Differences between heterochromatin and euchromatin, hi guys in this article we know about heterochromatin and euchromatin definition and what is major difference between these two.
Nuclear chromatin is also known as nuclear reticulum is darkly stained network of long and fine threads called chromatin fibre, suspended in most of the nucleoplasm of the interphase nucleus.
During interphase nuclear chromatin is in form of chromatin fibre is about 100 A° in diameter and being formed of a core of DNA and being covered by a protein coat. On the basis of their staining properties with acetocarmine or feulgen basic fuchsin and nature of DNA, chromatin fibre is differentiated into two types 1) heterochromatin and 2) euchromatin.
What is heterochromatin definition? Heterochromatin is condensed reason about 250 A° in diameter, which are more darkly stain called heteropycnosis as-is with condensed DNA which transcriptionally inactive and late replicating. It generally live near the nuclear lamina, it is mainly formed of highly repeated sequence of DNA, it is less sensitive to mutation and resistant to nuclease digestion.
Types of heterochromatin:- heterochromatin age of two types:- 1) facultative heterochromatin and 2) constitutive heterochromatin. Facultative heterochromatin represent the temporally inactivated chromatin during interphase in some cell types of an organism. Constitutive heterochromatin represent the permanently inactivated chromatin and is generally found near the centromeric reasons.
What is euchromatin definition? Euchromatin is true chromatin of interphase nucleus and is formed of thin 30-80 A° in diameter, less darkly stain than heterochromatin. It is with loose DNA which is transcriptionally active and early replicating, it forms most of the nuclear chromatin and it also differ from heterochromatin in their nucleosomal packing.
The chromatin fibres give beaded appearance due to presence of dense region of DNA and proteins called Chromomeres. During cell division this chromatin fibres condense by spiralization and dehydration into number of rods called chromosomes.
What is differences between heterochromatin and euchromatin? Darkly stain and highly condensed region of chromatin fibre is heterochromatin which is transcriptionally inactive and late replicating in nature and less sensitive to mutations and resistant to nuclease digestion. However euchromatin is true chromatin of interphase nucleus and is formed of thin 30-80 angstrom in diameter, less darkly stained and lose bound DNA is transcriptionally active an early replicating in nature.
Differences between heterochromatin and euchromatin
What is differences between heterochromatin and euchromatin? Darkly stain and highly condensed region of chromatin fibre is heterochromatin which is transcriptionally inactive and late replicating in nature and less sensitive to mutations and resistant to nuclease digestion. However euchromatin is true chromatin of interphase nucleus and is formed of thin 30-80 angstrom in diameter, less darkly stained and lose bound DNA is transcriptionally active an early replicating in nature.

Differences between heterochromatin and euchromatin
Now we briefly explain the differences between heterochromatin and euchromatin to the point:-
1) it is darkly stained with acetocarmine solution
2) it is highly condesed region of chromatin fibres
3) heterochromatin is transcriptionally inactive or less active
4) heterochromatin is less affected by temperature, sex, age and it is not acetylated.
5) frequency of crossing over is low due to more condesed part of DNA so protect the vital genes
6) heterochromatin is also late replicacating in nature.
1) euchromatin lightly stained with acetocarmine solution
2) it is less tightly coiled regions of chromatin fibre
3) euchromatin is transcriptionally active
4) it is more affected by temperature sex or age,it is acetylated during interphase
5) frequency of crossing over is high in euchromatin
6) euchromatin is early replicating in nature.
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