Hi guys in this article we know about is vitamin a fat soluble or water soluble : A, D, E, K,C and B complex. As we know vitamins are organic compounds which cannot be produced by the body and must be supplied in a small amounts in diet to perform specific biological functions for the normal health growth and maintenance of body.
These vitamins are essential to us for the proper functioning of the different organs. Vitamins are chemically different from the main nutrients fats carbohydrates and proteins.
the absence and deficiency of Vitamin causes specific disease and may be multiple deficiency caused by lack of more than one vitamin are common in human beings. this condition of Vitamin deficiency known as avitaminosis.
Sometime question is ask is vitamin a fat soluble or water soluble and vise versa is vitamin a water soluble or fat soluble. Let us now discuss types of Vitamin according to their solubility in water or fats.
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Classification of vitamins
Vitamins are generally classified into two broad types based on their solubility
● Water soluble vitamins :- the vitamins which are soluble in water are called water soluble vitamins for example Vitamin B complex and Vitamin C. the water soluble vitamins are stored in much less amount in cells. water soluble vitamin must be supplied regularly in diet because they are readily excreted in urine and cannot store in our body except vitamin B12.
● Fats soluble vitamins :- the vitamins which are soluble in fats are known as fat soluble vitamins. for example vitamin A, D, E, K. liver cells are rich in fat soluble vitamins such as vitamin A and Vitamin D. this group of hydrophobic liquid soluble vitamins are not obsorbed in body unless fat digestion and absorption proceeds normally. their deficiency can cause malobservative disease. excess intake of these vitamins may causes disease known as hypervitaminosis.

Is vitamin a fat soluble or water soluble : A, D, E, K ,C and B complex
Is vitamin a fat soluble
Sometime question is ask is vitamin a fat soluble, their answer is obviously the types of vitamin according to their solubility all vitamins are not fat soluble vitamins and some of these are water soluble vitamin. There are four numbers of fat soluble vitamin. Like vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E and Vitamin K.
● vitamin A :- the chemical name of Vitamin A is retinol. it is fat soluble vitamine it is also called bright eye vitamin.
And its function is it helps in proper growth and normal is skeletal development of body. it plays an important role in maintaining proper vision. it is also is essential for healthy teeth structure. it helps in the maintenance of healthy glowing soft skin.
And source of vitamin A is butter, liver, carrot, spinach,ghee, kidney, yellow pumpkin, mustard leaves, whole milk, fish oil particularly Shark liver oil, liver of freshwater fish ,tomatoes, coriander leaves, curd ,mangoes, egg, cheese and papaya.
Again ask such type of question is vitamin A fat soluble, obviously their answer is Vitamin A is fat soluble vitamin.
Is vitamin D a fat soluble
Before knowing its answer let some know about Vitamin D. vitamin D chemical name is calciferol. it is a fat soluble vitamin. it is formed in the skin under the action of Sunlight.
And its function is it keeps the bones and teeth healthy. it helps in utilisation of calcium and phosphorus. And provide strength to ligament of our body.
And source of vitamin D is cod liver oil, butter, milk ,egg yolk, ghee,cheese, fish and exposure to sunlight provides a cheap method of Production of Vitamin D in the body itself and deficiency of vitamin D causes rickets in children and osteomalacia in adult having weak bones and softening of bone and pain.
Again ask such type of question is vitamin D a fat soluble, obviously their answer is Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin.

Is vitamin a fat soluble or water soluble : A, D, E, K ,C and B complex
Is vitamin K a fat soluble
Before knowing its answer let some know about Vitamin K. The chemical name of vitamin K is phylloquinone. it is fat soluble vitamin it is also known as blood coagulation vitamin.
Vitamin K function is it helps in clotting of blood and prevent hemorrhage and and their deficiency causes increases blood clotting time. source of vitamin K is cereals and green leafy vegetables.
Again ask such type of question is vitamin K a fat soluble, obviously their answer is Vitamin K is a fat soluble vitamin.
Is vitamin E a fat soluble
Before knowing its answer let some know about Vitamin E. The chemical name of vitamin E is tocopherol. it is a fat soluble vitamins.
And it function is it play an important role in production of Vitamin A and ascorbic acid. it is necessary for normal reproduction and protection of the liver.
And source of vitamin E is vegetable oil, milk, tomato, dark green leafy vegetables, eggs, kidney, whole grain, cereals, nuts and liver and deficiency of Vitamin E causes loss of sexual power of reproduction.
Again ask such type of question is vitamin E a fat soluble, obviously their answer is Vitamin E is a fat soluble vitamin.
Is vitamin a water soluble
Sometime question is ask is vitamin a water soluble, their answer is obviously the types of vitamin according to their solubility all vitamins are not fat soluble vitamins and some of these are water soluble vitamin. Vitamin C and Vitamin B complex containing Vitamin B1, B2, B4, B6 and B12 are water soluble vitamin.
Is vitamin B water soluble
Obviously their answer is yes because vitamin B complex containing vitamin B1, B2, B6 and B12 all are water soluble vitamin and they are readily dissolve in water and cannot synthesized by our body and store inside our body so it must be obtained from daily diet.
Is vitamin B1 fat soluble
Before knowing its answer let some know about Vitamin B1. The chemical name of Vitamin B1 is thiamine. it is a water soluble vitamin. Vitamin B1 is necessary for helps in carbohydrate metabolism, functioning of heart, nerves and muscles and sharpen appetite that’s why it is sometimes known as appetite vitamin.
So question is vitamin B1 fat soluble, their answer is vitamin B1 is not a fat soluble vitamin it is a water soluble vitamin.
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Is vitamin B2 fat soluble
Before knowing its answer let some know about Vitamin B2. The chemical name of vitamin B2 is riboflavin. it is a water soluble vitamin and it helps in oxidation and utilisation of oxygen, Carbohydrate and protein metabolism, keep the skin healthy and help in normal functioning of eye.
So question is vitamin B2 fat soluble, their answer vitamin B2 is not a fat soluble vitamin it is a water soluble vitamin.
Is vitamin B4 fat soluble
Before knowing its answer let some know about Vitamin B4. The chemical name of vitamin B4 is niacin. it is a water soluble vitamin belonging to the group B complex. it is needed for metabolism of Carbohydrates fats and proteins, keep skin healthy, give sound mental health and important positive contribution to good nutrition.
So question is vitamin B4 fat soluble, their answer vitamin B4 is not fat soluble vitamins it is a water soluble vitamin
Is vitamin B6 fat soluble
Before knowing its answer let some know about Vitamin B6. The chemical name of vitamin B6 pyridoxine. it is a water soluble vitamin. it is a mixture of three substance pyridixine, pyridoxal and pyridoxamine.
So question is vitamin B6 fat soluble, their answer vitamin B6 is not fat soluble vitamins it is a water soluble vitamin.
Is vitamin B12 fat soluble
Before knowing its answer let some know about Vitamin B12. The chemical name of vitamin 12 is Saina Kovalam in it is a water soluble vitamins it is essential for metabolism of nervous tissues, necessary for the formation of healthy blood and proper growth of the body and prevent the disease called Pernicious anaemia.
So question is vitamin B6 fat soluble, their answer vitamin B12 is not fat soluble vitamins it is a water soluble vitamin.
Is vitamin C fat soluble
Before knowing its answer let some know about Vitamin C. The chemical name of vitamin C is ascorbic acid. it is a highly water soluble vitamin. it is necessary for keeping teeth ,gums and joint healthy and play important role in normal metabolism of amino acid and it help in healing of cut and wound and resistant to our body against disease and infection. So question is vitamin C fat soluble, their answer vitamin C is not fat soluble vitamins it is a water soluble vitamin.
● summary :- vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E and vitamin K are fat soluble. And Vitamin C and Vitamin B complex like B1, B2, B3, B6 and B12 are water soluble vitamin.
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