How much blood is in the human body ?
That is amazing questions how much blood is in the human body ? Generally amount of blood in human body posses 6% to 8% of its weight and amount of blood in human body is about 4.5 litres to 5.5 litres. estimate of human blood depends on several factors like its body weight, male or female and according to their living place high altitude or lower altitude.
The components of blood like red blood cells helps in oxygen transports and white blood cells helps in fight against infection and blood plasma responsible for transport of nutrients from one tissues to other tissues and other blood components blood platelets helps in clotting of blood.

How much blood is in the human body ?
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How much blood is in the human body ?
Amount of blood in adult male or female depends on several factors.
If you take amount of blood in human adult is about 7% of their body weight. It means if person who have their body weight is about 70 kg approx they should have about 4900 ml or 4.9 litre of blood in their body.
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And if we take 6% amount of blood to their body weight then it should be about 4200 ml or 4.2 litre of blood, and if you take 8% amount of blood to their body weight then it should be 5600 ml or 5.6 litres of estimate of blood in human body.
So the amount of blood in human adult is ranging between 4200 ml to 5600 ml or 4.2 to 5.6 litre, if we put this value into gallons then the amount of blood in human adult is ranging between 1.11 gallons to 1.48 gallons whose body weight 154 lbs.
How much blood in human baby body ?
Amount of blood in babies depends on their body weight. Newborn baby e contains about 75 ml of blood per kg of their body weight. If the baby weight is about 8 Pounds or 3.63 kg then they will have 270 ml of blood in the body or 0.07 gallons. So new born baby have approx amount of blood is 270 ml or 0.07 gallons.

How much blood is in the human body ?
How much blood in human children body ?
Amount of blood in children depending on their body weight. Good nutrient food is required for development growth and maintenance of body in children. The children who take balance and nutritional diet in their menu they should be known as healthy children. The healthy children whose body weight is about 80 lbs or 35 kg should have amount of blood in their body is about 0.7 gallons or 2650 ml of blood.
How much blood is in the human pregnant woman body ?
Amount of blood in pregnant women is more then normal women. Developing foetus inside the mother uterus is totally depend on mothers for their nutrition. So pregnant woman is not a single life it can carry a nutrition for two life, so there is higher amount of nutritional food is required in pregnant women so by means amount of blood in pregnant women in slightly 30 to 40% more blood versus other women who are not pregnant, this is about 0.3 to 0.4 additional gallons of the blood.
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If the body weight of normal normal women is about 60 kg and their weight is increase slightly during the pregnancy, suppose their body weight during pregnancy is about 65 kg than they should have 6685ml to 7090 ml or 1.766 gallons to 1.872 gallons of blood. So presence of amount of blood in pregnant women is more than adult person male or female.
Amount of blood in human who are living in higher altitude
Amount of blood in human is also depends on their living place higher altitude or lower altitude. on height of altitudes the person who are living in higher altitude like Valley, mountain forest etc have higher amount of blood in their body because of low concentration of oxygen gases on higher altitude, to overcome oxygen deficient amount of blood should be increased in their body.
That’s why the person who are living in Mountain areas have higher amount of blood then the person who are living in plain area, so person have RBC count and WBC count is high in their body.
The red blood corpuscles are the most numerous formed elements of blood they are the most abundant cells in human body and RBC count of adult male is about 5 to 5.5 million per ml of blood. And RBC count in Adult female is about 4.5 to 5 million per ml of blood. And decrease of RBC count causes disease named anaemia.
And white blood cells are far fewer than the RBC, their number varies from 5000 to 10,000 per ml of blood this number is the known as White blood cell count. The person who are living on higher altitude have WBC count is high and they have less risk to infection, because they have better immunity due to high WBC count.
How much blood do we produce a day
The human body make around 2 millions red blood cells per second, blood cells develop from stem cells in the red bone marrow, stem cells are type of cell that can create other cells this process happened continually throughout in person life. And the life span of RBC is about 120 days.
The worn out red blood cells are destroyed by phagocytosis in the body itself and in the spleen and liver and their iron is return to the red bone marrow for reuse for synthesis of haemoglobin. their pigment hemoglobin is degraded to pigment billirubin which is excreted in bile, the pale yellow colour of the plasma is mainly due to Billirubin and it is excreted by urine. And the life of white blood cells is about 3 to 4 days only in the blood. dead WBC are phagocytized in blood, liver and lymph nodes.
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