List of different branches of biology and their fathers
List of different fathers in the field of Biology
hi guys in this article we know about list of different fathers in field of Biology and list of different branches of biology and their fathers. As we know the branch of science which deals with the study of living things is known as biology .
Biology is combination of two latin words bios and logy. Bios means life and logy means a study.
so Biology is defined as a study of life of living things and we know that biological science emerged from tradition of medicine and natural history reaching back to Ayurveda,
ancient Egyptian medicine and question is arises in our mind who coined the term first time Biology ? there is two scientist Lamarck and Treviranus first time coined the term Biology together. We know that Biology have three major branches like botany zoology and microbiology and there have so many other several branches like bacteriology plant physiology taxonomy Genetics microbiology physiology. In this topic there is a detailed explanation of list of different branches of biology and their fathers
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List of different fathers in the field of Biology
When we talked about different name of biologist and scientist as father in the field of Biology,
1) who is father of biology
Ans. Aristotle
2) who is father of botany
Ans. Theophrastus
3) who is father of Zoology
Ans. Aristotle
4) who is father of bacteriology
Ans. Robert Koch
5) who is father of plant physiology
Ans. Stephan Hales
6) who is father of taxonomy
Ans. Carl Linnaeus
7) who is father of genetics
Ans. G. J Mendel
8) who is father of experimental genetics
Ans. Morgan
9) who is father of modern cytology
Ans. Carl P. Swanson
10) who is father of plant anatomy
Ans. N. Grew
11) who is father of mycology
Ans. Micheli
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12) who is father of palynology
Ans. Erdtman
13) who is father of eugenics
Ans. Francis Galton
14) who is father of biochemical genetics
Ans. Archibald Garrod
15) who is father of DNA fingerprinting
Ans. Alec Jaffery
16) who is father of endocrinology
Ans. Addison
17) who is father of ATP cycle
Ans. Lipmann
18) who is father of Indian Ecology
Ans. R. Mishra
19) who is father of comparative anatomy
Ans. Bason George Cuvier
20) who is father of modern anatomy
Ans. Andreas Vesalium
21) who is father of experimental physiology
Ans. Galen
22) who is father of modern embryology
Ans. K. V. Baer
23) who is father of Ayurveda
Ans. Charka
24) who is father of palaeontology
Ans. L. da Vinci
25) who is father of medicine
Ans. Hippocrates
26) who is father of Indian mycology
Ans. E. J Butler
27) who is father of microbiology
Ans. Louis Pasteur
28) who is father of mutation
Ans. Hugo de Vries
29) who is father of immunology
Ans. Edward Jenner
30) who is father of modern Genetics
Ans. Bateson
31) who is father of blood groups
Ans. C. Landsteiner
32) who is father of genetic engineering
Ans. Paul Berg
33) who is father of Biochemistry
Ans. Leibig
34) who is father of ECG
Ans. Einthoven
35) who is father of conditions reflex
Ans. Pavlov
36) who is father of plant pathology
Ans. de Bary
37) who is father of antibiotics
Ans. Alexander Flemming
38) who is father of radiation Genetics
Ans. H. J Muller
39) who is father of chemotherapy
Ans. Paul Enrich
40) who is father of virology
Ans. Stanley
41) Who is father of modern botany
Ans. Linnaeus
42) who is father of modern Genetics
Ans. Thomas Hunt Morgan
43) who is father of cytology
Ans. Robert Hooke
44) who is father of taxonomy
Ans. Carl Linnaeus
45) who is father of Histology
Ans. Francois Xavier Bichat
46) who is father of microbiology
Ans. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek
47) who is father of Indian bryology
Ans. Shiv Ram Kashyap
48) who is father of Indian ecology
Ans. Ramdeo misra
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