Matching question examples in biology for class 12th CBSE-JAC Exams
■ topics:- human reproduction and their Matching question examples in biology for class 12th CBSE-JAC Exams
* introduction :- Matching question examples in biology for class 12th CBSE-JAC Exams students might be busy in your preparation for coming 12th board Jharkhand academic Council will provide many type of education material like fill in the blanks, true or false matching type questions ,multiple choice questions, very short questions answers type, short questions answer type and long questions type of 12th class Biology from each topic that help you in your preparation.and Matching question examples in biology for class 12th CBSE-JAC Exams

Matching question examples in biology for class 12th CBSE-JAC Exams
*In this post :- Matching question examples in biology for class 12th CBSE-JAC Exams and we provide you matching type questions with answer from the lesson 3 human reproduction
◆1) match the words /sentence with column A and column B with suitable terms.
Matching question examples in biology for class 12th CBSE-JAC Exams

Matching question examples in biology for class 12th CBSE-JAC Exams

Matching question examples in biology for class 12th CBSE-JAC Exams
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Matching question examples in biology for class 12th CBSE-JAC Exams

Matching question examples in biology for class 12th CBSE-JAC Exams

Matching question examples in biology for class 12th CBSE-JAC Exams

Matching question examples in biology for class 12th CBSE-JAC Exams

Matching question examples in biology for class 12th CBSE-JAC Exams

Matching question examples in biology for class 12th CBSE-JAC Exams

Matching question examples in biology for class 12th CBSE-JAC Exams
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Matching question examples in biology for class 12th CBSE-JAC Exams

Matching question examples in biology for class 12th CBSE-JAC Exams

Matching question examples in biology for class 12th CBSE-JAC Exams

Matching question examples in biology for class 12th CBSE-JAC Exams

Matching question examples in biology for class 12th CBSE-JAC Exams

Matching question examples in biology for class 12th CBSE-JAC Exams

Matching question examples in biology for class 12th CBSE-JAC Exams
■ main topics in human reproduction and Matching question examples in biology for class 12th CBSE-JAC Exams
■ gametogenesis:- the formation of haploid gametes called sperms and over from diploid primary germ cells like a spermatogonia and oogonia
■ spermatogenesis:- formation of haploid sperm from diploid spermatogonia in the testis of male
■ oogenesis:- formation of haploid ova from diploid ovaries of female body
■ insemination:- it involves release of seminal fluid of male in the vagina of female at the end of copulatory act
■ fertilization:- it involves the fusion of haploid male and female gamete to form diploid zygote
■ cleavage:- it includes the Rapid mitotic division of zygote to form embryo
■ implantation :- it is the process of attachment of blastocyst on the endometrium of the uterus wall
■ placentation:- it involves the formation of mechanical and physiological connection between foetal and maternal tissue for the nutrition respiration excretion that’s called placenta
■ gastrulation :- it is the process by which blastocyst is changed into gastrula with three primary germ layer
■ organogenesis:- formation of specific organ system from three primary germs layer of gastrula and morphogenetic movement
■ parturition:- give birth to young ones
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