Vitamin C requirement daily : RDA and DV

in this article we know about Vitamin C requirement daily , recommended dietary allowance and daily volume of Vitamin C. Vitamin C chemical name is ascorbic acid.

Vitamin C is a natural water soluble vitamin. ascorbic acid is stress reducing and act as antioxidant agent that function is fighting against bacterial infection,viral infection and help in detoxifying chemical reaction in our body and formation of collagen fibre, tissues, teeth ,bone and gums, connective tissues ,skin and capillaries healthy. Vitamin C cannot be produce by human beings and store so it must be obtained in daily diet.

And Vitamin C is obtained from several vegetables and fruits belongs to citrus fruit like lemon ,orange and guava pomegranate have a rich source of vitamin C.


Vitamin C requirement daily

Vitamin C daily require it depends on age and sex of peoples because kids, teen,age adolescence age and for adult women and for adult man and pregnant women and breastfeeding women all have different daily requirement of Vitamin C. So Vitamin C require daily depends on age of peoples. Average Vitamin C require daily in adult it is about 65 to 90 milligram not considering male and female.

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According to RDA that is recommended dietary allowance have following daily requirement of Vitamin C.

Kids belonging to the age group one year to three years they have require 15 milligram of Vitamin C daily.

Kids belonging to the age group 4 – 8 years they have require approx 25 milligram of Vitamin C daily.

Kids belonging to adolescent 9 to 13 year they have required approx 45 milligram of Vitamin C daily.

Young children belong to teen age 14 to 18 years have reqiur 65 to 75 milligram of Vitamin C required daily.

● Vitamin C require daily for adult women is about 75 milligram of Vitamin C.

Requirement of Vitamin C daily for adult men is about 90 milligram of Vitamin C.

● Requirement of Vitamin C daily for pregnant women is about 85 milligram of Vitamin C

● Vitamin C required daily for breastfeeding women is about 120 milligram of Vitamin C.

According to foods drug administration that is FDA ,it presents daily volume of Vitamin C that is known as DV. So requirement of Vitamin C per day that is DV not depends on age and sex of people. According to FDA daily volume of Vitamin C is average 90 milligram.

Vitamin C is responsible for functioning all vital function in our body but it has some side effects unlikely consuming high amount of Vitamin C sometimes leads to diarrhoea nausea and creating a problem.

summary :- Vitamin C requirement daily is ranging between 65 – 90 milligram per day and daily requirement of Vitamin depends on age and sex of peoples according to RDA and DV.

About the author

Balram Saw

My name is Balram Saw and by profession, I am a lecturer. I did my masters in Zoology. On this blog, I share all the information related to biology.

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