Differences between male and female gametophyte, hi guys in this article we know about what is difference between male gametophyte and female gametophyte in sexual reproducing in flowering plant.
Development of male gametophyte starts in Pollen Grain while still present in microsporangium or pollen sac, microspore undergoes only two mitotic divisions. First mitotic division lead to formation of vegetative cell and generative cells. Vegetative cell is also known as tube cell, it has abundant food reserve and large irregular shaped nucleus, cell do not process any cell wall and represented only by cell membrane. Second mitotic division into it formation of two haploid male gametes by dividing Generative cell.

Differences between male gametophyte and female gametophyte
The functional megaspore forms female gametophyte or embryo sac the nucleus of Megaspore divides into two, four and finly into eight daughter nuclei. Four of which are located at each pole, one nucleus from each pole migrates to Centre to form two polar nuclei which father fuse to form diploid secondary nucleus. Three nuclei at the base of embryo sac form antipodal cells, the remaining 3 at micropylar end get surrounded by cytoplasm to form egg appartus which consists of two cells known as synergids cell or other one is egg cell.
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Differences between male and female gametophyte is– microspore ( pollen grain) represent male gametophyte whereas megaspore ( embryo sac) represent female gametophyte in sexual reproducing in flowering plant. In male gametophyte posses vegetative nucleus and two male gametes are formed that is 3 cell stage whereas in female gametophyte 7 cells and 8 nucleus are present – 2 synergid cells,1 egg cell,3 antipodal cells and 1 secondary cell with two polar nuclei. In male gametophyte Pollen tube is formed whereas it is absent in female gametophyte.
Differences between male gametophyte and female gametophyte
Differences between male and female gametophyte is- microspore ( pollen grain) represent male gametophyte whereas megaspore ( embryo sac) represent female gametophyte in sexual reproducing in flowering plant. In male gametophyte posses vegetative nucleus and two male gametes are formed that is 3 cell stage whereas in female gametophyte 7 cells and 8 nucleus are present – 2 synergid cells,1 egg cell,3 antipodal cells and 1 secondary cell with two polar nuclei. In male gametophyte Pollen tube is formed whereas it is absent in female gametophyte.
Differences between male gametophyte and female gametophyte are given in following table:-
1) male gametophyte is derived from Pollen Grain or microspore which are formed in Pollen sac of anther whereas female gametophyte is derived from megaspore which is formed in nucellus of ovule.
2) in male gametophyte microspore are usually shed when mature and are transfer to stigma by pollination whereas in female gametophyte Megaspore are not released from ovule
3) in male gametophyte Pollen tube are formed whereas it is absent in female gametophyte
4) male gametophyte is 3 cell stage consists of one vegetative cell and two haploid male gametes whereas female gametophyte is consists of 7 cell and 8 nuclei- 2 synergid cells,1 egg cell,3 antipodal cells and 1 secondary cell with two polar nuclei
5) in male gametophyte one of male gametes fuse with egg to form zygote and second male gamete fused with secondary nucleus to form primary endosperm nucleus and vegetative cell play role in formation of pollen tube whereas in female gametophyte egg cell fuse with one of male gamete to form diploid zygote, one synergid degenerate and second Synergid direct the Pollen tube entry, 2 polar nuclei fused to form secondary nucleus which further fused with second male gamete to form triploid primary endosperm nucleus and three antipodal cells degenerate before or after fertilization.
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