Food chain and Food Web ,definition, diagram and examples and Food Chain and Food Web, Food Chain and Food Web- food chain is a series of interlinked organism for food taking from one another and Food Web is interconnected food chain that make web like structure. Food chain is necessary for ecological balance in nature in which no one species can found in nature but all the species are found in balance way by eating one another.

Food chain and Food Web ,definition, diagram and examples
Table of Contents
food chain definition in biology
food chain is a series of groups of different organisms called trophic level in which there is repeated eating and eaten by so as to transmit the food energy is known as food chain and trophic level acts as food link in a food chain.
What are characteristics of food chain
1) in food chain there is repeated eating process in which food is eaten by smaller one and one and that is eaten by larger one so the food chain involves nutritive interaction between biotic component of ecosystem.
2) plants and animals which depend one another form the limbs of a food chain
3) in food chain there is a unidirectional flow of energy from sun to producer and than to series of primary consumer secondary consumer tertiary consumer and quaternary consumer of various steps.
4) usually about 80 to 90% of potential energy is lost because of heat transfer on the basis of second law of thermodynamics
5) usualy food chains have four or five trophic level shorter food chain will provide greater available energy
6) food chain is always straight
7) omnivorous animals in food chain generally occupy more than one trophic Level
8) the food chain start with producer community and end with consumer community

Food Chain and Food Web
What is definition of trophic level in food chain
all the steps in food chain is known as trophic level. In food chain first trophic level is producer community ,second trophic level is primary consumer community that is herbivorous animals and Third trophic Level is secondary consumer community which is carnivorous animals and also 4th and 5th trophic level is tertiary and quaternary consumer community which is carnivorous animals in nature.
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What are different types of food chains
in natural environment there is two types of food chain:-
1) grazing food chain ( GFC)
2) Detritus food chain ( DFC)
What is grazing food chain
these are directly dependent upon solar radiation is the primary source of energy and green plant or producer form the first trophic levels of food chain and herbivorous or primary consumer eat upon the producer community form the second trophic level and each of primary consumer community is eaten by carnivorous animals which form the third trophic Level and a small carnivorous animals eaten by large carnivorous animal which form fourth and fifth trophic level in food chain.
What is Detritus food chain
in this types of food chain primary source of energy is detritus dead organic matter, all dead parts of plants and animals is eaten by microorganism like protozoans bacteria and fungi. This food chain is shorter than grazing food chain.
What are examples of grazing food chain
1) in grassland ecosystem
A) grass — insects—frogs—snakes–eagle
B) grass—rats—snake—birds—lion
C) grass—rabbit—fox—wolf–lion

Food chain in pond ecosystem
2) in pond ecosystem
A) phytoplankton —-zooplanktons —small fish —–large fish —-predatory Birds
3) in forest ecosystem
A) tree— herbivore animals— birds —tiger

Food chain in forest ecosystem
What are examples of detritus food chains
Fallen leaves and dead body— fungi, bacteria
—-Insect larva,mollusca– small fish —-large fish.
Food chain diagram with explanation for class standard 1 to 10
Food chain diagram for class 1:- this is easy and simple food chain diagram and chart which is very helpful for standard 1, grade 1 class 1 students. It is also useful for Hindi medium student because their name is also written in Hindi.
Trophic level:- Producer (उत्पादक) – Grass (घास) and primary consumer (प्राथमिक उपभोक्ता) – Cow (गाय).
● Grass (घास) ➡️ Cow (गाय)

Food chain diagram for class 1
Food chain diagram for class 2
Food chain diagram for class 2:- this is easy and simple food chain diagram and chart which is very helpful for standard 2, grade 2 class 2 students. It is also useful for Hindi medium student because their name is also written in Hindi.
Trophic level:- Producer (उत्पादक) – Grass (घास), primary consumer (प्राथमिक उपभोक्ता) – Rats (चूहा) and secondary consumer (द्वितीयक उपभोक्ता) – snakes (सांप).
● Grass (घास) ➡️ Rats (चूहा) ➡️ snakes (सांप)

Food chain diagram for class 2
Food chain diagram for class 3
Food chain diagram for class 3:- this is easy and simple food chain diagram and chart which is very helpful for standard 3, grade 3 class 3 students. It is also useful for Hindi medium student because their name is also written in Hindi.
Trophic level:- Producer (उत्पादक) – Grass (घास), primary consumer (प्राथमिक उपभोक्ता) – mouse (चूहा) and secondary consumer (द्वितीयक उपभोक्ता) – snakes (सांप).
● Grass (घास) ➡️ mouse (चूहा) ➡️ snakes (सांप)

Food chain diagram for class 3
Food chain diagram for class 4
Food chain diagram for class 4:- this is easy and simple food chain diagram and chart which is very helpful for standard 4 or class 4 students. It is also useful for Hindi medium student because their name is also written in Hindi.
Trophic level:- Producer (उत्पादक) – Grass (घास), primary consumer (प्राथमिक उपभोक्ता) – Rats (चूहा) and secondary consumer (द्वितीयक उपभोक्ता) – Cats (बिल्ली).
● Grass (घास) ➡️ Rats (चूहा) ➡️ Cats (बिल्ली)

Food chain diagram for class 4
Food chain diagram for class 5
Food chain diagram for class 5:- this is easy and simple food chain diagram and chart which is very helpful for standard 5 or class 5 students. It is also useful for Hindi medium student because their name is also written in Hindi.
Trophic level:- Producer (उत्पादक) – Grass (घास), primary consumer (प्राथमिक उपभोक्ता) – Rabbit (खरगोश) and secondary consumer (द्वितीयक उपभोक्ता) – Hawk (बाज).
● Grass (घास) ➡️ Rabbit (खरगोश) ➡️ Hawk (बाज)
Food chain diagram for class 6
Food chain diagram for class 6:- this is easy and simple food chain diagram and chart which is very helpful for standard 6 or class 6 students. It is also useful for Hindi medium student because their name is also written in Hindi.
Trophic level:- Producer (उत्पादक) – Grass (घास), primary consumer (प्राथमिक उपभोक्ता) – mouse (चूहा), secondary consumer (द्वितीयक उपभोक्ता) – Snakes (सांप) and tertiary consumer (तृतीयक उपभोक्ता) – Hawk (बाज).
● Grass (घास) ➡️ mouse (चूहा) ➡️ Snakes (सांप) ➡️ Hawk (बाज)

Food chain diagram for class 6
Food chain diagram for class 7
Food chain diagram for class 7:- this is easy and simple food chain diagram and chart which is very helpful for standard 7 or class 7 students. It is also useful for Hindi medium student because their name is also written in Hindi.
Trophic level:- Producer (उत्पादक) – Grass (घास), primary consumer (प्राथमिक उपभोक्ता) – Grasshopper (टिड्डा), secondary consumer (द्वितीयक उपभोक्ता) – Lizard and tertiary consumer (तृतीयक उपभोक्ता) – Hawk (बाज).
● Grass ➡️ Grasshopper ➡️ Lizard ➡️ Hawk (बाज)

Food chain diagram for class 7
Food chain diagram for class 9
Food chain diagram for class 9:- this is easy and simple food chain diagram and chart which is very helpful for standard 9 or class 9 students. It is also useful for Hindi medium student because their name is also written in Hindi.
Trophic level:- Producer (उत्पादक) – Grass (घास), primary consumer (प्राथमिक उपभोक्ता) – Grasshopper, secondary consumer (द्वितीयक उपभोक्ता) – Frog, tertiary consumer (तृतीयक उपभोक्ता) – Snakes and quaternary consumer – Eagle.
● Grass ➡️ Grasshopper ➡️ Frog ➡️ snake ➡️ Eagle (बाज)

Food chain diagram for class 9
Food chain diagram for class 10
Food chain diagram for class 10:- this is easy and simple food chain diagram and chart which is very helpful for standard 10 or class 10 students. It is also useful for Hindi medium student because their name is also written in Hindi.
Trophic level:- Producer (उत्पादक) – Grass (घास), primary consumer (प्राथमिक उपभोक्ता) – Rabbit, secondary consumer (द्वितीयक उपभोक्ता) – Fox, tertiary consumer (तृतीयक उपभोक्ता) – Wolf and quaternary consumer – Lion.
● Grass ➡️ Rabbit ➡️ Fox ➡️ Wolf ➡️ Lion

Food chain diagram for class 10
Grassland, pond ecosystem, forest ecosystem and desert food chain diagram
Various example of food chain diagram in different ecosystem grassland ecosystem and Ecosystem forest ecosystem and desert ecosystem
Grassland food chain diagram
Grassland food chain diagram:- this is easy and simple food chain diagram and their explanation in grassland ecosystem there is three types of community lives in grassland ecosystem producer community, consumer community and decomposer community.
Producers in grass land ecosystem:- Grasses, shrubs, trees, mosses, lichens, and cyanobacteria are some of the many producers found in a grassland ecosystem.
Consumer community in grassland ecosystem:- Primary consumers in the tropical grasslands include zebras, antelopes, and giraffes, Rats and grasshoppers. Secondary consumers in grassland ecosystem are the carnivorous animals such as snakes, lizard, jackal, foxes, frogs etc. which feed on the primary consumers. Tertiary consumers: Hawk, Eagles and vultures constitute the tertiary consumer in the grassland ecosystem which preys upon the secondary and primary consumer.
Decomposer community in grassland ecosystem:- bacteria and Fungi
Trophic level in grassland:- Producer (उत्पादक) – Grass (घास), primary consumer (प्राथमिक उपभोक्ता) – Rats, secondary consumer (द्वितीयक उपभोक्ता) – Snake and tertiary consumer (तृतीयक उपभोक्ता) – Hawk (बाज).
● Grass ➡️ Rats ➡️ snake ➡️ Hawk (बाज).
Pond ecosystem food chain diagram
Pond ecosystem food chain diagram:- this is easy and simple food chain diagram and their explanation in pond ecosystem there is three types of community lives in pond ecosystem producer community, consumer community and decomposer community.
Trophic level in pond ecosystem:- Producer (उत्पादक) – phytoplakton, primary consumer (प्राथमिक उपभोक्ता) – zooplankton, secondary consumer (द्वितीयक उपभोक्ता) – small fish, tertiary consumer (तृतीयक उपभोक्ता) – large fish and quaternary consumer – Hawk (बाज).
● Phytoplankton ➡️ zooplankton ➡️ small fish ➡️ large fish ➡️ Hawk.
Desert food chain diagram
Desert ecosystem food chain diagram:- this is easy and simple food chain diagram and their explanation in desert ecosystem there is three types of community lives in desert ecosystem producer community, consumer community and decomposer community.
Trophic level in desert ecosystem:- Producer (उत्पादक) – Cactus, primary consumer (प्राथमिक उपभोक्ता) – butterflies, secondary consumer (द्वितीयक उपभोक्ता) – lizard, tertiary consumer (तृतीयक उपभोक्ता) – snake and quaternary consumer – Hawk (बाज).
● Cactus ➡️ butterflies ➡️ lizard ➡️ snake ➡️ Hawk.
Forest food chain diagram
Forest ecosystem food chain diagram:- this is easy and simple food chain diagram and their explanation in forest ecosystem there is three types of community lives in forest ecosystem producer community, consumer community and decomposer community.
Trophic level in desert ecosystem:- Producer (उत्पादक) – Tree, primary consumer (प्राथमिक उपभोक्ता) – insects, secondary consumer (द्वितीयक उपभोक्ता) – Small birds and tertiary consumer – Hawk (बाज).
● Tree ➡️ insects ➡️ small bird ➡️ Hawk.
What is food web definition
it is a network of food chain which become interconnected at various trophic level to make web like structure.
What is characteristics of food web
in ecosystem no food chain is independent and linear arrangement but it is formed by interlinking of three types of food chains predatory food chains ,parasitic food chains and saprophytic food chains.
The food web provides the alternative pathway of food availability and also checking the overpopulation of species.
Food web examples:- A food web is the natural interconnection of food chains and a graphical representation of what-eats-what in an ecological community. It is basically a relationship between ecological community. Interconnection of food chain found in terrestrial and aquatic habitat.
Terrestrial food web:– in terrestrial habitat, primary producer is green grasses and plants, it produce food for primary consumer like grasshopper, rabbit and Mouse, all three primary consumer which are herbivorous produce food for secondary consumer like a snake, lizard and Hawk.
This is very easy and simple food web diagram important for class 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 students. Food web diagram in terrestrial and pond ecosystem.
What are examples of food web

Food Chain and Food Web

Food web diagram

Terrestrial Food Web diagram

Food web diagram in a pond

Food web diagram in a grassland ecosystem
■ important questions for all competitive exams like CBSE, JAC board, neet, AIIMS
A) short answer type questions
1) write down definition of food chain
2) how food chain play major role in ecological balance
3) write down three main characteristics of food chain
4) what is grazing food chain
5) what do you mean by detritus food chain
6) why there is a unidirectional flow of energy in food chain
7) write down main types of food chain
8) what do you mean by trophic level
9) what is food web
10) is food chain is inter independent yes or no? Why
11) give two example of food chain
B) long answer type question
1) what is food chain explain with various example
2) what is food chain and write down its characteristics
3) what is food web make diagram of one example of food web
C) multiple choice questions
1) flow of energy in food chain is
A) uni-directional
B) bidirectional
C) no direction
D) None
Ans. A
2) shape of food chain is which of the following
A) straight
B) curved
C) circle
D) rectangle
Ans. A
3) which is the first trophic level in food chain
A) tertiary consumer
B) primary consumer
C) secondary consumer
D) producer
Ans. D
4) what is called as Limbs of food chain
A) only plants
B) only animals
C) both animals and plants
D) microorganism
Ans. C
5) which of the following is second trophic level of food chain
A) tertiary consumer
B) primary consumer
C) secondary consumer
D) producer
Ans. B
6) which of the following is second trophic level of food chain
A) producer
B) herbivorous animal
C) carnivorous animal
D) omnivorous animal
Ans. B
7) which of the following is third trophic level of food chain
A) producer
B) herbivorous animal
C) carnivorous animal
D) omnivorous animal
8) which one of the following is omnivorous animal
A) Cow
B) goat
C) crow
D) tiger
Ans. C
9) which one of the following is second trophic level in food chain
A) Cow
B) eagle
C) fox
D) tiger
Ans. A
10) interconnected food chain is known as which one of the following
A) food chain
B) food web
C) trophic level
D) none
Ans. B
11) every linked steps in food chain is known as which one of following
A) food chain
B) food web
C) trophic level
D) none
Ans. C
12) which one is shorter food chain
A) predatory food chain
B) detritus food chain
C) parasitic food chain
D) food chain in grassland
Ans. B
13) which food chain have high amount of energy availability
A) food chain having two trophic level
B) food chain having three trophic level
C) food chain having four trophic level
D) food chain having five trophic level
Ans. A
14) primary source of energy in grazing food chain is
A) detritus
B) producer
C) consumer
D) sun
Ans. D
15) primary source of energy in detritus food chain is
A) detritus
B) producer
C) consumer
D) sun
Ans. A
16) which one of the following is helps in checking the overpopulation of species
A) food chain
B) food web
C) trophic level
D) food web and food chain
Ans. D
17) which one of the following is producer in pond ecosystem
A) zooplanktons
B) small fish
C) phytoplankton
D) large fish
Ans. C
18) which one of the following is primary consumer community in grassland ecosystem
A) frogs
B) snake
C) rabbit
D) lizards
Ans. C
19) which one of the following is top carnivorous animal
A) snake
B) wolf
C) fox
D) lion
Ans. D
20) which one of the following is secondary consumer community in given example food chain
A) grass
B) frog
C) grasshooper
D) snake
Ans. B
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