Cleistogamy pollination in Commelina benghalensis, hi guys in this article we know about what is cleistogamy pollination? what is its example? and how cleistogamy pollination takes place in commelina benghalensis.
Commelina benghalensis, commonly known as the Benghal dayflower, tropical spiderwort, or wandering Jew, kanshira in Bengali, is a perennial herb native to tropical Asia and Africa.
There is two types of flower in commelina: 1) cleistogamous flower and 2) chasmogamous flower. Cleistogamous flower exhibit positive geotropism and develop inside the soil along with the root, mostly it is white in colour and completely its reproductive and floral parts encircle with petals or closed or do not open. It is mechanically sealed all around it yet Pollen Grain do not comes outside. So in this case only chance of self pollination that is autogamy in which transfer of pollen grain from anther to stigma within the same flower will happen.
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Chasmogamous flower in commelina benghalensis exhibit negative geotropism and developed in shoot system outside the soil, which are brightly coloured, open and mechanically do not seal.
Cleistogamy pollination in Commelina benghalensis
Cleistogamous flower in commelina benghalensis exhibit positive geotropism and develop inside the soil along with the root, mostly it is white in colour and completely its reproductive and floral parts encircle with petals or closed or do not open. It is mechanically sealed all around it yet Pollen Grain do not comes outside. So in this case only chance of self pollination that is autogamy in which transfer of pollen grain from anther to stigma within the same flower will happen.
Autogamy is type of self pollination which are made of Union of two Greek words, Auto + gamy, Auto means “self” and gamy means “marriage” or “union”. It means autogamy is “self marriage” or “self union” in which female gamete ovule and male gamete pollen grain are united and fused to form zygote that comes from same flower.
Autogamy definition: Autogamy is type of self pollination in which Pollen Grain is transferred from anther to stigma within same flower. Flower may be encircle with Petal or open, encircled or closed flower is known as Cleistogamous and open flower is known as chasmogamous and type of pollination is known as Cleistogamy and chasmogamy respectively. Flower in which autogamy pollination is undergoes is known as autogamous flower.
Cleistogamy pollination in commelina benghalensis:- cleistogamy is type of autogamy self pollination in which its Floral and reproductive parts of flower is closed or encircle with Petals or flower which never open. It is combination of two Greek word, Cleisto + gamy, cleisto means “closed” or “hidden” and gamy means “marriage” or “union“, so cleistogamy is “hidden marriage“.
Cleistogamy is a type of automatic self-pollination of certain plants that can propagate by using non-opening, closed flower self-pollinating flowers. Common examples of cleistogamy is found in flower Commelina benghalensis and Especially well known in peanuts, commelina benghalensis, peas, and pansy this behavior is most widespread in the grass family. However, the largest genus of cleistogamous plants is Viola.
Chasmogamy pollination in commelina benghalensis: in this type of pollination commelina flower are brightly coloured and come out of soil and develop on the shoot system, there is a small chance of self pollination because flowers are remain open and their reproductive parts and floral structures are exposed and do not encircled with petals. Flowers that open at maturity to facilitate exposure of pollen and stigma for cross pollination are referred to as chasmogamous flower, they are large, conspicuous colourful flowers with nectar/scent to attract pollinators.
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