Differences between Klinefelter’s and Turner syndrome, hi guys in this article we know about what is meant by Klinefelter’s syndrome and Turner syndrome and how we can differentiate between these two.
As we know that sex chromosome abnormalities is seen in some individual due to lack or extra presence of sex chromosomes. This abnormality is caused due to error in segregation and recombination of chromosomes during cell division. Both Klinefelter syndrome and Turner syndrome is sex genetic disorder.
What is meant by Klinefelter’s syndrome? The person who have presence of 47 chromosomes with one additional X chromosomes such as 44+XXY. The person is a male with some feminine character like enlarged breast (gynecomastia), one long limb, degeneracy of seminiferous tubules,sparse body hairs, mental retardation etc.
There may be greater number of X chromosomes 44+XXXY have two Bar bodies in interphase, 44+XXXXY etc resulting in skeletal abnormalities, low mental ability etc. The addition of extra Y chromosome leads to 44+XYY (47) chromosome. The male with such condition show above average height and subnormal intelligence, they are prone to psychopathic tendencies.
Presence of extra X chromosomes in female with 44+XXX or 44+XXXX etc will show abnormal sexual development and mental retardation. female bear normal genitalia such individual are sterile.
What is meant by Turner syndrome? It is one of most common type of female genetic disorder characterized by hypogonadism. Incidence rate is 1 in out of 2500 -3000 live female births. It was first discovered by H. H Turner in 1938.
Causes of Turner syndrome:- karyotyping studies show that genotype of female suffering from Turner syndrome has 45, (44+XO) chromosomes in which one X chromosome is less than the normal karyotype. So the female is monosomics for sex chromosome.
Symptoms of Turner syndrome:- individual is female but it is characterized by short stature underdeveloped breast, reduced ovaries and uterus, no oogenesis and menstrual cycle, little pubic hair mental retardation, infertility, webbing of neck, peripheral lymphedema, heavy neck muscles, somatic cells with no sex chromatin.
Origin of turner’s syndrome:- Turner syndrome originates from the development of an abnormal zygote formed by the fusion of an abnormal egg with no X chromosome and a normal gymnosperm sperm with X chromosome or due to fusion of normal egg with X chromosome and abnormal sperm with no sex chromosomes.
What is difference between Klinefelter’s and Turner syndrome? Klinefelter syndrome is found in male which genotype has 47 number of chromosomes such as 44+XXY ( presence of one extra X chromosome) leading to symptom like sterility in male. However Turner syndrome is found in female which genotype has 45 number of chromosome such as 44+XO ( lacking of one X chromosome) leading to symptom like sterility in female.
Difference between Klinefelter’s and Turner syndrome
What is difference between Klinefelter’s and Turner syndrome? Klinefelter syndrome is found in male which genotype has 47 number of chromosomes such as 44+XXY ( presence of one extra X chromosome) leading to symptom like sterility in male. However Turner syndrome is found in female which genotype has 45 number of chromosome such as 44+XO ( lacking of one X chromosome) leading to symptom like sterility in female.

Differences between Klinefelter’s and Turner syndrome
Now we briefly explain the difference between Klinefelter’s and Turner syndrome to the point:-
Klinefelter’s Syndrome:-
1) it has genotype 44+XXY
2) Klinefelter syndrome is found in male which genotype has 47 number of chromosomes such as 44+XXY ( presence of one extra X chromosome)
3) klinefelter syndrome have symptoms like underdeveloped testis, degeneration of seminiferous tubules, no spermatogenesis, sterility and mentally retarded and also has some female characters like gynecomastia and presence of sex chromatin.
Turner’s Syndrome:-
1) it has genotype 44+XO
2) Turner syndrome is found in female which genotype has 45 number of chromosome such as 44+XO ( lacking of one X chromosome).
3) Turner syndrome have symptoms like underdeveloped ovaries, no oogenesis and menstrual cycle, mental retardation, sterility. also have some male character like heavy neck muscles and no sex chromatin.
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