What is the full form of DNA and RNA ?hi guys we know that DNA is genetic material in higher organism responsible for transfer of genetical character from parents to offspring and DNA is nucleic acid found in nucleus of cell.

What is the full form of DNA and RNA ?
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What is full form of DNA and RNA
in this article we know about what is the full form of DNA and RNA ? and DNA ka ful form kya hota hai. Many of us and student of science stream want to know full form of DNA and they ask the question DNA ka full form kya hota hai. DNA is stand for deoxyribo nucleic acid and RNA is stand for ribonucleic Acid.
DNA and RNA both are nucleic acid found in nucleus of cell and somewhat cytoplasm basically in the organelles like mitochondria and chloroplast that is known as mitochondria and chloroplastic dna.
DNA ka ful form in english deoxyribonucleic acid hota hai and DNA ka full form in hindi डीऑक्सी राइबोन्यूक्लिक एसिड होता है.and RNA ka full form in hindi राइबोन्यूक्लिक एसिड होता है. And RNA full form in english is ribonucleic acid.
DNA and RNA full form and Discovery
Chromosomes are made of nucleoprotein which constitute basic protein and nucleic acid .There is two kinds of nucleic acid recognised DNA and RNA.
Full form of DNA is deoxyribonucleic acid and full form of RNA is ribonucleic acid. DNA is first nucleic acid and genetic material of plants and animal which carries genetic information from parents to offspring and RNA is also a nucleic acid and genetic material of some viruses which carries genetic information inside it and help in replication and mutation.
Year 1869 receive good attention towards DNA Discovery. The swiss chemist Friedrich Meischer in 1869 first discovered nucleic acid reported from nuclei of pus cells they name it nuclein. DNA is acidic substance present in nucleus was identified by Friedrich Meischer and he called them as nuclein.
Now question in ask who discovered DNA ? Many people believe that American biologist James Watson and English physicist Francis Crick discovered DNA in the 1953. But DNA was first identified by swiss chemist Meischer. We simply say that American biologist James Watson and English physicist Francis Crick discovered DNA structure in 1953 popularly known as Watson and Crick model of DNA structure.
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What is the full form of DNA and RNA ?
And discovery of RNA begin with the discovery of nucleic acid by Friedrich Meischer in 1869 who called the material nuclein present in nucleus. DNA is storehouse of genetic material and it transmit information to RNA.
DNA and RNA are recognised on the basis of pentose sugar and the nitrogenous base responsible for forming nucleotide constituting the DNA are called as deoxyribonucleotide and each deoxyribonucleotide is made of deoxyribose sugar nitrogenous base and phosphate molecules.
Discovery of DNA structure
James Watson and Francis Crick in 1953 proposed the helical structure of DNA for which they were awarded Nobel Prize. The two strands of DNA are helicaly coiled in such a fashion that base molecules of two strands are linked together by weak hydrogen bond to constitute base pairs.
The two right handed helix are coiled in an interlocked form about the same axis and each term of double helix content ten paired nucleotides. Some student want to know who discovered DNA structure? that answer is James Watson and Francis Crick discovered the DNA structure.
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