WBC count for leukemia patients, leukemia types and symptoms
White blood corpuscles represented as WBCs are rounded or irregular cells they can change their shape and are capable of amoeboid movement this enables them to squeeze out of capillaries into the tissues this process is known as diapedesis. In this article we study about WBC count for leukemia, leukemia types ,causes and symptoms. As we know that WBC and leukemia both are related to each other.
White blood cells have lack of hemoglobin and it is mostly larger than the red blood cells and WBC range in size from 12 to 20 micrometre. WBC are colourless and nucleated cells. The number of WBC are much lesser than RBC. The number of WBC in adult it man and woman is approx 5000 to 11000 per cubic ml of blood this is known as white blood cell count for simply as WBC count.

WBC count for leukemia patients, leukemia types and symptoms
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WBC count for leukemia
As we know that WBC are fewer in number then red blood cells. And ratio of RBC count to WBC count is about 600:1. It means RBC count is 600 times more than WBC count. WBC numbers from 5000 to 11000 per cubic ml of blood and this number is known as WBC count. So normal range of WBC count in adult male and female is about 5000 to 11000 per cubic ml of blood.
But WBC count sometimes increases or decreases in certain condition and abnormalities arises leads to WBC count high or WBC count low. Rise in WBC count or WBC count high is known as leucocytosis. It is physiological response to infection like malignancies blood cancer known as leukemia, pneumonia, inflammation such as appendicitis. So WBC for leukemia is always much high.
And WBC count low or fall in WBC count known as leucopenia. WBC count low occurs in conditions such as Folic acid deficiency infection of AIDS virus and WBC count is useful in diagnosing disease.
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Leukaemia is cancer of the blood. it begins when the bone marrow start to rapidly produce abnormal white blood cells called as leukemia cells. Due to malignancy in blood cancer all types of white blood cells like agranulocytes ( monocytes and lymphocytes) and granulocytes ( basophil, eosinophils, neutrophils) are changed to leukemia cells.
Leukaemia cells are not normal white cells who increase our immunity and fight for infection, loosing response to provide immunity. leukaemia cells crowded out normal white blood cells, red blood cells and blood platelets from blood vesseles and making it hard for normal cells to do their functions.
WBC count for leukemia is always high and it sever malignant blood cancer make hazards for patient life. WBC normal count is about 5000 to 11000 number of WBC present per cubic ml of blood sample. But in case of leukamia there is sudden rise of abnormal WBC formation from bone marrow and it will continue multiply, even in short duration of weeks and month WBC count high or increases upto number of 100000 to 400000 abnormal WBC per cubic ml of sample of blood. This situation is known as leukamia.
So WBC in leukaemia is about 20 to 40 times much higher than WBC normal count. A healthy person has white blood cell WBC count is of about 4000 to 11000 and person with acute or even chronic leukaemia WBC count eleveted upto 100000 to 400000 range.
Leukemia cells are do not normal white blood cells but it is tumour WBC which is sticky in nature they all together stick to form tumor and it is also likely to stick to blood vessels. All this condition causes impaired blood flows in blood vessels caring huge number of tumor cells of white blood cells, increasing their density and creating overcrowded for production and maturation of other blood corpuscles like red blood cells and blood platelets which are responsible for carrying oxygen and for blood clotting respectively.
How high WBC for leukemia ?
The question is how high WBC for leukamia ?. WBC for leukemia is always high Due to certain unknown reason which is might be study today for research, bone marrow continue to rapidly formation of number of abnormal white blood cells, even in weeks or month it form huge number of Abnormal white blood cells or leukemia malignant blood cancer.
At the time of diagnosis, patients can have very very high WBC counts. Typically a healthy person has a white blood cell count of about 4,000-11,000. Patients with acute or even chronic leukemia may come in with a white blood cell count up into the 100,000-400,000 range of WBC count.
And level of WBC in leukemia is increases according to types of malignant tumor blood cancer formation in blood from bone marrow and coincidence of Acute leukemia is very faster then chronic type leukemia. Because acute leukemia is the most rapidly progressive cancer that we know. And chronic leukemia develop slowly take months to several years when their symptoms may be visible before diagnosis.

WBC count for leukemia patients, leukemia types and symptoms
Leukemia types
There are four types of leukemia whichever is found. Leukaemia is categorised and Leukemia types are following and Leukemia is classified by how fast it develops and gets worse, and by which type of blood cell is get involved.
The first leukemia is categorised how fast it develops, is divided into two leukemia types
1) acute leukemia
2) chronic leukemia.
1) Acute leukemia happens when most of the abnormal white blood cells don’t mature and can’t carry out normal functions. Acute leukemia is most rapidly progressive blood cancer that we know WBC in blood grows very quickly over in for short duration of time even in weeks and sometime patient cannot able to see visible symptoms before diagnosis and their do their normal work.
Extreme fatigue is first symptoms of acute leukemia it’s require important medical care of patients and they are exclusively tired and no apparent reason is available. And count of WBC in acute leukemia is so high that patients not able to even walk or stand up.
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When we see the the diagnosis report of acute leukemia RBC count gradually decreases almost half of normal RBC count are exhausted because they are not getting enough oxygen. Due to overcrowded nature of leukemia cells there is decrease in number of blood platelets which are help in blood clotting and the person suffering from acute leukemia are more risk of bleeding.
Pneumonia and infection also responsible for acute leukemia and they do not get better taking by antibiotics.
Leukaemia cells from blood cells migrate to lungs and affected patients can be respiratory failure. And if leukemia cells migrated to brain create stroke and impaired blood flow in brain. And leukemia cells also responsible for cardiovascular disease and heart attack and heart stroke.
2) Chronic leukemia happens when there are some immature white blood cells, but others are normal and can work the way they should. It gets bad more slowly than acute forms do. Chronic leukemia develop very slowly and it takes month to several years of development.
And symptoms may be visible before diagnosis if the person goes to normal checkup of health condition to doctors. Doctor do the complete blood count that is known as CBC, and find their blood test report indicates the gradually rise of abnormal white blood cells and decrease of RBC count and number of blood platelets.
The second leukaemia types categorised into two types according to what type of cell is involved, is divided into lymphocytic and myelogenous leukemia.
1) lymphocytic leukemia
2) myelogenous leukemia
Lymphocytic or lymphoblastic leukemia involves bone marrow cells when it become lymphocytes which is a kind of white blood cell.
Myelogenous or myeloid leukemia involves the bone marrow cells that create red blood cells, platelets, and other kinds of white blood cells.
So leukemia or blood cancer is categorised into four broader types
1) Acute lymphocytic leukemia
2) Acute myelogenous leukemia
3) Chronic lymphocystic leukemia
4) chronic myelogenous leukemia
1) Acute lymphocytic leukemia represented by ALL. This is the most common type of leukemia form mostly found in children that’s why known as childhood leukemia. It can spread to your lymph nodes and central nervous system.
2) Acute myelogenous leukemia is represented by AML. This is the second most common form leukemia of children that’s why it is also known as childhood leukemia and one of the most common forms for adults.
3) Chronic lymphocytic leukemia is presented by CLL . This is the other most common form of adult leukemia. Some kinds of CLL will be stable for many years and would not need treatment. But with others, your body is not able to create normal blood cells, and you will need treatment.
4) Chronic myelogenous leukemia is presented by CML. With this form, you might not have noticeable symptoms. You might not be diagnosed with it until you have a routine blood test. People 65 and older have a higher risk of this type chronic myelogenous leukemia.
Leukemia Symptoms
Different types of leukemia like acute and chronic can cause different problems. Leukemia patients might not notice any signs in the early stages of some forms. When you do have symptoms and symptoms of leukemia are following
1) WBC count for leukemia is high incase of acute leukemia and the patients feel very weakness or fatigue, fever or chills, pain in your bones or joints, headaches, vomiting, seizures, weight loss, night sweats,shortness of breath
2) leukaemia blood platelets which are responsible for blood clotting and the patients are more risk of bruising or bleeding easily
3) leukemia Infections that are severe or chance of keep coming back
4) count of WBC in leukemia increases and affected spleen or swollen lymph node
Leukaemia causes
Causes of leukemia are yet unknown and
No one knows exactly what are the causes of different types of leukemia. People who have i have some unusual chromosomes but the chromosomes do not cause leukemia.
You can not prevent leukemia but certain things may trigger it caused for leukemia. And You have might have a higher risk if you:
1) continue smoking increases of risk factors, are exposed to a lot of radiation or certain chemicals, have radiation therapy or chemotherapy to treat cancer, have a family history of leukemia, have a genetic disorder like down syndrome following are of more risk factor of chance of occuring of leukemia.
Blood has three types of cells named it white blood cells that fight against infection, red blood cells that carry oxygen needed for respiration and blood platelets that help blood cloting.
Every day bone marrow makes billions of new blood cells, and most of them are red blood cells. When you have leukemia, your body makes more white blood cells than it needs.
These leukemia cells can not fight against infection the way normal white blood cells do. And because there are so many of leukemia cells and they start to affect cells to do their work. Over time you may not have enough red blood cells ,normal white blood cells and blood platelates to supply oxygen ,fight against infection and enough platelets for blood cloting respectively.
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