Difference between dominant allele and recessive allele, hi guys in this article we know about dominant alleles/ factors/ traits and also know about recessive alleles/ factors/ traits and different between two.
According to principle of dominance out of two contrasting allelomorphic factors only one expresses itself in an individual. The factor that expresses itself is known as dominant allele while the other which has not shown its effect is term as recessive allele. When homozygous true breed tall pea plants are crossed with homozygous Dwarf plants, the plant appears in first filial generation are All tall, although they have received a factors from Dwarf plant. However this recessive hidden character reappeared unchanged in second filial generation. According to law of dominance characters are controlled by discrete unit called factors/allele/traits, allele occur in pairs and in a dissimilar pairs of factor one member of the pair is dominant, the other fails to appear is recessive.
A gene is responsible for the appearance of the specific trait. in diploid organism, a gene is represented by a pairs of alleles. When these two alleles are not identical, one of allele is different with modified information.
What is dominant allele/factor/trait? Out of two contrasting allelomorphic factors only one expresses itself in an individual. The factor that expresses itself is said to be dominant allele/factor/trait. Dominant allele is represented by capital letter only in homozygous condition and represented by both a small and big letter in heterozygous condition. For example tallness of plant is represented by genotype TT and Tt.
What is recessive allele/factor/trait? Out of two contrasting allelomorphic factors,one which do not expresses itself in an individual. The factor which do not shown its effect is termed as a recessive allele/factor/trait. Recessive allele is represented by a small letter for example pure dwarf plant is represented by tt.
What is difference between dominant and recessive allele? Out of two contrasting allelomorphic factors only one expresses itself in an individual. The factor that expresses itself is known as dominant allele while the other which has not shown its effect is termed as recessive allele. Dominant allele shown its effect in both first and second filial generation while recessive allele shown its effect in only Second filial generation when crossed between two traits.
Differences between dominant and recessive allele/factor/trait
What is difference between dominant and recessive allele? Out of two contrasting allelomorphic factors only one expresses itself in an individual. The factor that expresses itself is known as dominant allele while the other which has not shown its effect is termed as recessive allele. Dominant allele shown its effect in both first and second filial generation while recessive allele shown its effect in only Second filial generation when crossed between two traits.

Difference between dominant allele and recessive allele
Now briefly explain the difference between recessive and dominant allele to the point:-
Dominant allele:-
1) out of two contrasting allelomorphic character, one character expresses itself in first filial generation is said to be dominant allele
2) it expresses itself even in the presence of recessive allele
3) dominant allele forms complete polypeptide chain or enzyme to expresses its affects.
4) dominant allele is always be represented by capital letter. for example tall pea plant is represented by TT.
Recessive allele:-
1) Out of two contrasting allelomorphic factor, one allele which do not shown its effects or expresses itself in first filial generation is known as recessive allele.
2) a recessive alleles fails to express its effect in presence of dominant allele
3) recessive allele forms incomplete defective polypeptide chain or enzyme as a result it fails to express its effects.
4) recessive allele is represented by a small letter. For example dwarf Pea plant is represented by tt.
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