Differences between Asexual and sexual reproduction:– asexual mode of reproduction is the formation of new individual without involving the formation and fusion of gametes whereas sexual reproduction involves fusion of two sex gametes to form new individual.
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Differences between Asexual and sexual reproduction
Differences between Asexual and sexual reproduction:– asexual mode of reproduction is the formation of new individual without involving the formation and fusion of gametes whereas sexual reproduction involves fusion of two sex gametes to form new individual.
Sexual reproduction is also known as syngamy, it involves complete and permanent fusion of two hapload gametes to form diploid zygote, it is the most common method of sexual reproduction. Gametes involves are of two types of sperm in ovum, sperm also called microgamete is minute microscopic and motile gametes formed by spermatogenesis in reproductive organ called testis. Ovum is macro gemete is large spherical and non motile and is formed by oogenesis in reproductive organ called ovary.
Differences between Asexual and sexual reproduction are given in the following table:-
★ Asexual reproduction:-
1) there is only one parents are involved in asexual reproduction that’s why it is uniparental reproduction
2) gametes are not formed and fuse in this reproduction
3) in Asexual mode of reproduction only mitotic cell division is occurs
4) generally somatic cells of parents are involved in reproduction
5) rate of reproduction is faster
6) unit of asexual reproduction is whole parent body or bud or body fragment
7) it is found in only lower invertebrates and lower chordates.
8) nature of daughter cells involved in asexual reproduction are genetically similar to parents
★ Sexual reproduction:-
1) in this reproduction there is two parents involved, so it is biparental
2) there is formation of male and female gametes and their fusion to form diploid zygote
3) in sexual mode of reproduction meiosis occurs at the time of gametogenesis, mitosis occurs after fertilization
4) nature of cells that are involved in sexual reproduction are germ cells of parent
5) rate of reproduction is slower
6) unit of reproduction in sexual mode of reproduction is gametes
7) it is found in higher plants and animals
8) nature of daughter which are produced in sexual reproduction are genetically different from parents
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