Complete list of branches of biology and their definition
Name of branches of biology
hi guys in this article we know about detail explanation of complete list of branches of biology and their definition. As we know that Biology is science of study of life of living things and the branches of biology is classified into different category and branches according to their properties of Living Organism and their phenomenon.
Table of Contents
Branches of the biology
People want to know what are the branches of biology. Their answer is simple,broadly branches of the biology is classified into three categories their name is zoology botany and microbiology out of these three categories there is a several other branches of biology which we should know it. Other branches is like biochemistry, biophysics, MolecularBiology,Genetics,Marinebiology ,biotechnology ,genetics ,Pathology ,ecology , cytology, taxonomy and other branches also. So in this article we know about complete list of branches of biology and their definition one by one.
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Complete list of branches of biology and their definition
Name of the branches of biology
Name of the branches of biology are following according to several characteristics it is broadly classified according to animals characteristics plant characteristics biophysics and microorganism. What is branches of biology, question is simple, broadly discuss different branches of the biology
1) zoology :- the branch of Biology which concerned with the study of life of animals is known as Zoology and father of zoology is Aristotle
2) botany :- the branch of Biology which concerned with the study of life of plants is known as botany and botany is also known as phytology and father of botany is theophrastus
3) microbiology :- the branch of Biology which concerned with study of life of microorganism is known as microbiology. Antonie Van leeuwenhoek is the father of microbiology.
4) biochemistry :- biochemistry is the branch of Biology concerned with the chemical and physiochemical process that occurs within living organism is known as biochemistry. Father of modern biochemistry is Carl Alexander neuberg.
5) biophysics :-biophysics is the science of application of law of Physics to biological phenomenon. Karl Pearson is the father of biophysics.
6) biotechnology :- biotechnology is the exploitation of biological process such as genetic manipulation of microorganisms for the production of antibiotic and hormone and other essential product for Welfare of human beings.karl Ereky is the father of biotechnology.
7) Marine biology :- the scientific study of organisms in the ocean or other bodies of water is known as Marine biology. Aristotle is father of marine biology.
8) photo biology :- photo Biology is study of interaction of light and their impact on living organism is known as photo biology. Claud S. Rupert is father of photo biology and photo chemistry and father of DNA repair.
9) Virology :- the branch of Biology which is concerned with the study of life of virus is known as virology. Martineaus Beijerink is father of virology.
10) agronomy :- the branch of Biology which deals with the managements of Farms and is the science of crop production is known as agronomy. Pietro di’ Crescenzi is the father of agronomy.
11) Pathology:- the branch of Biology which is concerned with the study of disease their nature causes symptoms effect and control is known as pathology. Rudolf Virchow is recognised as father of microscopic Pathology.
12) Anthropology :- branch of biology which deals with the study of science of man and mankind including the study of physical and mental condition of man and his culture development and social condition is known as anthropology. Franz Boas is known as father of modern anthropology.
13) Apiculture :- the branch of Biology which deals with the study of rearing of bees ,bees keeping specially for commercial purpose is known as Apiculture. Jan Dzierzon is known as father of apiculture.
14) ecology :- the branch of Biology which deals with the study of interrelationship of living organism and their environment is known as ecology. Alexander Von humboldt is known as father of ecology and Ramdev Mishra is known as father of Indian ecology.
15) entomology :- the branch of Biology which deals with a study of a structure habits and classification of insects is known as entomology. William kirby is known as father of entomology.
16) Exobiology :- the branch of Biology which is concerned with the study of kind of life that may exist in outer space is known as exobiology. Joshua Lederberg is known as father of exobiology.
17) histology :- the branch of Biology which concerned with the study of tissue culture of plants and animal and their microscopic structure is known as Histology. Marie Francois Xavier Bichat is known as father of Histology.
18) Pharmacology :- the science of knowledge of drugs and preparing medicine is known as Pharmacology. Oswald Schmiedeberg is known as father of pharmacology.
19) psychology :- the branch of science which deals with behaviour and qualities for human mankind and human mind is known as psychology. Wilhelm Wundt is regarded as father of psychology.
20) Pisciculture :- the branch of Biology which deals with the study of rearing fish is known as Pisciculture. Hiralal Chaudhari is the Indian scientist is known as father of pisciculture in India and Seth Green is known as father of pisciculture.
21) Forestry :- the branch of Biology which concerned with protection and development of forest and to explore the outcome and economic potential of forests is known as forestry. Gifford Pinchot is known as father of forestry.
22) horticulture :- the branch of Biology which is concerned with the study primarily aimed at improvement of ornamental and fruit yielding plants is known as horticulture. Liberty Hyde Bailey is known as father of horticulture throughout world.
23) bacteriology :- the branch of Biology which concerned with the study of life of bacteria and their useful and harmful effects on living things is known as bacteriology. Louis Pasteur is known as father of bacteriology.
24) genetics:- the branch of Biology which concerned with difference and resemblance among parents and of spring and progeny especially those due to heredity is known as genetics. John Mendel is known as father of genetics.
25) pharmacy :- the branch of Biology which deals with the preparation and compounding medicine and dispensing them as per doctor’s prescription is known as pharmacy. Professor William Procter is known as father of pharmacy.
26) Euthenics :- the branch of Biology which concerned with a study of environment and its influence on mankind is known as euthenics . Sir Francis galton is father of euthenics.
27) Karyology :- the branch of Biology which concerned with the study of nucleus is known as karyology.
28) Limnology :-study of freshwater lakes Ponds streams in relation to plants and animal is known as limnology.
Another small branches of biology is also regarding in this article such as
list of the branches of biology and their definition
There are so many branches of biology e other than main branches.
1) conchology that is study of cells
2) oncology that is a study of Cancer
3) kalology that is a study of human beauty
4) gynaecology that is a study of female reproductive organ
5) Haematology that is a study of blood
6) saurology that is a study of lizards
7) serpentology that is a study of a snake
8) Cnidology that is a study of Coelenterata
9) parazoology that is a study of Porifera
10) Angiology that is the study of blood vascular system
11) cryobiology that is a study of effects on life at very low temperature
12) parasitology that is study of parasite
13) endocrinology that is the study of endocrine system
14) mammology that is the study of mammals
15) Ornithology that study of birds
16) herpetology that study of amphibians and reptiles
17) protozoology that is a study of single celled animal protozoans
18) pteridology that is study of ferns
19) mycology that is study of fungi
20) bryology that is a study of bryophyte
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