Difference between Anemophilous flowers and Entomophilous flower, hi guys in this article we know about what is anemophilous flower and its definition and also know about what is entomophilous flower its meaning and definition.

Difference between Anemophilous flowers and Entomophilous flower
Anemophilous flower those flower in which cross pollination is taking place by external means of agency wind. Wind pollinated flower are known as anemophilous flower. Example of anemophilous flower are coconut, Palm, date Palm, Cannabis, Zea mays and grasses etc, exhibit the following character which favour wind pollination.
Entomophilous flower are those flower in which cross pollination taking place by means of external insect. Insect pollinated flower is known as Entomophilous. For example Jasmine, Rafflesia, euphorbia, bougainvillea salvia, fig, Viola, etc are good insect pollinated flower.
Difference between Anemophilous flowers and Entomophilous flowers is, wind pollinated flower is anemophilous. Flower small in size, not brightly coloured, odourless,nectar is absent, produce large quantity of pollen grains, stigma is branched or hairy, pollination is non- directional,Pollen Grain light and unwettable are characteristics of anemophilous flower whereas insect pollinated flower is entomophilous. Large size flower, brightly coloured, huge quantity of Nectar and directional pollination is characteristics of entomophilous flower.
Pollination taking place by wind external means of agency is known as Anemophily and pollination taken place by insect external means of agency is known as entomophily.
What is Difference between Anemophilous flowers and Entomophilous flowers
If you want to know about difference between anemophilous and entomophilous flower here is given table:-
Anemophilous flowers:-
1) it bear a small size flower they produce a very large quantity of dusty pollen for example a single flower of Cannabis can produce over 500000 pollen grains.
2) wind pollinated flowers are inconspicous and not showy and not brightly coloured.
3) they are devoid of scent and nectar, it is odourless.
4) movement of pollen grain is non directional and may be taken to long distance. Winged pollen grains of pinus have been found at hundreds of kilometres away from the nearest pinus forest and describe as sulphur shower.
5) the pollen grains are dry and unwettable.
Entomophilous flowers:-
1) It is large flower or present in groups to show conspicuous appearance.
2) the insect pollinated flowers are beautifully coloured. In flowers mostly petals are brightly coloured, sometimes when flowers themselves are not conspicuous, other parts may become coloured and Showy to attract the insects.
3) they produce huge quantity of nectar for feeding the visiting insects. Nectariferous glands are present at such position on floral parts to encounter the anthers and stigma.
4) In entomophilous plants, the pollen grains become sticky or spiny so that they may easily get attached with the body of visiting insects.
5) To catch the pollen grains, the stigma become sticky.
6) The insect pollinated flowers are fragrant and omit scent and odour eg Cestrum, jasmine, etc. Rafflesia gives out obnoxious and repelling odours.
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