Important questions answer in biology for class 12th
Hi guys in this article you know about important questions answer in Biology for class 12th from lesson- 2 sexual reproduction in flowering plant .

Important questions answer in biology for class 12th lesson-2
◆Introduction:-Important questions answer in biology class 12th lesson- 2 sexual reproduction in flowering plants. In this topic we include very short answer type questions short answer type questions in simple language which may be asked in your coming Jharkhand academic Council Ranchi board examination from 12th biology. We know that board examination of 12th Biology containing multiple choice questions, fill in the blanks ,matching type questions ,very short answer type questions ,short answer type questions .In lesson 1 reproduction in organism try to explain each subtopics of this chapter like life span of organism asexual reproduction sexual reproduction parthenogenesis external fertilization and internal fertilization .biology provide you important questions with answer in simple language.
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Important questions in biology for class 12th JAC exam
Q1) what is name of 4 covering layer of microsporangium
Ans. a) epidermis
b) endothecium
c) middle layer
d) tapetum
Q2) what is main function of outermost three layer of microsporangium
Ans. Epidermis endothecium and middle layer is outermost three layer of microsporangium play a major role in in protection and provides resistance to environmental condition
Q3) what is function of tapetum in microsporangium
Ans. Tapetum is innermost layer of micro sporangium. It form nutritive tissue and nourishing the developing microspore.
Q4) what do you mean by microsporogenesis
Ans. Microsporogenesis is the process in which diploid microspore mother cell undergoes meiosis cell division and give rise to four haploid nuclei that is called microspore tetrad.
Q5) what is main parts of pollen grain
Ans:- outermost layer of pollen grain is known as exine and innermost layer of pollen grain is known as intine. Exine is made of sporopollenin material and intine is made of calcium and magnesium pectate.
Q6) what do you mean by palynology
Ans:- the branch of science which deals with the study of pollen grains is called palynology
Q7) what is main types of gynoecium
Ans. On the basis of free and fuse carpels gynoecium is three types
1) apocarpous:- two or more carpels in gynoecium which are free from each other
2) syncarpous:- two or more carpels are fused together to form single compound ovary
3) apocarpous:- ovaries and styles are free gynoecium is considered as apocarpous
■Important questions answer in biology for class 12th lesson- 2 sexual reproduction in flowering plant .
Q8) what do you mean by megasporogenesis
Ans. Diploid megaspore mother cell undergoes meiosis to form four haploid mega spore that step is called megasporogenesis
Q9) what is typical cell and nucleus in mature embryo sac
Ans. Mature embryo sac contain three haploid antipodal cells, two haploid synergid cells 1haploid egg cell and one diploid Central cell which contain two haploid polar nuclei
Q10) what is function of filiform apparatus
Ans. The synergid cells bears cellular thickness at the micropylar end that is called filiform Apparatus which play an important role in guiding Pollen tubes into synergids.
Q11) what is called egg apparatus
Ans. One haploid egg cell and two haploid synergid cells is known as egg apparatus
Q12) what is double fertilization
Ans. The process of fertilization which occurs twice time in the same embryo sac at a time by two male gametes Synagamy and triple fusion
Q13) what do you mean by syngamy
Ans. One male gametes of pollen grain fused with egg cell of mature embryo sac that process is known as synagamy.
■Important questions answer in biology for class 12th lesson- 2 sexual reproduction in flowering plant .
Q14) what do you mean by triple fusion
Ans. 1 male gametes of pollen grains fused with two haploid synergid cells of mature embryo sac that’s form primary endosperm nucleus that process is known as triple fusion
Q15) what is main types of endosperm
Ans. There are three main types of endosperm
1) nuclear endosperm
2) Cellular endosperm
3) helobial endosperm
Q16) what do you mean by endospermic seed
Ans. The seed which are store their reserve food material in endosperm is known as endospermic seed. for example rubber
Q17) what do you mean by non- endospermic seed
Ans. The seed which are store their reserve food material in cotyledon is known as non- endospermic seed .for example gram
Q18) what do you mean by true fruits
Ans. The fruit which are developed from single ovary of single flower with no other parts outside the ovary .ex mango
Q19) what do you mean by false fruits
Ans. When other parts of flower take part in formation of fruit is known as false fruit .example thalamus in apple
Q20) what is main characteristic of wind pollinated plant
Ans. 1) wind pollinated plants are devoid of Scent and nectar
2) they produce large number of dusty pollens
3) movement of pollen is non directional
4) pollen grains are dry and unwettable
Q21) what is main characteristics of insect pollinated plants
Ans. 1) insect pollinated flowers have fragrant and its omit scent and odour
2) insect pollinated flowers are beautifully in coloured
Q22) what do you mean by cleistogamy
Ans. The flower which are never opens and remain closed so there is a self pollination is found in which Pollen Grain transfer within same flower which prevent cross pollination and favour self pollination.
Q23) which are the condition which favour cross pollination
Ans. 1) dicliny unisexuality:- unisexual condition in flower
2) dichogamy:- bisexual flower in which anther and stigma mature at different times
3) suppression of 1 sex:- the flower in which starman or carpal is completely sterile
4) herkogamy:- presence of physical barrier between anther and stigma
Q24) which are the condition which favour self pollination
Ans. 1) homogamy:- the bisexual flower in which anther and stigma mature at same time
2) cleistogamy:- the flower remains closed and never open
■Important questions answer in biology for class 12th lesson- 2 sexual reproduction in flowering plant .
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