Ecological pyramid-definition types and example and 3 major types of ecological pyramids pyramids of number, Biomass and energy
Hi guys in this article we know about ecological pyramids definition its types and there are three categories of ecological pyramid pyramid of number, pyramid of biomass and pyramid of energy ,let us discuss all about it.
Table of Contents
definition of ecological pyramid
an ecological pyramid is a graphical representation of an ecological parameter like number, Biomass and energy at different trophic level in food chain for the relationship between different organism.Ecological pyramid-definition types and example
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What is ecological pyramid
introduction about ecological pyramid the idea of ecological pyramid is developed by the Charles Elton, so it is also called as Eltonian pyramids. An ecological pyramid may be upright or straight that tapering towards the tips,or spindle shaped that is broader in the middle and narrow Above and below or inverted that is widen towards the tip and narrow toward the below.
Each ecological pyramid is started from producer community of trophic level and successive towards primary consumer ,secondary consumer and tertiary consumer and it is represented by each trophic level in a food chain in a ecosystem.
Types of ecological pyramid
Ecological pyramid is categorised into three category according to their biomass energy and number. types of ecological pyramid:- on the basis of ecological parameter ,ecological pyramid are of three types:-
1) pyramid of number
2) pyramid of biomass
3) pyramid of energy
Ecological pyramid of number
Ecological pyramid of number graphical representation that showing the arrangement of number of individual at different trophic levels in food chain in an ecosystem.
There is a different types of food chain like predatory food chains and parasitic food chain
1) in pond, river and grassland ecosystem pyramid of number is always upright or straight pyramid in which population size of producer is more than consumer community and population size is successive decreases from producer to top carnivorous animals.

Grassland pond and river upright pyramid of number
2) in a parasitic food chain or oak tree the pyramid of number is always inverted pyramid in which population size of oak tree is less than larger population size of bacteria and fungi and birds lice and bugs

Parasitic food chain eg Oak tree pyramid of number is always inverted
3) in a tree dominated ecosystem or forest ecosystem the pyramid of number is always spindle shaped in which a single large size tree is Attack by numerous plant eating insects and which is Preyed upon by a spider bugs which is preyed by small size Birds

In a tree dominated or forest ecosystem pyramid of number is spindle shaped
Ecological pyramid of biomass
Ecological pyramid of biomass:- it is a graphical representation of biomass present per unit area in different trophic level. Total amount of dry weight of living or organic matter in ecosystem at any time that is called Biomass.
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1) in Terrestrial Habitat pyramid of biomass is always straight or upright pyramid in which Biomass of producer community like grass is more than total Biomass of top carnivorous animals

In a terrestrial habitat pyramid of biomass is always upright or straight pyramid
2) in aquatic habitat pyramid of biomass is always inverted or spindle shaped depending upon the Biomass of producer community of phytoplankton and Biomass of consumer community zooplanktons.
A) if Biomass of phytoplankton is more than Biomass of zooplanktons pyramid of biomass is inverted in which Biomass of phytoplankton is less than Biomass of secondary consumer community

In aquatic habitat pyramid of biomass is inverted
B) if Biomass of phytoplankton is less than Biomass of zooplanktons pyramid of biomass is spindle shaped in which Biomass of phytoplankton is less than Biomass of secondary consumer community.

In aquatic habitat pyramid of Biomass in spindle shaped
Ecological pyramid of energy
Ecological pyramid of energy:-Ecological pyramid-definition types and example it is a graphical representation of amount of energy trapped per unit time and area in different trophic level of food chain in ecosystem.
According to second law of thermodynamics there is a gradual decrease in energy at each successive trophic level that’s why pyramids of energy is always upright .
Flowing of energy from solar light to producer community is 1% and from producer to top carnivorous animals is 10%.

Pyramid of energy is always upright erect or straight pyramid
limitation of ecological pyramid
these do not take into account those species who belongs to two trophic level aur example sparrow is primary consumer when it eats sweets, fruits and it is secondary consumer when it eats insects and worm.
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Ecological pyramid-definition types and example
■A) short type questions
1) what is ecological pyramid ?
2) write down types of ecological pyramid?
3) define pyramid of number with example?
4) define pyramid of biomass with example?
5) define pyramid of energy with example?
6) why pyramid of energy is always upright?
7) explain spindle shape of pyramid of number in forest ecosystem?
8) explain inverted shape of pyramid of number in parasitic food chain?
9) explain upright shape of pyramid of Biomass in Terrestrial habitat?
10) explain inverted or spindle shape of pyramid of Biomass in aquatic habitat?
11) explain upright shape of pyramid of number in predatory food chain like pond lake river and grassland
12) what is limitation of ecological pyramid?
13) write down three major types of ecological pyramid ?
■B) long questions
Ecological pyramid-definition types and example
Q1) what is ecological pyramid and their types and explain with their example
Q2) what is ecological pyramid and their types and their limitation
multiple choice questions from ecological pyramid
1) who gave the idea of ecological pyramid
A) Darwin
B) Lindemann
C) Lungdon down
D) Charles elton
Ans. D
2) in predatory food chain pyramid of number is
A) spindle shaped
B) upright
C) inverted
D) none
Ans. B
3) in grassland ecosystem pyramid of number is
A) spindle shaped
B) upright
C) inverted
D) none
Ans. B
4) in river pond and lake pyramid of number is
A) spindle shaped
B) upright
C) inverted
D) none
Ans. B
5) in forest ecosystem pyramid of number is
A) spindle shaped
B) upright
C) inverted
D) none
Ans. A
6) in parasitic food chain pyramid of number is
A) spindle shaped
B) upright
C) inverted
D) none
Ans. C
7) in Terrestrial habitat pyramid of biomass is
A) spindle shaped
B) upright
C) inverted
D) none
Ans. B
8) in aquatic habitat pyramid of biomass is
A) spindle shaped
B) upright
C) inverted
D) both inverted or spindle shaped
Ans. D
9) pyramid of energy is always
A) spindle shaped
B) upright
C) inverted
D) none
Ans. B
10) the energy flow from sunlight to producer community is
A) 1℅
B) 5%
C) 10%
D) 15%
Ans. A
11) pyramid of energy in a river ecosystem is
A) spindle shaped
B) upright
C) inverted
D) none
Ans. B
12) pyramid of energy in aquatic ecosystem is
A) spindle shaped
B) upright
C) inverted
D) none
Ans. B
13) pond ecosystem shows
A) inverted pyramid of number
B) inverted pyramid of biomass
C) upright pyramid of Biomass
D) inverted pyramid of energy
Ans. B
14) in food chain the total amount of living material is depicted by
A) pyramid of biomass
B) trophic level
C) pyramid of number
D) pyramid of energy
Ans. A
15) pyramid of Biomass in a pond ecosystem is
A) spindle shaped
B) upright
C) inverted
D) none
Ans. C
16) which type of the following pyramid are never inverted
A) pyramid of energy
B) pyramid of biomass
C) pyramid of number
D) pyramid of dry Biomass
Ans. A
17) which has inverted pyramid
A) pyramid of number in a grassland
B) pyramid of energy in pond ecosystem
C) pyramid of Biomass in a grassland
D) pyramid of Biomass in pond ecosystem
Ans. D
18) the graphic representation of inter relationship between plants and animal is
A) ecological Niche
B) ecological pyramid
C) trophic level
D) none of these
Ans. B
19) energy transfer from one trophic Level to other in a food chain is
A) 1℅
B) 5%
C) 10%
D) 15%
Ans. C
20) in a food chain the graph showing the amount of living material in different trophic level is called as
A) pyramid of energy
B) pyramid of biomass
C) pyramid of number
D) pyramid of dry Biomass
Ans. B
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