in vagina of female. Yeast are found in vagina of most of women at some point in their life period. yeast may are also live in skin mouth and intestine.
yeast can be present in vagina and vulva does not cause any discomfort and create problems but when it invades its increase in uncontrol growth and start to make scaly surface over vulva and itching and causes infection.
Vaginal yeast infection is vaginal itching uncomfortable , abnormal condition ,burning sensation,some times development of red rashes and white patches over external genitalia of vagina of female that is vulva, foul smelling dull grey discharge, strong fishy odor particulately after sex,feel to urge sensation of scratch over that organ is sign of vaginal yeast infection.

Vaginal yeast infection causes, symptoms, discharge and home remedies
Table of Contents
What is vaginal yeast infection
Vaginal yeast infection is naturally caused by fungus species called candida. Vaginal yeast infection caused due to candida that is yeast is known as vulvocandidiasis .
This fungus candida is naturally present in vagina which is usually do not cause any problem and discomfort and yeast infection in vagina.
But However candida can cause yeast infection inside vagina due to change in environmental condition allows it to grow uncontrol and unchecked.
It causes uncomfortable,discomfort, vaginal infection results infection is known as vaginal yeast infection. Vaginal yeast infection is very common condition affecting 3 out of 4 women in India and all over the world in their lifetime.
Vaginal yeast infection symptoms
Vaginal yeast infection symptom consist of following
1) vaginal yeast infection causes pain inside the vagina and inside genital tract and itching over vulvar region during sexual intercourse with male partner
2) vaginal yeast infection causes uncomfortable symptoms, vaginal itching,discomfort ,pain and burning sensation when urination
3) discharge of abnormal thick,foul smell grey white fluid outside from the vagina. The women suffering from vaginal infection that’s have seen yellow spot in their underwear garments.
Vaginal yeast infection causes
Following are main cause responsible for vaginal yeast infection
1) disturbance create in lactobacillus bacteria found in vagina.
As we know vaginal flora are the bacteria that live inside the vagina and genital track. the normal vaginal flora are dominated by various types of beneficial bacteria like lactobacillus species.
lactobacillus bacteria help to keep the vagina healthy by producing lactic acid and hydrogen peroxide and other substance that inhibit the growth of yeast and prevent from vaginal yeast infection.
they maintain the vagina at healthy pH of around 4 this is mild acidic environment helps to protect against vaginal infection.disruption of normal vaginal flora and loss of lactobacillus bacteria this can not only the unpleasant and causes of vaginal infection in at of itself it can also leave women more succeptible to HIV infection and other sexually transmission disease.
2) Vaginal yeast infection is also caused during pregnancy in women the most common reason for vaginal yeast infection normal change to vaginal pH level due to release of several types of estrogen, progesterone and placental hormone lactogen during the pregnancy period that make imbalance the pH level of vagina causes yeast to uncontrol grow and causes infection
3)use of soap and detergent for cleaning the vagina may disturb vaginal PH and yeast to uncontrol grow
4)taking of Bubbles bath
5) use of feminine sprays, topical contraceptives cream and pills, estrogen ,ointments, fabric softerness and scented toilet paper disturb the pH level of vagina and yeast to uncontrol and unchecked grow causing vaginal yeast infection
5) wearing of tight clothing
6) use of spermicides inside the vagina to kill the sperm or prevent from pregnancy during the sexual intercourse with male partner main cause vaginal infection
7) doing of Douching that is cleaning inside of vaginal region with water.douching is not necessary for woman and repeat it causes infection
8) wearing of tight nylon underwear
9) use of latex condoms, lubricant, perfume and talcum powder risk for vaginal yeast infection
10) medication like tacking of antibiotic may suppress the beneficial bacteria lactobacillus that is live inside the vagina which are responsible to prevent from yeast infection.
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Vaginal yeast infection discharge
Vaginal yeast infection discharge and material is the discharge is often thick, white,gray and curd-like almost like cottage cheese. The discharge will be odorless. Other signs are discomfort, burning, redness, and irritation of the vaginal area and vulva
Severe yeast infections may cause swelling of the labia minora outside of the vagina. Sometimes, women have pain when they urine passes over the sore tissues and damage tissues.
And Sexual intercourse with may also be painful for women because of inflammation of the vagina around vulvar region.
Vaginal yeast infection remedies
Remedy for vaginal yeast infection.There are several remedy for prevention from vaginal yeast infection
1) when we fill vaginal itching around vulva we should take soda bath
2) make paste of baking soda and water and gently apply the paste to area that is itches in vaginal vulvar region
3) sexual intercourse with partner may help due to lowering the ph level of vagina when it is mixed with high pH of semen
4) using of cold compress around bula can help relief from itching
How you can prevent from vaginal yeast infection
There are several ways to prevent from vaginal yeast infection are following and should be practice
1) practice good hygiene keep all over the body
2) the external genitalia vulva clean and dry
3) always wipe from front to back after a bowel movement to protect harmful bacteria from entering the vagina
4) don’t use vaginal douching that is cleanness inside vagina with water that is bad practicing
5) use only fregrence free soap detergent and laundry and Fabric softener
6) practice and तमंग good hand washing habits
7) wearing cloth that is not tight or binding is specially in scratch area near vaginal region
8) wear white cotton undergarments in vaginal area and not using made of nylon pantis that decrease the air flow through vagina area
9) use bath soap for sensitive skin around vulva
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