What is difference between Cleistogamy and chasmogamy pollination | difference between chasmogamous and cleistogamous flower | what is cleistogamy | what is chasmogamy
In flowering plant there are several mechanism that support the self pollination and some other mechanism support cross-pollination, encircle, covered and closed anther supporting the self pollination and open and exposed stigma support the cross pollination

What is difference between Cleistogamy and chasmogamy
Autogamy definition: Autogamy is type of self pollination in which Pollen Grain is transferred from anther to stigma within same flower, flower may be encircle with Petal or open, encircled or closed flower is known as Cleistogamous and open flower is known as chasmogamous and type of pollination is known as Cleistogamy and chasmogamy respectively.
Flower in which autogamy pollination is undergoes is known as autogamous flower, autogamy examples: common examples of autogamy pollination are Sunflowers, orchids, peas, commelina, groundnut and tridax.
What is cleistogamy and chasmogamy
Cleistogamy definition:- cleistogamy is type of autogamy self pollination in which floral parts and reproductive organs are encircled, covered, closed and do not open, this condition is called cleistogamy and flower is known as cleistogamous flower. Common example of cleistogamy is seen in Commelina.
Chasmogamy definition:- chasmogamy is type of cross pollination in which Floral and reproductive parts are open and exposed for receiving the Pollen Grain from other sources, this condition is known as chasmogamy and flower is said to be chasmogamous flower. Common examples of chasmogamy is seen in Commelina.
Difference between chasmogamous cleistogamous flower
The major difference between chasmogamous and cleistogamous flower is that, chasmogamous flower is generally have exposed anther and stigma, aerial, petals are large and brightly in coloured, huge amount of nector that guide to attract pollinating agents that favouring the cross pollination on other hand cleistogamous flower is generally white, beneath the soil, encircled, closed, smaller, non – showy, homogamy and that favouring the self pollination.
How does cleistogamy differ from chasmogamy?, the major difference between cleistogamy and chasmogamy are- cleistogamy is type of autogamy self pollination in which its Floral and reproductive parts of flower is closed or encircle with Petals or flower which never open whereas chasmogamy is type of cross pollination in which its Floral and reproductive parts of flower does not encircle with petal or flower which is exposed their reproductive organ.
How do you distinguish cleistogamous and chasmogamous flower? cleistogamous flower is generally white, beneath the soil, encircled, closed, smaller, non – showy, homogamy and that favouring the self pollination whereas chasmogamous flower is generally have exposed anther and stigma, aerial, petals are large and brightly in coloured, huge amount of nector that guide to attract pollinating agents that favouring the cross pollination.
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Autogamy and chasmogamy difference
This question is very important for class 12th students those who are preparing for their annual board and other competitive examinations.
Regarding this, what is difference between cleistogamy and chasmogamy?, cleistogamy is type of autogamy self pollination in which its Floral and reproductive parts of flower is closed or encircle with Petals or flower which never open whereas chasmogamy is type of cross pollination in which its Floral and reproductive parts of flower does not encircle with petal or flower which is exposed their reproductive organ.

Cleistogamy in commelina
List 5 differences/ comparison/ contrast/ distinguish/ cleistogamy vs chasmogamy/ differentiate between cleistogamy and chasmogamy are following-
1) Cleistogamy is type of autogamy self pollination in which its Floral and reproductive parts of flower is closed or encircle with Petals while chasmogamy represent flower have reproductive parts and floral structures are exposed and do not encircled with petals
2) cleistogamy favouring the self-pollination while chasmogamy favouring the cross pollination
3) cleistogamy do not need pollinating agents while chasmogamy need pollinating agents
4) cleistogamy is seen in flower beneath the soil while chasmogamy in aerial flower
5) cleistogamous flower are whitish, small, non showy, avoid of nector and inconspicuous while chasmogamous flower is large, brightly coloured Petal, huge amount of Nectar that attracts the pollinating agents.
Important features and characteristics of cleistogamy
◆ Cleistogamy:-
1) Cleistogamy is type of autogamy self pollination in which its Floral and reproductive parts of flower is closed or encircle with Petals or flower which never open. It is combination of two Greek word, Cleisto + gamy, cleisto means “closed” or “hidden” and gamy means “marriage” or “union”, so cleistogamy is “hidden marriage”.
2) Cleistogamy is a type of automatic self-pollination of certain plants that can propagate by using non-opening, closed flower self-pollinating flowers.
3) Common examples of cleistogamy is found in flower Commelina benghalensis and Especially well known in peanuts, commelina benghalensis, peas, and pansy this behavior is most widespread in the grass family. However, the largest genus of cleistogamous plants is Viola.
4) it’s do not need pollinating agent for pollination
5) its species have low biological fitness because pollination takes place within same flower
6) according to genetical, functions and ecology it is self pollination
7) its flower is generally colourless and shows positive geotropism.

Chasmogamy in groundnut
Important features and characteristics of chasmogamy
◆ Chasmogamy pollination:
1) In this type of pollination there is a small chance of self pollination because flowers are remain open and their reproductive parts and floral structures are exposed and do not encircled with petals. Flowers that open at maturity to facilitate exposure of pollen and stigma for cross pollination are referred to as chasmogamous flower, they are large, conspicuous colourful flowers with nectar/scent to attract pollinators.
2) The example of the Chasmogamous flower are oxalis, viola, peas, beans, hibiscus, groundnut, commelina flowers etc.
3) its need pollinating agent for cross pollination because flower are exposed
4) generally their flower is brightly coloured, more attractive and have scent
5) there is little chance of self pollination and more chance of cross pollination because flowers and its floral parts are exposed or open.
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